Disclaimer: This is the final chapter! I hope you have enjoyed it. PS: This idea comes from Season 5 Episode 21, Blame Booze and Melville, which is completely Amy Sherman Palladino's.

Rory was sitting in the kitchen, reading the paper and drinking a cup of coffee. Tristan stopped and watched her. It was perfectly Rory. They had been married for years, and life couldn't be better.

"Morning baby." She said, acknowledging his presence without even turning around.

"Good morning." He walked over to her and kissed the back of her head. It was then that he noticed something unusual, there was an apple core on her breakfast plate. "Did you eat that?" He asked, knowing there must be an explanation.

"Yeah, I know! They looked good…weird right?" She said. "Very rarely do I ever eat anything green."

"Apples are red, Mar." He said, never taking his head out of the refrigerator. He knew that she would have a perfectly good Gilmore comeback, which she did.

"Yes, but healthy foods are green. And some apples are green. And they grow on green trees, Therefore, I ate something green."

"Hmm, well I'm very proud of you, albeit so…uncharacteristic."

"Well between you and Luke I figure I should eat something healthy occasionally." Tristan was in the middle of his medical internship and had been trying to get Rory to eat something 'green' for as long as he could remember. She had always refused.

"I'm glad something finally sunk in. I'm on my way out, are we meeting in Stars Hollow tonight for dinner?" Rory nodded.

"I'll expect you in time for dessert." She said with a wink. It had been hard for her since Tristan had started his internship. He worked crazy hours and they rarely got to spend time together. And the little time they did spend together, he was so exhausted he couldn't keep his eyes open. But she knew that it was worth every second of his time, and she could be supportive of him until this time passed.

"Haha. I'll see you later." He said, kissing her quickly before running out the door. Rory went to her Blackberry calendar to see what else she had planned for the day. Her Saturdays were basically catch up time in between work to run errands and clean the house, both of which probably should be done. Glancing at the day, she realized that there was a little notification on last Saturday that she had forgotten about. Instantly, her hands began to shake. She was a week late.


Several pregnancy tests and hours later, Rory was driving to Stars Hollow, white knuckles gripping the steering wheel. She couldn't believe it. After all these years of thinking about having kids, she hadn't planned on having them until after Tristan was settled into his job, until they were ready. Her mom was going to know. Rory couldn't lie, and she was going to have to get through a whole meal without letting anything slip. She couldn't tell her mother before she told Tristan, it just wasn't right. She pulled in and walked up the front steps. As she opened the door, she was greeted by the sound of Lorelei singing The Bangles at the top of her lungs.

"MOM!" Rory screamed over the music blaring in the kitchen.

"Oh!" Lorelei turned off the radio. "Hey babe, what's up?"

"Your volume apparently."

"Aw, there's the witty writer that Mommy raised. Where's Tristan?"

"Need you ask? He'll be by whenever his shift gets over."

"That's tough huh? You probably don't ever get to see each other." She looked sympathetic.

"Yeah, but it's only for a few more months. We've made it this far, we can handle the rest."

"So what's new?" Rory instantly turned red.

"Not much." Lorelei stared at her.

"Oh really?" Rory shrugged.

"Work is the same, Tristan's always gone or sleeping. I've officially become the old married lady." Lorelei didn't believe her for an instant, but she left it for now. Luke had just walked in and dinner was ready.

"Hey Rory, how are you?" Luke asked as he set the bag of food down on the counter.

"Secretive." Lorelei muttered under her breath.


An hour later, Tristan showed up. The entire family was sitting around the kitchen table, drinking coffee and eating Luke's famous pie.

"Speaking of pie, you would be very proud to know that Rory ate an apple this morning." Tristan said to Luke, who gave an approving nod to Rory. Lorelei choked on her coffee.

"I'm sorry, did you say apple?" Lorelei said, managing to control her coughing and sputtering to glance at Rory. She looked nervous.

"Yeah, I was shocked too." Tristan said, laughing at her reaction. Rory and Lorelei still hadn't broken their stares.

"You ate an apple?"

"Mmhm." Rory nodded, trying to ignore the subject.

"Ignore your mother. Good for you Rory. It's about time you stopped letting your mother's eating habits dictate your own." Luke said. Lorelei had tears in her eyes. Rory swallowed and smiled.

