Disclaimer: I don't own FMA.

Summary: This is loosely based on the French novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses.

Prologue: The Negotiation

Humans are the most selfish species in the nature. Animals may lack the talent and the intelligence, but they do have true faithfulness as well as loyalty. Humans, in many ways, don't. Loyalty, love, commitment—these are only illusions that exist in the minds. In the end, every human will choose to best for him or herself in the end.

Each human in this world is connected to each other through liaisons. The liaisons may serve as a ladder to climb up to the glories or as a chain to be dragged to hell. They all want to be at the top while watching others being tortured at the bottom. One person takes advantage of the other. And the other will avenge by doing the same thing. The beginning is the end, the end is the beginning. The process will continue until humans die out.

If a person is conscious of his or her actions and thoughts, then he or she would make wise choices. However, if the person is blinded by the passions, then the person would become the prey of the predators through the liaisons with others. This is when the liaisons become the dangerous liaisons.


It was raining. Drops of water were falling against the grounds like a groups of needles. The sky was dark. The thunder was roaring. Was it a sign of bad luck? Or was the God angry? No one knew. Under the raindrops, a dark figure appeared. A man in his blue military uniform under his heavy raincoat. Calmly he walked down the street, as if the rain did not bother him at all. The thunder roared again, and there were lightening. The man smirked. It was not a future sign or reaction of God, it was purely nature.

While walking, he passed by a smaller, slim figure. He glanced at her, then turned away. The smaller figure, a young woman in her late teens, did not pay attention to the military man at all. All she worried about was her soaking white dress and being late to fix the automail of her childhood friend, Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist. Quickly, she turned left and ran to the house where Ed was waiting for her. He must be worried.

The military man continued stroll down the street. He should've taken the car, but he decided not to. It would be too much trouble. People like Havoc and Fury, they were too nosy, even Hawkeye. This meeting, the Fuhrer said that it is very important as well as secretive. Maybe it would be the best if he came alone. The sight of the slim figure he saw a while ago flashed in his mind. All he did was glanced at her. But at that glance, he saw everything. The girl's skin was pale, especially when she was wet (she did not have any unbrella). Her legs were long. Her slenderfigure was flawless. And with her white dress soaking wet…indeed, he saw everything. A womanizer like him would've never miss an opportunity like that. He wanted to peel off the dress and feel every part of her.

When he stopped thinking about her, he realized that he was in front of the Central Headquarter. Silently, he made his entrance. The guards knew him well. They saluted and stayed out of his way. Without paying too much attention to them, he went straight down to the Fuhrer's office.

The Fuhrer was smoking his cigar and facing the window. When he heard his entrance, he turned around and smiled. The military man saluted. The Fuhrer raised his hand.

"There is no need of formality here, Colonel Mustang. Please have a seat."

"Thank you, sir!" Mustang took the seat.

For the next moment, the Fuhrer did not speak a word. He just continued to smoke his cigar and sank into his deep thoughts. Mustang, although was arrogant in front of his subordinates, had no nerve to speak before his superior unless he was spoken to. He just sat there and waited for the Fuhrer to speak to him. And the Fuhrer spoke.

"Colonel, from what I have heard about your behavior at the Central Headquarters, I got to say, I'm very interested."

"I'm trying my best to…"

"No," the Fuhrer interrupted. "I am not talking about military matters. What's on my mind is…Colonel, you are good with women, am I correct?"

"Yes," Mustang responded, somewhat embarrassed. Never in his life could've he imagine that his superior would discuss something like this in front of him.

"Don't be shy about it. As a real man, you got to be good with them. Women, you can either be the predator or you'll be their prey, their pawn…Can you seduce a woman easily?"

"I…I don't know what you meant by that…"

"I meant, can you seduce any woman in this world?"

"That will depend."

"Can you seduce a blond?"

"Yes sir."

"Can you seduce a woman in her late teens?"

"Yes, I suppose. But may I say, that a woman in her late teens, I would prefer to call her 'a girl'."

The Fuhrer laughed. "Then, can you seduce her?"

"Who?" Mustang was bewildered.

"You know who, don't try to play a fool around me. You have your eyes on her all along, am I wrong?"

"Sir, I…"

"Let me just place the cards on the table," the Fuhrer smirked. "The auto-mechanic of Fullmetal Alchemist."

Mustang was somewhat stunned. "I…"

"Let's be honest, Colonel," the Fuhrer laughed. "I have heard things. And from the way you responded, you do have a thing for her, am I right?"

"Yes, sir," Mustang responded. There was no need to lie. The Fuhrer already knew.

"Do you think that you can take her?"

"Well, I…"

"Why are you hesitating? Is it because of Fullmetal?"

Mustang did not respond.

"If it is indeed because of Fullmetal, then I should remind you, in case if you forgot, which you shouldn't, that Fullmetal and his younger brother, Alphonse are preparing their way on a mission. And afterward, they would be set on their journey to find the Philosopher's Stone. They will not be back for a long time. A very long time. I believe, it will give you enough time for you, and her."

"Sir, I don't understand. Why…"

"Are you up to the challenge, Colonel Mustang?"


"Let me put things this way, if you are truly a womanizer, if you really are able to seduce any woman in this world, then seduce her. This is a mission. If you are able to do that, I'll promote you."

"Sir, I…"

"I'm serious. I guarantee you, this is an offer that you cannot refuse. Take the girl, and you'll be a general. And with your military record and accomplishments, I'm sure this desk in this office, would yours after me." The Fuhrer smirked. "So, Colonel Mustang, what do you say?"

"Usually, I would not turn down as an offer like this one," Mustang responded. "But, I must say, I cannot accept any promotion over something easy as this."

"You think it would be easy?"

"Yes, sir. Young virgins. They are naïve. Luring them to bed would be easy."

"Colonel, I must say, you are underestimating her."


"This young auto-mechanic, Winry Rockbell from Resembool, is not easy to be seduced. I have my eyes and ears. Stubborn, foul-mouthed, attractive. She does not give in to men easily. There had been several guys who tried to take her, but they all ended up beaten severely. Plus, I have some senses that tell me, her heart is set on Fullmetal. Believe me, seducing her, it won't be an easy task."

"Maybe for other men, sir, but not for me."


"I promise you, she'll give in to me, willingly."

"All right then. Here's the thing. Seduce her, and I'll promote you."

Mustang smirked. "I'm up to the challenge, sir."

"Then, everything is settled. You are dismissed."

"Sir!" Mustang saluted, and turned to the door.

"And colonel?" Mustang turned his heels to face him.

"Yes, sir?"

The Fuhrer's eyes narrowed. "I want proofs. Written proofs."

Mustang nodded and left the Fuhrer's office. Getting a promotion was something he always cared about. He was promoted from his accomplishment in Ishabal war. He was promoted for his accomplishments at the headquarters. But never could've he imagine that he would be promoted from seducing a girl. What was the Fuhrer up to anyway? Whatever he was up to, Mustang was up to the challenge. Winry Rockbell will give in to him, willingly. And not only he will be promoted, he could use this to blackmail Edward Elric, the troublesoem boy. This is something that Roy Mustang could not turn down.

The rain became heavier. Mustang laughed bitterly to himself, and stepped into the rain.