Zelgadis ran as fast as his legs could carry him, trying to get as far away as possible.

"I was such an idiot! Why did I even try?"

Zelgadis cursed himself as he ran, trying to put the recent betrayal behind him as he tried to think what his next course of action should be.

(Ooh, opening of mystery...)

The trip had been rather uneventful. Actually, most of her recent excursions into the outside world had been uneventful as of late. Amelia couldn't help but sigh. How could she go Questing for Justice if there was no justice to be had?

"Maybe it's time to go round up some evildoing bandits, just like Miss Lina!" Amelia folded her arms and nodded her head in approval. It definitely wasn't as fun to do alone, but it would be a small challenge, and that's what she was out here for, right?

"Okay! So it's decided!" Amelia stood up from her chair and pointed to the skies, no doubt causing nearby people to stop and stare. Amelia became aware of a few people whispering, but she brushed it aside. She took a few coins out and placed them next to her finished meal, then headed out of the quaint restaurant.

It was a bright and sunny day outside, just as she had left it. To the untrained eye it would have seemed a perfectly normal day, but Amelia knew better. She knew that evildoers lurked, even on the sunniest days. She glanced about, looking for a town hall, a message board, or even a citizen in distress. Anything that would alert her to wrongs in need of righting.

Just as she spied what appeared to be a local message board, she heard a distant cry of alarm.

"Someone in trouble!" Without a second thought, Amelia dashed toward the sound of the cry. She came upon a group of people massed around a frightened man.

"What is it? What happened?" People all about pressed the man for answers.

The frightened man took a moment to collect himself. "I was out gathering in the forest...when...when I saw it." He gasped for air.

"What did you see?" The crowd pressed further.

"I-it was huge! Had giant wings, and sharp fangs! Most unnatural thing I ever...it was a monster!" The man looked to his fellows in fright.

Amelia stepped forward. "Did it attack you?"

The man stopped to search out the unfamiliar voice. He blinked when he saw a young girl staring back at him. "Uh, no. I don't think it saw me. I ran in fright as soon as I saw it come near."

"Where was it? How far away was it?" Amelia looked intently at the man.

The man scratched his head, and looked over his shoulder. "Can't say exactly. I was a bit too scared out of my wits, you got to realize. 'Twas a way down the road and a ways in the forest, that's for sure." He looked questioningly at Amelia. "You're not thinking of going to look for it, are you?"

Amelia shook her head. "No, I intend to search it out, and if it turns out to be evil, I shall smite it with the Hammer of Justice!" She pumped her fist in anticipation.

The crowd and the man all gasped in awe. "But miss, aren't you a little young to be out there alone? 'Tis dangerous."

Amelia stood up to her full height. "Nonsense! I've been crusading against evil for the past two years at least! A mere monster isn't going to faze me."

Some in the crowd applauded, others cried tears of joy. Many others just gave each other a look. Surely this girl couldn't be for real...

The man clasped onto Amelia's hands. "Oh miss, if you were to rid us of this frightful beast, we would be so thankful!" Suddenly his face fell. "...but we are not very well off, and would not be able to pay you much, if at all."

Amelia shook her head. "I do not do this for monetary gain, but to bring about justice to those who cannot attain it themselves. Why, to even ask for a reward is the pinnacle of selfishness! Fear not, dear citizens, for I, Amelia, will rid you of this fearsome beast!"

With cheering from the crowd, Amelia marched out of the town with a sole purpose in mind. She couldn't help but smile to herself as she got further down the road. "If only Daddy could see me. He would be so proud!"

As she got farther away from the village, she spied discarded berries and other bounties from the forest scattered about the road. The frightened man must have been gathering food when he encountered the beast, inadvertently leaving a trail. Amelia gave herself a mental pat on the back for her honed detective skills as she followed the trail, which sure enough, led into the forest.

The farther into the forest she went, the quieter it got. Eventually Amelia couldn't even hear a single bird's call, or the irate chatter of local squirrels. Amelia couldn't help but give a small shudder, before steeling herself to continue on. It was close, she could sense it.

She heard a slight rustle. So slight she thought it to be her imagination, but then she saw something disappear into the nearby brush. It was here. Amelia took a battle stance and exclaimed, "You cannot hide from me, monster! Come out, or I will be forced to drag you out by the swift Hand of Justice!"

Amelia was answered with silence. Her eyes narrowed as she clenched her fist. "That was your warning! Now prepare yourself...for..." she grew silent as she realized that whatever had been before her was no longer there. Even though she hadn't seen it, she could sense it, and now she couldn't sense anything at all. It was if it had completely vanished! ...or perhaps...

A slight rustle from behind caused her to look over her shoulder. As she gazed at the bush, a looming figure burst out and struck at her! Amelia yelped in fright and forced herself to face the monster, preparing to cast a spell at it. Something collided with her legs, knocking her to the ground.

The last thing Amelia saw was long, dagger-like teeth coming at her, before all faded to darkness...

(No! Destined to be munched on!)

The creature in question gazed down at Amelia, sniffing tentatively at her still form. It looked about the clearing, as if unsure what to do, before seizing a hold of her cape in its sharp teeth and dragging her along the forest floor.

To be continued...

Author's notes: So, how's that for an opening chapter? All I have to say is...Amelia is scary when she's by herself! (Yet, it was so much fun to write!)

This has been my "top secret" fic for well over a year now. The idea originally came to me in a very messed up dream, which I fixed up and changed a lot. I was actually afraid of writing it because I have done similar fics in the past (if only in appearance, since this went in a direction I'd not really planned), but then a wonderful fic came along!

...I'm referring to Raven Summersong's "A Steady Wish". (Go read it if you haven't already!) Actually, the only reason this story exists is because Raven Summersong gave me the encouragement to write it, so this fanfic is dedicated to her. (Thank you again! It was fun to collaborate our ideas!)

I have most of this written out already (and many chapters yet to go), so people don't need to fear me taking over 2 years to finish it. I'm going to try and post up a chapter a week...most likely on Saturday or Sunday since those are the days I'm not busy with college.

Next time: Amelia's gaze also fell to the sword in her hand, and she dropped it in shock. She hadn't noticed before, but now that she had seen the hilt, there was no mistaking it. That was Zelgadis' sword... She looked at the beast, tears in her eyes. "What did you do to him?"