Hey all you readers! Did I ever tell you that you all rock? Well you do… unless you hate my story…. Hopefully not! I don't own Fruits Basket! Well anyways this is really the last chapter…. Until the sequel!

Sorry that I didn't update for a while…. I had a paper to write… And besides it wasn't that long. Not even a week!

Shigure's Place

"Yuki are you ready to go?" asked Tohru.

"Yeah…Let's go," replied Yuki as they headed out the door.


"Kyoko, you must bring your new fiancée over so we can meet him," grandpa told her over the phone.

"Uh… Okay, when do you want us to come?"

"Come this Friday night!"

End of Flashback

They shortly arrived at the home of Tohru's grandpa.

"Are you ready?" asked Tohru before she knocked.

Yuki took a deep breath and nodded. "I hope they like me."

The door flew open and grandpa stood there with her aunt and cousins staring at the handsome silver-haired boy.

(I don't know the names of Tohru's aunt, and cousins so I'll refer to them as aunt, boy cousin and girl cousin…. If you know them tell me)

"Hello, I'm Yuki Sohma… Tohru's fiancée…" Yuki said calmly holding his hand out to grandpa.

"Nice to meet you Yuki, I'm Tohru's grandpa," replied grandpa shaking Yuki's hand.

Yuki smiled and looked up at the other members of Tohru's family. They blushed and nodded a greeting at him.


"What a handsome boy….."

"What! How does that brat get a guy before me! And such a cute one too!"

"He looks so familiar… Where have I seen him? Maybe he's in a movie… No way! That Tohru could never have a movie star boyfriend!"

"Kyoko looks happy with her fiancée,"

"Let's start eating!" announced grandpa.

"Okay..." agreed everybody else as they headed to the kitchen.

They sat down at the table as Tohru's aunt served them.

"Oh, that reminds me… This is for you all," Yuki told them handing them a poorly wrapped box.

They all looked at him strangely. Even Tohru who didn't know he had gotten them something. (Her family thinks it's a cheap gift because of the wrapping…)

"You didn't need to get us anything!" grandpa said as he took the box.

He slowly unwrapped the box while the family stared at him curiously. He removed the small lid reveling five tickets to Rome. (Hehe… Must be nice to be so stinkin rich)

"What's that?" asked her girl cousin.

"They're plane tickets… To Rome… I wanted something that you all could enjoy," Yuki replied calmly.

"Rome!" everyone gasped.

"That's out of the country!" exclaimed her aunt.

"How much did you spend!" choked her boy cousin.

"What was it…? Several grand? Maybe ten or twenty… I'm not sure…" replied Yuki.


"What?" asked Yuki.

"You paid twenty grand!" gasped her aunt.

"Don't worry about it. It's a gift. You don't need to give me anything besides Tohru," responded Yuki.

"What are you a prince?" asked her girl cousin.

"Of course not!"

They chatted away happily for dinner. Everyone was obviously pleased to be getting a rich relative. After they finished eating they went into the living room to have tea and to chat.

"I know where I know you from!" screamed Tohru's boy cousin.

"What in the world are you talking about?" asked Tohru's aunt.

"You! You were the one who yelled at me when you and some other guy took Tohru back!" accused Tohru's cousin pointing at Yuki.

Tohru's mouth dropped open. (She already left with Kyo remember).

"Heh…" snickered Yuki as he took another sip of tea.

"What! Are you not going to apologize!" yelled Tohru's boy cousin.

"Do you really expect me to apologize? Why do you think I yelled at you? I don't yell for no reason, but if you really want me to apologize then I'm sorry," replied Yuki calmly drinking more tea.

"What! What kind of person are you!" shouted her boy cousin angrily.

"Ignore him! He doesn't know what he's talking about," cried her aunt.

The boy fumed and stormed up to his room.

They shook their heads at his behavior.

"Unbelievable..." mumbled her girl cousin.

"How stupid…" whispered her aunt.