"You mean like, a sour apple sucker, or something right?" Rory shook her head.

"I ate an apple." She said quietly, knowing what Lorelei was thinking.

"Are you sure?" She asked. Rory nodded. Lorelei jumped out of her chair and enveloped Rory in a hug.

"Oh my God! You ate an apple!" She kept repeating as they jumped up and down in the kitchen. The two men watched in confusion as their wives danced around the kitchen. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I just…ate it today." Rory said, going with the metaphor. Lorelei pulled away and composed herself.

"Should I ask for clarification?" Tristan asked Luke. He shook his head.

"You probably don't want to know."

"I know, but, look at them." Tristan said. Lorelei heard Tristan and glanced at Rory, tears still in her eyes.

"Go home!" She said, kicking the kids out of her house.

"What?" Luke and Tristan said at the same time.

"You have to go home," Lorelei said, smiling.

"You heard the woman. We have to go home." Rory said, grabbing Tristan's hand and her purse. "Tell Luke after we're gone will you?" She whispered. Lorelei nodded.


Rory didn't stop smiling until they got home. Tristan knew that something was up, but he had tried the entire way home to figure out what the Hell was going on. Truth was, he was too tired to think, and he was more than happy to get home.

"Ok, are you ready?" Rory asked, completely freaked out.

"I've been asking you the whole ride home, why tell me now?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"I didn't want it to happen this way. You should've been the first to know, but you've been so busy and…"

"Ror." He interrupted her. He didn't need to hear about how much he had been gone. He was already feeling guilty enough.

"Sorry." She took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." Tristan's face went completely blank. "That's why mom was freaking out when I ate an apple. It wasn't until after you had left this morning that I remembered… why aren't you saying anything?" He walked over to her.

"Wait, how did we get from you eating an apple to you thinking you are pregnant?"

"My mom craved apples when she was pregnant with me." A smile breaking through slowly on her face. "And I don't think…I know."

"And you…you're sure?" She nodded. He couldn't believe it. They hadn't planned this.

"Are you freaking? I totally freaked. I still am freaking. I mean, it's a ba…" She was cut off as his lips crashed onto her own. He swept her up in his arms and spun her around.

"I love you." She smiled. "And you." He said as he put his hand on her stomach.

"So you're not panicking?"

"This is a good thing Ror."

"I know but it's so….big. I mean, we talked about it, but you're so busy and I'm always at work. We always said we would wait until…"

"We had time?" Tristan finished.


"Mary, I'm going to be a doctor, I'm never going to 'have time'." He said jokingly. She processed that information.

"Well I don't want to raise a kid by myself Tristan." Tristan was taken aback by her words, almost as if he didn't hear her correctly.

"I'm sorry?" He asked, the edge in his voice evident.

"I know that you would never…" she tried to find her words.

"How could you think that?" He asked her quietly.

"We all mean well. But things happen, life happens and pretty soon I have to quit my job to stay home and take care of the family and you are working eighty hour weeks and I become resentful…." She stopped when she saw his jaw clench. She had gone a step too far. He slowly nodded in understanding.

"You think I'm going to become my father." He said softly, as if the words escaping from his lips actually physically hurt him.

"I never said that." She said, backpedaling as fast as she could. "I didn't mean that."

"No, but you did. You did." He said, smiling in disbelief. She had struck a nerve. He wanted to walk out of the room but he couldn't even move.

"Tristan, that's not what I meant! I could never think that!" She put her hand on his arm as if begging him to understand her.

"Don't!" He shrugged it off. Rory turned around in defeat and began to cry. Standing there in the kitchen, her back turned to him, Tristan instantly felt like he was the worst person in the entire world. The guilt overwhelmed him until he couldn't feel anything but regret. He stood there for a second before he could get his large motor skills working again. She sniffed as he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around hers. At the slightest feeling of his body, Rory collapsed into him.

"I'm sorry." He whispered into her hair as he held her. "I'm so sorry." Rory shook her head and cried harder. A few gasps of oxygen and she was able to form some semblance of a sentence.

"I'm sorry. It…It was all my..." She cried even harder as he squeezed her tighter.

