Cover Story

Pairing: John and Elizabeth

Summary: John gets some unwanted attention. To get out of the situation he finds himself in, he lies and says he's married.

Genre: General, Romance

Chapter 1 Unwanted Attention

John was starting to panic. Ok, maybe panic wasn't the right word to describe what John Sheppard was feeling. Normally he would love the attention he was receiving . Knowing women would throw themselves at him, was how his cocky, flyboy attitude had developed. But the last time he'd been in…a relationship with someone not from Earth, Dr. Beckett had warned him of what could happen.

"How many times have I told ye not to sleep with people you've just met?"

"Uh…I know….many times."

"Well, apparently not enough."

"I know."

"No, you don't know," Carson argued. "We have no idea of the kind of diseases you can get from interacting in sexual intercourse with aliens!" Beckett almost yelled as he scolded John.


"Aye, you think STDs are bad. We don't even know the kind of space STDs that are floating around."

John almost laughed. "I'm not going to get anything."

"I beg to differ. For your own safety, I'm going to have to order you to stay clear of any sexual activities with people not on Atlantis."

"So I can with people on Atlantis?"

The doctor gave him a dirty look. "I can have Elizabeth order you,."

"No! No…I'll refrain from any of that kind of activity."

"If I find out…" Carson said.

"You won't," John said about to leave.

"There will be a big needle waiting for you!"

John had shivered and walked out of the room.

The Colonel wasn't easily scared, but Carson's words had shaken him. The unknown diseases he could contract and Carson's warning about the needle sent chills down his spine.

'I'm a changed man now. No more sleeping with people I've just met,' John thought. "Ladies, please," John said getting frustrated. "I've already told you no."

"Oh come one," Tatia Fali, the king's eldest daughter, said pulling on his jacket. "When I first saw you, I knew I had to have you."

"That's very flattering but-"

"Don't listen to her," her sister Catlin replied. "I want you."

They pushed John onto the bed. Each was on either side of him trying to remove his clothing.

"I can't do this," He could feel his body slowly giving in. 'I've got to stop this now.'

"Why can't you do this?" Tatia asked. She had her hand on his chest and was trying to pry his shirt off.

John thought fast. 'What can I say to get out of this?' Carson's warnings rang clear in his head. 'Yes! Of course,' John thought as an idea came to mind.

"I'm married."

"You're what?" The two sisters stopped what they were doing and looked at the Colonel for an explanation.

John took this opportunity to get off the bed, and his eased his way over to the door.

"I'm married," he repeated.

"To who?"

'That's a very good question,' John thought. He blurted the first name that came to mind. "Elizabeth. I'm married to Elizabeth."

"Dr. Weir?" There were traces of disappointment in Tatia's voice.

"Yep," John said. "Sorry, I'm not available. Now if you excuse me," he left the room. 'Too close,' John thought as he headed down the hall. The bathroom had been his original destination before he had been accosted. He used the restrooms which were similar to Atlantis and headed back to join the others.

Tatia and Catlin came to join them a few minutes later. The Colonel looked around nervously. The youngest daughter looked disappointed while the oldest had a smug smile on her face. John could tell she was planning something. 'What are you up to' he thought eyeing her suspiciously. She leaned in to say something to her father. The King's eyes lit up. Sheppard wanted to hit his head on the table. The King looked at John and then to Elizabeth. Elizabeth seemed to be the only one who noticed while the rest of the team continued to eat happily.

'Stupid, stupid, John,' he scolded himself. 'How are you going to get out of this one?'

The King turned to Elizabeth. "I did not know that you and the Colonel are married."

Choking and gagging sounds were heard from the rest of the team. They were now coughing as their food went down the wrong way. Three servants rushed in to pat them on the back and ask them if they were okay.

"We're what?" She asked turning to face John. With one eye brow raised, she said, "You're mistaken-"

John cut her off before she could say any more. "What Elizabeth means to say is that we've just gotten married." He placed a hand on hers and gave her a look that said, play along.

Elizabeth caught his look and decided to help him out. "Just married."

Rodney choked on his drink, and John shot him a look.

Teyla and Ronon were confused, but they quickly hid their surprise knowing that there must be a good reason for them to lie to their new allies.

"Let me have a word with John," Elizabeth said getting up and excusing herself from the table.

"Of course," the king answered.

John got up and slowly followed her out of the room. He had heard the seriousness in her voice. This tone was usually reserved for dangerous situations or people like Kavanaugh who annoyed her. John knew if he was hearing this tone, she was not happy.

'This is not good,' John thought exiting after the unhappy leader.

To be continued...