Chapter 20 – Matrimony

The wedding day came and it was held in the Sohma's main house. Shigure was not the groom and Ayame was not the best man. The groom and his best man stood in front of the podium and behind it was Akito; he was in charge of the wedding ceremony. Everyone was waiting for the bride's arrival, her final step forward into the world and becoming a woman. The chapel bells chimed and the wedding march started. Tohru entered and escorted by Shigure down the aisle. Everyone was mesmerized by her charm as she walked to her groom. He was full with contentment as he waited stunningly in his tuxedo.

The wedding started and Akito recited the holy matrimony idiom. First he addressed Kyo and then Tohru. Both said, "I do," and exchanged wedding bands. Akito continued, "You may kiss the bride." The groom kissed his bride and everyone went soggy, tears of happiness were shared from the bride and groom to all their guests. As they left the chapel, the bride's bouquet was thrown high into the sky and landed in Kagura's hands. Everyone was surprise, yet smiled and knew that it was an indication that she would also find her happiness in a nearby future very soon.

During the banquet, family and friends, one after another gave their blessing to the newly wed. Akito, for once wasn't mad at all, he maintained a straight face, yet it glowed with approval. Hatori advised them to take good care of each other. Shigure and Ayame gave them two big squeezes. Yuki and Hana congratulated them; both were blushing at the thought of marriage. Uo warned Kyo to watch his back and if she ever finds that he hurt Tohru in any way, then she would have to kill him personally. Kagura said that she was sorry for all the troubles that she caused. Kisa and Hiro had a lot of fun and were also feeling a bit embarrassed as they come to age and realized their feelings for each other. Haru gave Kyo a big smack on the back and Momiji admired Tohru with teary eyes.

It was finally Kazuma's turn; he gave his son a gentle pat on the shoulder. He was very pleased to see Kyo all grown up and found his happiness. Kyo immediately returned a smile, expressing his appreciation and thank him for caring and looking after him all these time. Kyo knew well in his heart that his master loved him and he also loved his master, more than just a mentor; Kyo loved his master like a father.

Tohru didn't have many relatives. Her grandpa came to bless her, "My child… you grew up to be a fine bride." She hugged him to thank him for everything that he had given her, all his support and all the love that he had spare for her after her parents were gone from her life.

The wedding ended and the bride and groom were sent off to their new home provided by the Sohmas as a wedding gift. They took some time to tour their new home. The house was big as big as Shigure's place. It was furnished with appliances and furniture and everything was new and spotless.

As the sun set; the newly wed visited their bedroom. Both were a little embarrassed yet happy all the same. Kyo carried his love to their nest and laid her down. "You're so beautiful." He said as he caressed her face and parted her lips.

"Kyo…" She pulled him down with her arms wrapping him against her chest. He could hear her heart beat; it was pounding strong and fast.

"Tohru…" He lifted his weight off her. "I will never let you leave me ever again. You belong to me and I belong to you…" He said candidly as he pulled off his tie and threw it beside the bed. He move up to find her lips and said in his kiss. "I want to be a part of you... forever."

"Kyo…" She moaned his name as he deepened the kiss, thrusting inside of her, tasting, and exchanging their wetness. His hands were sliding, touching her where she'd never been touched before. She broke away and sat up to catch her breath. "Kyo… I…"

"What's wrong?" He breathed.

"I'm scared." She said timidly. "I… I don't have experience."

"I'm glad to hear that. This is my first time, too." He whispered as he pressed their lips together.

She blushed and looked away as he removed his coat and unbuttoned his shirts. He took her and hand placed it on his exposed chest. "Feel my heart; it's throbbing just for you." He said.

She bended the tips of her fingers just little as she looked at him. His tan skin was smooth; it glided nicely along the touch of her hand as she moved in closer to rub her cheek against it. She could also hear his heartbeat; it had been a rhythm that she found captivating. "This feels good." She said and her body tensed by her touch and his heart beat.

"Tohru… I want to see you… to see everything…" He said as he reached for the zipper behind her dress.

She looked up at him and gave him her approval.

He slowly pulled the zipper down, dropping the strapless dress from her chest, inch by inch, until it rested on her waist. He smiled at the gorgeous body before him as he found her lips again. He kissed her until she fell back onto the soft mattress. Arms were exploring, skins were touching and legs intertwining as Kyo found the remaining garment of Tohru's dress and kicked it away with his legs.

Instinct took over.

A paradise of yearning, love, lust and serenity found them as they continued to explore the unknown and found ecstasy in every kiss, every touch and every body movement.

"Kyo… I love you."

"And, I love you."


Back Stage Discussion:

Smile: That's it people! Like it or not, this is the end.

Shigure: Wow! That was a fun ride.

Ayame: Yeah! Now I can have Shiggy all to myself! Congrats for Kyo and Tohru!

Tohru: I love happy endings…

Kyo: Yeah, me too.

Yuki: Me, three.

Smile: Thank you everyone for reading and reviewing. When I started this story, I wasn't too serious, and still I'm not all satisfied with it, but I'm not going back to revise it anytime soon… maybe even never. Well, I guessed it's time to say goodbye… the story has ended.

…The End…