"Forgive my grandson," grandpa told Yuki.

"It's no problem," replied Yuki.

After a few minutes they got up to leave. The light reflected on Tohru's left ring finger. For the first time bringing attention to the large stone. They gasped.

"What a ring!"

"It's huge!" cried grandpa.

They all crowded around Tohru examining her ring.

"Yep, he's definitely a keeper,"

After a few blushes and smiles they left.


"What were they talking about?" asked Tohru confused. (referring to her cousin yelling at Yuki)

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it," reassured Yuki.

Tohru nodded and rested her head on Yuki's shoulder as they walked home.

( Don't ask why I had them meet the family so late… The reason is that I forgot)


The month finally came. Their wedding would be in exactly nine days. Everyone was running around doing errands. So much left to do. Tohru insisted that the food would be home made so Kagura and Kisa were over to help them. Yuki and Kyo were over at Ayame's shop to pick up the wedding dress.

(Cause the groom can't see the dress…. It's bad luck! Hehe… Sequel: Yuki sees the dress and it causes them bad luck…. JK it is about something else… You'll find out at the end)

In the kitchen the girls were rushing around preparing all the entrees.

"Okay, Tohru. Are you going to be okay with Kisa?" asked Kagura as she took off her dirty apron.

"We'll be fine. Just make sure to get everything on the list," reminded Tohru.

"Okay, I will. I'll be back soon," Kagura told them as she opened the door.

"Bye!" called Tohru and Kisa.

The door shut and Kagura skipped down to the market.

"Okay, Kisa, should we start on dessert?" asked Tohru holding a recipe book.

Kisa nodded happily.

"What should we make?" asked Tohru flipping through the book.

"That one! It's perfect!" exclaimed Kisa pointing to a page in the book.

There was a picture of chocolate cookies shaped like animals.

"Oh, they're so adorable! Let's get started!" cried Tohru excitedly.

"What do we need?" asked Kisa peering at the book.

"Let's see… It says we need a bag of chocolate chips, flour, sugar, eggs, water, bowls, and spoons. We have all of that so we can start," replied Tohru.

"Okay!" agreed Kisa.

They gathered the ingredients and got to work, mixing and stirring. In about an hour they finished and popped the cookies into the oven. The door opened and Kagura walked in.

"Ooh! Something smells good! What did you make!" exclaimed Kagura as she placed all the bags on the table.

"We made cookies!" answered Tohru happily.

"They smell delicious!" cried Kagura.

"Well, you can't have one they are for the wedding!" teased Tohru.

Kagura pouted but started to unpack the groceries.

"Did you need to buy all of that?" asked Tohru gasping at everything.

"It's a wedding, Onee-chan. There are going to be a lot of hungry people," replied Kisa.

Ayame's shop

"Yuki, you have to leave now!" ordered Ayame pointing at the door.

"Why should I leave?" asked Yuki surprised.

"The groom shouldn't see the dress! It's bad luck!" explained Ayame as he pushed Yuki out the door.

Before Yuki could respond Ayame locked the door. Pounding on the door and yelling could faintly be heard. Yuki finally gave up and took a seat on the ground.

"Are you just going to leave him out there?" asked Kyo.

"Of course! I wouldn't want any bad luck for their wedding!" exclaimed Ayame.

"That's stupid. Do you really believe in that?" asked Kyo annoyed.

"Why shouldn't he? Weddings are beautiful!" cried Mine.

Kyo jumped and screamed, "Where did you come from!"

"I work here silly," replied Mine.

"Is the dress ready?" asked Ayame.

"Yes! Would you like to see it?" cried Mine excitedly.

"Of course! Bring it out quickly!" ordered Ayame.

Mine skipped away while Kyo scolded Ayame, "You really should treat people with more respect."

Ayame snickered but stopped when he saw the dress. It was elegantly made. (Yes Ayame made it but Mine added the last touches, so he doesn't know what it looks like) It had ribbon straps, with a white flower at the top. The bottom extended to the floor. Princess / ball gown style. You know the really poofy bottom. Of course it was white.