"Shh, come on Ror, you have to calm down. Breathe." He took a deep breath, hoping that she would follow his lead, which she did. A few breaths later and she had stopped crying. "That's my girl." He said as he turned her around to face him. He wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"I warned you I was freaking out." She laughed through her tears.

"Guess what, me too." He intertwined his fingers into her own.

"Is it too early to blame it on the hormones?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just tired and overwhelmed and surprised…" He trailed off.

"Come on, let's go get some sleep huh?" She closed her eyes as he nodded, realizing that she was just as tired as he was. He picked her up and she laid her head in the crook of his neck. He carried her into the bedroom and laid her on the bed. He removed both their clothes and she crawled under the covers.

"I love you more than anything, you know that right?" Tristan said as he slid in next to her, but she was already asleep. He kissed her forehead and fell into a deep sleep.


"Daddy!" The pitter-patter of footsteps echoed throughout the house as Tristan set his bag down just inside the door.

"Hey baby! How was your day?" He asked as he picked her up and hugged her tight.

"Gamma's here!" She said, excitedly wiggling out of his arms. "Come see!" She said, tugging on his shirt sleeve.

"I'm coming!" He said, barely able to get his shoes off before she pulled him into the kitchen.

"Lorelei Madelyn DuGray, what did I tell you about running in the kitchen?" Rory scolded. "Hello," she gave Tristan a quick kiss. "How was your day?" she asked, half-listening to his reply as she popped a grape in her mouth.

"Great. How was yours?" She nodded as she swallowed. Lorelei appeared from the backyard with the baby in her arms. "There's my little man." He said, taking the baby out of Lorelei's arms. "Hey buddy."

"Daddy, do you want a cookie?" Maddie said with a giggle as she held up a plastic princess plate with nothing on it.

"Not before supper missy." Lorelei said as she scooped her up. "Let's go wash your hands."

"Does Noah want a cookie?" She asked as Lorelei carried her away.

"Noah doesn't have any teeth!" Tristan heard from down the hall. He laughed at Lorelei's energy, she loved having kids around again. She always said that it was nice to have someone with the same maturity level.

"Speaking of teeth, where's your supper?" He asked rhetorically as Rory pulled a bottle out of the microwave and tossed it to Tristan. "Oh she's good." He told his son.

"Oh, so I called to find out if Izzy could babysit but she's got other plans but Jess said that Anna would love to babysit sometime so I'm going to try them next." Rory said as she set the table.

"What is she doing?" Rory pretended not to hear him. Tristan knew exactly what she was up to. "Mary…" He said in a warning tone.

"She's got a date."

"I'm sorry, did you just say date?" Rory nodded. "She can't possibly have a date, she's still a kid!"

"She's in junior high Tristan." She said realistically. "What did you expect?"

"She's not in junior high, she's four. She's four and she still needs me to check for monsters under her bed."

"Your daughter isn't even four. Let's just face the facts, you're getting old."


As they lay in bed later that night, Rory put her book down and looked at Tristan.

"What?" He asked.

"Do you hear that?" Tristan listened but shook his head. "Exactly." She said with a smile.

"I've got ten bucks that says it won't last another half an hour." He said, pulling his glasses off his nose and using them to point to the bedroom door.

"We'll have to move fast then, won't we?" Rory grinned as she began taking off her shirt. He smirked.

"Mary." He climbed on top of her and gave her a kiss. "I believe that I have finally corrupted you."

"You feeling proud of yourself?" She asked. He paused as if to think about it, then nodded with a smirk. She kissed him slowly, drawing him into her mouth. When he was dizzy, he pulled away to catch his breath and Rory whispered in his ear. "But I turned you into a family man. I win." She said, teasing victory dripping from her voice.

"Mommy!" The baby monitor from the night table called. Tristan let his forehead drop against hers.

"Speaking of family." He kissed her one last time before climbing off of her and grabbing her shirt. He handed it to her and she put it on.

"Hold that thought." She said as she got out of bed.

"Trust me, I've been holding this thought for two weeks!" He said. "And you owe me 10 bucks!" She stuck her tongue out at him as she left the room. He smiled and turned over onto his side. He wouldn't want it any other way.

Ok, that's it! I hope you guys liked this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for reading, you have no idea how much I appreciate you guys! Shameless promoting of my other stories Walking Away and Closure, go read those!