So this is it the last chapter well enjoy. After this I'll be working on developing 'Forbidden Love' & 'Sacrifice' more & possibly start a new story. I get bored.

Disclaimer: After all these chapters something tells me that this chapter isn't any different.


Three Months Later…

Sango & I had been married for three months & our friends decided to treat us to dinner I would have preferred a nice restaurant but instead we were invited to Inuyasha's place. As we ate our dinners I noticed Sango ate very little, she mostly just pushed the food around her plate with a fork. It wasn't like her at all considering yesterday she had the appetite of a cow.

"What?" she snapped

"Honey I didn't say anything" I responded

"Maybe not but you were looking at me funny & it irritates me"

"Come on Miroku, cleanin' kitchens is woman's work" Inuyasha said

"Woman's work?" Kagome shouted

"Yeah. You cook it, you clean it babe"

As we exited the kitchen I still couldn't figure out why Sango had such a pissy attitude with me.

"You know if it wasn't for his dimples I would have left him a long time ago" Kagome said

"Kagome I've seen Inuyasha smile a bunch of times & I don't remember ever seeing dimples" Kagura stated

"I don't mean his face"

"You mean he has ass dimples?" Ayame asked in disbelief

"Yeah & they are so cute &…"

"Do we really have to talk about Inuyasha's crusty ass after we just ate" Sango snapped

A hush of silence swept over the kitchen as Kagome just stood there drying the same plate over & over with a shocked look on her face she glanced over at Kagura & then to Ayame who had the same look on their faces.

"Okay since no one else is going to ask, I will. What the hell is your problem?" Kagura demanded

"Nothing I just don't feel very well that's all" Sango replied "I'm a couple of weeks late & it's just really making me feel bad"

"Have you checked to see if you're pregnant?" Ayame asked

"No, because I'm not pregnant. I can't be we've only been married for three months"

"Honey as horny as that thing is, it's definitely not impossible" Kagura added trying to bring Sango back to reality.

"I have one of those home pregnancy test things, I just bought it & I think you should use it" Kagome said

"Fine I'll use it but I'm telling you it's going to be negative"

"How can you just sit there & be so calm?" Kagome asked

"Because it's negative" Sango said as she rolled her eyes & walked into the bathroom to check the results. She emerged moments later. "So how accurate is this thing?"

"Ninety-nine percent accurate" Kagome responded

"So there's a one-percent chance this thing is wrong right?"

"You mean it's positive?"

"I hate pink"

The car ride home was quiet; the conversation once home was no different. I had no idea what was wrong with her, on the way to Inuyasha's she bit my head off the way over there & on the way home she says nothing; doesn't even look at me.

"Miroku I think we need to talk" she said.

'Oh God, not that we need to talk line, never good, especially for the man'

"How soon did you… want children?"

"Anytime is good with me because I love how you get them"

"Well we'll be having one in about eight months. I'm pregnant, probably a month along"

"…Pregnant? You mean my baby's gonna have a baby?"

"Don't get your hope's up, remember what happened last time"

"Honey that was then this is now. We're gonna have that baby & then another one & then another & then maybe one more &…"

"Miroku, one at a time please"

"A baby, there's gonna be a little Miroku running around"

Eight Months Later…

Sango's pregnancy was like a roller coaster ride, one day she hated me; the nest day she loved me. We had one scare during the pregnancy & we were afraid we'd be living the same nightmare as before but everything turned out just fine. When we got the first ultrasound done I was cloud nine, Sango on the other hand was so shocked she couldn't say anything.

"Get him out of here" Sango said out of breathe

"Sango I'm the father I get to stay"

"Don't remind me."

"Honey it can't be that hard"

"Miroku you're further pissing me off. I'm sweating from every pore that my body has, I hurt in places that shouldn't hurt, & in a minute they'll be giving me an epidural in… my… back. Here's the best part there's two that want out not one but two, your horny ass got me pregnant with twins. So don't mess with me."

"Okay Mrs. Nakamura we're going to give you the epidural now & get these babies out"

I had never been in the same room with any woman giving birth & now I knew why. The reasons were obvious besides the fact that it grossed me out, these were the only children I had ever fathered & until now I had no reason to be in there. I was a father… a father I had waited so long for those words, me a father.

"Congratulations daddy" Sango said as she held Haruko in her arms.

"Congratulations to you too mommy" I replied holding Toshi.

"Now Miroku that's get a few things straight okay. I don't want my sons coming home from their first day of school with red hand prints on their faces or notes from the teacher because they grabbed a little girl on the butt. Understand?"


"Miroku? Did you hear me?"

"Yes honey. They'll wait until their teenagers & then they'll start taking after daddy"


"I was joking, they'll be perfect gentlemen"

Five Years Later… Sango POV

"Hi mommy" Haruko said as he ran through the door.

"Hi honey. How was your first day at school?" I asked

"It was great. I made a lot of new friends"

"Where's your brother?"

"He's comin'… I'm gonna go see daddy"

As Toshi walked through the door he handed me a note.

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Nakamura:

I would like to have a meeting tomorrow afternoon after school to discuss Toshi's behavior.


Ms. Yamaguchi

"What did you do?"

Toshi looked up at me & grinned.

'That grin… that perverted little grin, I've seen that grin before but… oh my God. It's Miroku made over!'

"My hand touched heaven today"

"Excuse me?"

"I touched Akane's butt"


"Whatever Happened to…"

Inuyasha & Kagome: They eventually got married & had one child named Shippo, & then they separated & got right back together. Inuyasha's ass dimples are now a favorite topic around the office. Who knew for that matter who would want to?

Sesshomaru & Kagura: Engaged but not married yet, they have two girls Rin & Kanna & a dog named Jaken.

Koga & Ayame: They got married two years after we did; they also have twin boys Ginta & Hakkaku.

Muso: He now has a girlfriend according to Sango, he calls sometimes. She told me what Naraku wanted him to do at our wedding but I know why he didn't do it; he still has feelings for her. As long as he's in Kyoto & we're in Tokyo it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Naraku: He eventually had congestive heart failure & died. All those years of drugs & drinking heavily finally took its toll on his heart. Who knew he even had a heart? Knowing him he's probably trying to take over hell at this very moment, Satan will probably be out of a job before long.

The End

A/N: Haruko means 'First Born' (the name is obvious, he was born first) & Toshi means 'Mirror Image' (perfect name considering he took after Miroku). Review! Please!

A BIG thank you to all my reviewers & to everyone who put me on their favorite & alert lists. To be honest I never thought my story that was a product of boredom would get so many reviews. So thank you, you guys are great.