"That's just lovely Mine!" praised Ayame.

Kyo was silent but Mine grinned.

"Quickly pack it up! Tohru needs to try this on right away!" commanded Ayame.

"Okay!" replied Mine as she rushed off to pack it.

Ayame looked around the store for a veil. His eyes rested on a silver tiara by Mine's things. He went over and picked it up.

"Mine, what is this for?" asked Ayame.

Mine came back with a big box and told Ayame, "I thought that would go nicely with the dress. I also got shoes too."

Mine grabbed a pair of white high heels that matched the dress.

"Perfect!" cried Ayame.

Mine smiled again.

"Kyo grab the box! We must go see Tohru!" Ayame told the sulking cat.

"Why should I hold it?" yelled Kyo.

Ayame gave Kyo the box which he actually held onto and then he opened the door to let Yuki in. Mine called a cab and they all got to Shigure's house.


They walked into a kitchen to find flour covered girls decorating cookies.

"Yuki! You're back! And with Kyo, Ayame and Mine," greeted Tohru.

"Are you making cookies? They look great!" Yuki told the girls.

"KYO! You're back!" cried Kagura as she embraced Kyo.

"Get off of me! You're getting me dirty!" screamed Kyo as he tried to pull Kagura off of him.

"Tohru, you must go change now. We have your dress to try on," Ayame told her.

Tohru blushed and took off her apron, "I can't try a dress on now! I have to take a shower first!"

Tohru ran up to the bathroom and shut the door quickly.

"Yuki, why don't you go away for now? Come back in a hour or so," Ayame told him while shoving him out the door.

"Must I always leave?" asked Yuki as the door shut.

"I guess I have no choice…" Yuki thought as he walked to the secret base.

Tohru came out in a few minutes drying her hair with a towel.

"Hurry up Tohru!" called Ayame.

Tohru came down the stairs shortly after. Mine took out the dress and handed it to Tohru.

"Try it on!" commanded Mine.

Tohru gasped when she saw the dress.

"It's so beautiful! Thank you so much!" cried Tohru.

"Go on," urged Ayame.

She took the dress and returned back to the bathroom.

She came back wearing the dress. It was a perfect fit. The dress clung to her thin waist and made her look like a real princess. (Kinda like the dress Hilary wore in a Cinderella story! If my art does get published you'll see the dress on Tohru! So hope with me!)

Mine squealed as she examined Tohru.

"Beautiful!" responded Ayame.

"Onee-chan you look so pretty!" Kisa told her.

"That's a perfect fit!" cried Kagura.

Tohru blushed.

Kyo looked at the floor and didn't say anything.

"Nine days until Yuki can see it,"

"I'll go change now…" Tohru told them softly as she headed towards the bathroom.

A few minutes later she came back and told them, "I'll go get Yuki."

"Okay, we'll clean up," Kagura told her.

"Thank you," Tohru replied as she left the house.

Kagura and Kisa wiped the counters and moped the floor until it was sparkling clean. Lastly they packed the cookies and put it away. Ayame and Mine called another cab and returned home.

Tohru walked down into the forest.

"He must be at the secret base," thought Tohru.

She arrived to see Yuki sitting on the grass watering the small garden. Leaves crunched under her feet and Yuki turned around.

"Tohru! What are you doing here?" asked Yuki as he got up.

"Well… Uh we're done with the dress so you can come back…" explained Tohru.

"Okay, let's go back…" replied Yuki.

He took her hand and they walked back together.

July 9th Yay!

All the Sohmas were over. Running here and running there. It was obviously a very busy day. It was the first time that a zodiac member was to be married.

Tohru stood in front of her mirror curling her hair with Kisa. She put on her dress and examined herself in the mirror.

"How do I look?" Tohru asked Kisa.

"Perfect!" cried Kisa.

