I…have…a serious problem…no matter how hard I try…I just…can't stop this fic…I just can't…Well no more, this is the last chapter! For real! For serious! FOR CEREAL! Right, well enjoy:

(Nine months later…)

"WAH!" Jill shrieked one day. A shriek so loud that some nearby animals rolled over and died. "Like WAH!"

"Jill what is it?" Master Fung asked annoyed since her whining had woken them all up.

"I'm Like…(sob)…Like…(sob)…Like…(sob)…Like…(sob)…Like…" This continued for eight minutes while the rest of the temple gathered. "I'm like…(sob)…FAT!" Then she left out another shriek.

"Jill you are such an idiot!" Kimiko finally yelled after Jill's wailing slowed down.

"Like…what, like?"

"You aren't fat! You're pregnant!"

Jill screamed for thirty seconds straight, stopping at four second intervals to say 'like.'

"WHAT?" She finally asked. "Like."

Kimiko slammed her head against a desk that magically appeared out of no where. "Think about you! Nine months ago when Raimundo insisted that we rescue you from that pit at the contest you were fine, right? Then you slowly started to get bigger –at this Jill gasped offended- and now you look ready to pop! You've been eating the same way you always did, right?

"Like, yep." Jill nodded. "One meal a day and a nice throw-up every week."

Kimiko groaned. "Didn't need to know that…anyway, my point is you aren't fat, you're pregnant. Well, actually, you are fat, but that isn't the point."

There was a pause. Jill's face grew into a steady glare.

"You like know what I like think Kimiko, like?" Jill asked. Before Kimiko could utter 'don't know, don't care' Jill spoke again. "I think you are like a jealous like ugly like slut! And like a like whore like!"

There was a silence.


There was another pause.

"Like exactly…"


"Soooooooooo…" Raimundo said casually. "Am I the father?!?!11!!!11!one! shift + 1!"

"Hmm like mmm…I don't like know, like." Jill looked puzzled rocking back and forth on her large stomach. "Well there like aren't like a big possibility of like men or anything like…it could only be like…one or like two guys…or like…maybe…it like could be like um…" She got very quite and squeaked the answer. "Eight."

"EIGHT!" Everyone yelled in unison.

"There's only twelve guys in the fandom!" Clay exclaimed.

"And that's counting the ones only in one or two episodes!" Omi added.

"Jill…who's in this group of eight?" Dojo asked.

"Well lets like see…I like did it with like Rai,"

Rai smiled.

"Then like Spicer,"

Rai scowled deeply.

"Oh! And then I like did it with Chase, that was like awesome, even though like he's like my father in like chapter five."

"Actually you never did it with Chase." Master Fung stated blatantly. "You just said you would. The author never wrote the scene because it would disturb her too much."

"Oh like shut like up like old man! You're only jealous cause I didn't like do it with like you!" Jill said outraged. "Anyway like the list doesn't matter. Besides, I'm like having an emotional like break like down here!"

"You are?" Everyone blinked, puzzled.

"Yes, like." She breathed. "This like reminds me of the time in like elementary school…"

"What time in elementary school?" Kimiko asked.

Suddenly the lights dimmed and focused on Jill like a spot light.

"You like may find this like hard to believe…" Jill began. "But I Jill, the xiaolin dragon of lightness, darkness, rainbows, cookies, butterflies, chocolate, thunder, soap, beauty, lighting, telekeneis, the moon, the sun, the clouds, cake, babies, animals, healing, hairbrushes, cows, horse radish, bananas, ether, dragons, bugs, lakes, and incredibly shiny-hair, was once," She breathed in deeply, "The fat kid." She said dramatically.

Shrieks and gasps came from the audience…the fic audience that is…the reader audience was laughing….right…

"You may think I'm just like exaggerating, like," Jill continued, "But I'm like not!"

"Oh my God, she's like not!" Kimiko couldn't help but snicker. Jill glared at Kim. Kimiko wrapped her arms around Rai and stuck her tongue out. Jill looked like she was going to faint.

"Everyday people would like tease me…" She continued. "They would like call me fatty…and like lardo…and like…fatty…" Jill continued. "And they used to be like 'hey Jill, like why are you so like perfect but so like fat at the same time?' and everyday I would like go home and like cry…because…(sob)…I was like…(sob)…like…(sob)…so like…(sob)…FAT!"

