Hey there everybody! I got the idea to make a Xaiolin Showdown Mary-Sue parody a while ago, and here it is! Each chapter is about the same 'Sue falling in love with a different person. Cause you know how all those stories follow a trend. For anyone who doesn't know what a Mary-Sue is, what are you doing here? And I'm just gonna warn you now, this story goes WAY over the top. As I said each chapter is a different guy, the first one it Raimundo. Enjoy:

"Children we have a new dragon joining the team." Master Fung announced to the other monks while they were training. "Her name is Jill." Master Fung then stepped aside reveling the girl.

She had long brown hair that came all the way to her ankles. Her hair was a bright as the sun and super shiny and soft. Her eyes were bright purple and glowed. She was skinny enough to be anorexic and was taller than everybody else. She had about four tattoos and a bunch of scars that somehow didn't make her seem any less pretty. She was perfect in everyway and anyone who saw her thought she was beautiful.

"Master why have we had like twenty new team members in a year, all with the name Jill?" Raimundo asked. Before he could answer Rai's gaze shifted to Jill. His mouth fell open in shock. "H-H-Hi…" He stuttered, cause you know, Jill was just too dang pretty!

"Jill, why don't you introduce yourself?" Master Fung suggested.

"Okay!" Jill replied in a shrill-bubbly-voice. "Okay I'm like the dragon of like lightness, darkness, rainbows, cookies, butterflies, chocolate, thunder, soap, beauty, lighting, psychic stuff, the moon, then sun, the clouds, cake, babies, animals, and hairbrushes…That's like it, right Master Fung?"

"I think you may have forgotten some stuff Jill, but that's okay. I'm going to go do what us old people do. You know walking away and doing nothing so you guys can fall in love and goof off without me noticing, because I'm obviously so oblivious to everything." Master Fung explained and then left.

"Oh yeah and I'm the dragon of ether." Jill said.

"What's ether?" Clay asked.

"I have no idea!" Jill shrieked in her little annoying voice. "But it's my power! And like just so you like know, I could like take over the world but like I'm still to weak to like defend myself so like you gotta be careful cause like I think like in chapter two Jack Spicer is gonna like kidnap me." Jill explained.

"Okay Jill, we'll be sure to act like the helpless people we are so you can save the day too." Kimiko replied.

"That would like be like great!" Jill said back. She like liked saying like, like a lot, if you couldn't like tell. Like, like, like, like, like.

"Wow Jill…you're pretty…" Raimundo said stupidly.

"Oh my god, I like know!" Jill replied.

"You're so hot. I think this is love at first sight." Rai replied being completely "In-Character."

"Oh my god, Rai, I like love you." Jill said and walked over to him. Clay, Kim, and Omi, who had mysteriously not said anything during the introduction because we all know he doesn't like to talk a lot, left to leave the two "love-birds" alone.

"Me to Jill." Rai replied and came closer until they were almost touching.

"Oh my god lets like make out!" Jill yelled and pulled Rai into a hot, hot, kiss.

"Raimundo! Why?" Kimiko cried from the temple, because it's so dang obvious that she likes him! I mean why else would she shove him off every time he makes a move on her? (A/N: I hate Raikim…Erm, back to the story.)

"Young love is so great." Omi finally spoke while watching Jill and Rai eat each others faces.

"Mmm I want some barbeque steak because clearly the only thing I care about is food." Clay explained.

"Jill…I…Love…You…So…Much…Don't…Ever…Leave…Me…" Raimundo said between gasps or air.

"Same here Rai!" Jill told him when she pulled away. "Rai I like love you so much…Oh my god, lets do it!" And the happy new couple walked away arm-in-arm...

Well…That was something new and odd. I hoped you enjoyed the first part of The Xiaolin Sue Parodies. I actually have a lot of people to thank for helping to put this idea in my head, but it's a long list that I'd rather not do now. But I'll get around to it. Anyway please review, and if you hated it, then flame. I want to know if there someone out there who's actually going to defend the dreaded Mary-Sues. And sorry about the OOCness, but hey, that's what Mary-Sues do! Review!