She stood on a chair and placed the tiara on Tohru's head. She smiled and stepped into her shoes. She turned around in front of the mirror and grinned. Tohru helped Kisa into her flower girl dress. It was to her toes and white. She twirled around making Tohru laugh as Uo and Hana entered. They had their bride's maid dresses on. They were very similar to Kisa's dress except that Hana's was black and Uo's was red.

"Are you ready?" asked Uo.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," answered Tohru sighing.

Yuki was in his room tying his tie.

"That's so crooked," laughed Haru.

He was already in his black tuxedo and he fixed Yuki's tie. Yuki sighed and smoothed out his silvery hair.

"Are you ready?" asked Haru.

"Yes, I'm ready," replied Yuki.

They both walked to the backyard. (the wedding is at home.) It looked like a million chairs were set up. White roses and sakura branches bordered the backyard. Along with white and pink ribbons. Their was a small white alter thingy in the front of the yard was white framed with the roses. Everything looked perfect. Like a fairytale.

"A picture of the groom!" cried Kagura who popped out of nowhere taking a picture of Yuki and Haru.

They both looked shocked.

"Yay! I got the first picture of the groom!" exclaimed Kagura.

"No, I already took one," replied Haru holding up his camera.

"What! When?" asked Yuki.

"Back in your room… when you were attempting to tie your tie," answered Haru.

"Okay well I'll see you later…" Kagura waved as she ran back to the house.

She entered Tohru's room where all the girls were meeting. Tohru was sitting on the bed while Hana was helping her with make up. Uo, and Kisa were watching them while Rin slouched in the corner.

"Rin, you shouldn't sit on the floor! You'll wrinkle your dress!" scolded Kagura.

She looked up at Kagura and stood up. She walked out of the room.

"Okay, whatever," Kagura mumbled.

"Why don't you get changed," suggested Tohru.

Kisa nodded agreeingly. (That's my own word!)

Kagura nodded and finished dressing.

"Okay let's get this wedding started."

Dun Dun dun dun….my attempt at the wedding song.

Everyone took their seats. All their class mates on one side and family on the other. Yuki stood at the alter with Haru, his best man. The priest guy stood there staring at all the beautiful people around.

"Am I marrying movie stars and models? Maybe I'll be famous for marrying them!"

Kisa walked down the aisle first with her little basket filled with petals. She tossed them from one side to the other. Hana and Uo followed her holding small bouquets. Tohru stepped out last holding a bouquet of white roses with her grandpa holding her arm. Elegantly walking down the aisle. Cameras flashed from the Sohma side. Tohru smiled and blushed as she continued walking. They arrived at the alter and Yuki came down and took her hand. They walked up the alter together.

"Friends and loved ones, we are all gathered here today to join these two in holy matrimony," The priest announced.

Yuki and Tohru smiled as the wedding began.

Blah Blah Blah… I don't know what else the priest dude says but he says it….

"Do you Yuki Sohma take Tohru to be your beloved wife? To cherish in sickness and health…" asked the priest.

"I do…" replied Yuki.

"Do you Tohru Honda take Yuki to be your beloved husband? To cherish in sickness and health…" asked the priest.

"…I do…" answered Tohru with a smile.

"Then I pronounce you man and wife," the priest told them.

Yuki placed a ring on Tohru's finger and Tohru to Yuki.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest told them.

Yuki smiled and gave Tohru a sweet kiss on the lips. There were cheers from the Sohmas and booing from the Yuki fan club. They broke the kiss and walked down the aisle hand in hand. A limo was in the parking lot. When they reached the porch steps (if they have them) Yuki picked Tohru up and walked towards the car. She wrapped her arms around his neck then gasped releasing her arms.

"What is it?" asked Yuki worriedly.

"Yu- Yuki you didn't turn into a mouse!" exclaimed Tohru softly.

"It must have been your love that broke it…" replied Yuki.

"No it couldn't be!" cried Tohru.

"Don't worry about how. It just matters that you broke it. You have to give yourself more credit sometimes," responded Yuki.