Jill continued for another three hours describing her torment of being the fat kid.

"When I think back on it I'm so like disgusted…I mean like, I was so like fat! I was like 130 pounds!"

Everyone's face dropped and they started to glare.

"A hundred thirty?" Kimiko asked, her voice raising. "A HUNDRED AND THIRTY? Jill there are people out there who can't even move they're so obese and you're talking about being ten-"


"Fifteen pounds over weight?" Kimiko continued. "Gosh Jill, I just can't…I just…You…I JUST CANNOT BELIEVE YOU!"

"OH MY GOD!" Jill suddenly screeched.

"What?" The boys all asked worried.

"I'm going into labor!" Jill shrieked.

Kimiko turned to the readers. "Folks, it doesn't work anything like this…"

(At the hospital)

"Oh like no!" Jill exclaimed. "I just like remembered! Like when me and Josh were born-"

"Did somebody say Josh?" All of sudden Josh and series of New York rockets and French can-can dancers came parading into the hospital room. And while they twirled and danced a large marching ban came in and played a tune while Josh enthusiastically blinked.

"Don't you mean winked?" Kimiko asked the narrator, but Josh answered.

"No! I blink now!" He then blinked. "Winking is so last year…" blink blink blink.

"ANY LIKE WAY!" Jill yelled diverting the attention back to her. "When like me and like Josh were like born we both came out at the same time! What if my babies do that!"

"Wait, what babies?" Josh blinked, he was out of the loop.

"I'm like pregnant you like idiot, like!"

"Oh! I thought you were just fat again!" Josh blinked in surprised. Jill started crying again.

All of sudden the door creaked open…

"I thought I might join you…" Rebekah said softly, emerging from the door.

"OH MY GOD LIKE THE BABIES ARE COMING!" All of sudden Jill EXPLODED with a powerful perfect "Poof!"

Her perfect guts showered around the room, somehow avoiding all the people. She was now in a million perfect pieces. Her mouth piece was left on her hospital pillow.

"Holy like crap!" The mouth exclaimed.

But no one paid attention because they were too busy looking at the babies. Yes, babIES. There were eight babies, each resembling their fathers…

"Let' see, there's Rai…" Kimiko pointed, Rai picked up his child. "That one is Jack's…Oh! There's Chase Young's! Eww…it has six toes…Okay….um…there's…CLAYS?"

"Yeah…we sorta got carried away one day, partner…" Clay cradled the blonde baby.

"And…oh no…" Kimiko groaned looking at yellow and bald baby. "Omi?"

Omi grabbed the baby in a way that clearly showed he had never held one before. "Jill taught me a most wonderful thing called s-"

"TOO MUCH INFO!" Kimiko screamed. "What about that green slithery one…er…Dojo?"

Dojo sniffed and started crying. "I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M A PARENT!"

"Okay…" Kim continued. "Oh my gosh, is that big red one…Cyclop's?"

"Yeah, like!" Jill's mouth shrieked. "You should see that guy in b-"

"JILL PLEASE!" Kimiko screamed. "And so…that little pale one that isn't crying or making a sound must be…Le Mime's? Holy crap Jill…I can't believe you…"

Finally the babies were given to their rightful, "happy," fathers but there was still one problem…

"Like, guys, will you like take care of my like mouth while I like generate a new like body?"

"Of course Jill's…mouth!" Raimundo exclaimed.

"NOOOOOOOOO! DON'T DO IT!" Rebekah yelled, snatched up Jill's mouth made a fist and threw out a window…into a children's park a few blocks away… "THERE MUST BE NO MORE NEW CHAPTERS!"

"Hey mommie look!" A little boy exclaimed when the perfect polished mouth landed in front of him. "A mouth! It's a mouth!"

"Uh-huhm yeah sweetie, a mouth." His mother said with out looking up from her book. The boy rallied up his friends and they all grabbed some sticks filed into points..

"Let's poke it!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah!" He friends echoed. And they all took turns poking Jill's lips to oblivion…


Yeah…don't ask, just review.