Hey everyone god how long has it been? sorry but my mind went blank
then sorry to say I really didnt feel like writting but im not
ginving up on this story ok

The Actress Chapter Six

Serena's POV

When I woke up again I was very surprised to find Darien laying in front of me. He was very close to me actually. But I didn't move an inch. why had he slept here with me. My eyes travelled down to where my hand held him sleeve tightly. Oh well it was my fault. When my eyes found his face I was amazed at the beauty of it. His hair fell over to his eye. My hands itched to touch it. my eyes stopped at his lips, they were thin but full. I bit down on my lips to stop myself from kissing him right there. Why was my body feeling this way? How did he have so much control over me?

I blushed like there was no tomorrow when his eyes opened and stared into my own. My breathe caught when I saw his stormy blue eyes. The were so mesmerizing. I couldn't looks away.

" Hi are you feeling better?" His voice brought me back to reality. But I still didn't have the use of my voice so I nodded. "Good ere ill go make some dinner" I watch him go and sigh when he was out of sight. I couldn't believe this was the same man I despised only a few hours ago. Was I wrong about him.

I remembered my way to the kitchen, where I found him preparing what looked like home made lasagne. What was he superman. He can cook? I heard a chuckle when I looked up at his face. "What?" I asked annoyed. " You looked puzzled what you think just because I've got a pretty face I cant cook?" I nodded and he chuckled more. Its funny I actually like that sound of his laughter.

" Ere can I have a shower?" I asked I really needed one. The hot water would do me some good. " Yea sure ere I'll get you something to wear. The bathroom is down the hall" I nodded and thanked him before leaving.

"Ahhh..." The water felt great. I stood in the shower feeling the hot water run down my aching body. I walked into his room to find that he had place some cloths for me on the bed.

Darien's POV

I finally finished making dinner and put the final touches to the table settings. I was about to call for Serena when I hear noise coming from behind me. I turned to see her standing there in my shirt that reached her mid thigh. Her legs were beautiful, so long and slender. She didn't put on the jogging bottom I gave her. I wonder why? I guess she could tell what I was think as she chose to answer it.

" They didn't fit" I nodded asking if she wanted something else she said she was fine and sat down. " Oh my god I forgot to call Mina, could I use your phone?" I nodded and gave her the phone. I watched her dial and wait for someone to answer. " Mina? oh Andrew can I speak to Mina please thanks"
Right then she caught my attention. Andrew? was it just a coincidence?
probably. I let it go.

When she finished she stared at me. "Ere I hope you like lasagne" I nodded to the food. "You really didn't have to. I'm sorry for being a burden I can leave If you wish" She looked like she was going right then and there with or with out my answer. " No stay I-I want you too." I don't no why but I really wanted her too. She looked at me for a while then nodded.

Mina's POV

"Drew can I believe it" I was shocked Sere at Darien's apartment? what was going on I thought she hated him. I walked over and sat down next to Andrew.

"Believe what Mina?" Andrew put an arm around me and held me closer to him.
I breathed in his sent and wrapped my arm around his waist.

" Serena is at Darien's apartment" I saw Andrew turn to face me. " I knew he like her!"

My eyes widened "Really?? Oh my god they would make the cutest couple!" I squealed

I really wanted Sere to finally find someone again. A while back she had a very committed relationship with Seiya they were very much in love but it all came crashing down when he was in a car accident. He didn't survive.
Serena went though a very rough patch then, trying to live her life without him was one of the hardest things she had ever done. It took her time but she learned to slowly live her life again. I hope she can find happiness again. Maybe this Darien guy is the one?

Serena's POV

Dinner was lovely he really did know how to cook. It was weird that we were so comfortable with each other. It did scare me a lot I have never been so comfortable with a man ever since Seiya. we had talked about everything. I learned that he love chocolate as much as me. That he was training to became a doctor. He wanted to give up being and actor soon. I really couldn't believe what a lovely person he was. I had never known. Normally when you see an actor they love being rich and would give it up.

" So what do you think of the movie? You love all that happy ending stuff"
Darien asked

I took a sip of my drink before answering. " happy endings are stories that haven't finished yet." I looked into his eyes and saw that he was a little taken back by my answer.

" You really believe that?" I never used to before what happen to Seiya. I thought that my life was set and that me and Seiya would be together forever. But life just doesn't happen like that.

" Of course, good things never last I know" I whispered. The pain and fear welling up inside me again. I tried my hardest to push it away. But it will never leave me.

Darien's POV

Talking to Serena was very fun. We had some things in common. she was very sweet.
I was very surprised to find that she thought that way about life. She was such a loving and happy girl how could she think like that? what had happen to make her feel that way?

I saw a single tear run down her face. I got up immediately and was by her side in a second. "I'm sorry I just remembered him all over again" I held her in my arms gently as she cried out her story. She must really trust me to tell me this. He must have really meant something to her. " Shhh don't cry I'm hear with you. I know what its like to loose some one" She would probably be the first person cept Andrew who would know of my parents and their death. " I know, I know I lost my parents when I was young" I told her everything the deep pain inside me rose when I told her. Flashes of unknown memories ran thought my head. I don't even remember them to this day. When they found me I had amnesia. I don't even know if Darien is my real name. "
Oh Darien" She held on to me tighter her arms coming up to my neck while I wrapped mine around her slender waist.

Once she stopped crying we just held each other for the longest time. I've never felt so safe and warm. I pulled away slightly so I could see her face.
She gave me a weak yet beautiful smile. " Thank you for being here with me"
I whispered. Our faces slowly moved closer till we were inches apart both feeling each others breath on our lips. I moved first brushing my lips ever so lightly on hers. Then we both pushed harder, needing to feel with our lips. We both needed comfort.

I began to teasingly nibbled and suck her lower lip. She gave a moan that just urged me on. I let my tongue slowly dance with hers.

I groaned when she brought up one leg and wrapped it around my waist. I almost couldn't take the sensations I felt. I swiftly brought up her other leg and wrapped it tightly round me, I heard her cry out. Her thigh was so soft and smooth. She was driving me crazy, I roughly pushed her up against the nearest wall. And ravished her mouth harder before moving to her neck.
She tasted to sweet. "Holy shit" I groaned into her neck. She had her hand under my shirt and was running her hand down my body and stopped briefly at my waist. Before move up again. I couldn't take it any more I quickly moved towards my bedroom and kicked the door shut.

well ill prob do some more about serena and seiya's background in the next chap. Hope you enjoyed .

Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all.
One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret,greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility,
kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith"
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:
"Which wolf wins"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed"

Hi this is a reply back to Tabby Kat

Well I think people can interprate Two Wolves the way they want. Personally yes I believe that everyone has a battle going on inside and that it is you that decides which "wolf" will win. As the old Cherokee said " the one you feed"

And to anwer your other question im from thailand .