Tohru blushed and Yuki placed her in the limo. She moved a little over and he got in closing the door. Outside the Sohma family had gathered and were all waving hysterically. They both waved back as the limo drove away……..

They arrived at their new house. Yuki opened the door and went to the other side to open Tohru's door. He held out his hand in a slight bow and helped her out. The limo drove away and Yuki picked Tohru up again carrying her into the beautiful house. All their engagement presents were already set out for them.

"How pretty! They must have spent a fortune on this!" exclaimed Tohru looking around.

Yuki nodded as he placed Tohru back on her feet.

The Next Day…

"Tohru wake up," Yuki whispered into her ear.

"What is it Yuki… It's only five am," replied Tohru sleepily rubbing her eyes.

"We have to leave soon if we want to catch our flight," answered Yuki.

"Our flight?" asked Tohru confused.

"Our honey-moon!"

Tohru gasped and immediately got up. Yuki chuckled as she got ready. He called a cab and they were off to the airport.

"Where are we going?" asked Tohru.

"That's a secret," responded Yuki.

The Destination

They got off the plane to be greeted by a lady.

"Bonjour! Welcome to Paris!" greeted the lady.

"Paris!" exclaimed Tohru.

Yuki laughed.

(Don't ask me how they understand French!)

"Come on," Yuki told her dragging her out of the hotel.

"Yuki this is too much!" cried Tohru looking around.

"Your family gets to go to Rome. So why can't you go to France?" asked Yuki.

Tohru blushed and asked, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

They walked for a few more minutes and arrived at a beach. The sun was starting to set casting a beautiful glow on the water. There was a small fire in the middle with a blanket spread out in front of it. A small picnic basket sat in the middle of the blanket with white roses surrounding it.

"A picnic!" squealed Tohru excitedly.

Yuki smiled and took out the food. By the time they finished eating it was completely dark. He grabbed both of her hands making her face him.

"I love you so much, so much more then words could ever explain," Yuki whispered.

"I love you too Yuki. More then anything in the world," replied Tohru.

Yuki took her left hand and turned it around.

"Did you ever notice this?" asked Yuki pointing to a small engraving in her ring.

Tohru looked at it and blushed. It said one word. Itsumo. (Forever in Japanese)

"Tohru, I'll love you forever. I can never stop loving you. I just wanted you to know," Yuki said sweetly.

"I'll love you forever also. My love for you goes on and on, never ending."

"We'll be together now and forever."

"No matter what…"

Yuki hugged Tohru who wrapped her arms around him

"Do you know how long I waited to finally be able to hug you?" asked Yuki.

"As long as I wanted to hug you back," replied Tohru.

One song played softly in the back round. Real Life Fairy tale by Plumb.

You ran around inside my head
When you passed out, I felt dead
And I realized you make me live
And when my world starts to cave in, you jump inside and take my hand
No matter where, you are there
Will I ever see, what you could see in me? I do, I just believe that we will always be and dream, yeah
Well, I will never be the sign that we must see, that you and me were meant to be so just believe why we are together
You are my light, you are my star, you are my sunshine and my dark
You are the everything I dreamed about
You are the guy who stole my heart
I am the girl you're always smiling for
We have a love people dream about
A real life fairytale
I thought that I would be alone
You caught my eye and I was home
And I realized that this was love
I see the world through different eyes
I look at you by my side
No matter where, you're always there
Will I ever see what you could see in me? I do, I just believe that we will always be and dream, yeah
Well, I will never be the side that you will see, that you and me were meant to be so just believe why we are together
You are my light, you are my star
You are my sunshine and my dark
You are the everything I dreamed about
You are the guy who stole my heart
I am the girl you're always smiling for
We have a love people dream about
Dream with me, make me believe that this is a real life fairytale!
You are my light, you are my star
You are my sunshine, and my dark
You are the everything I dreamed about!
You are the guy who stole my heart
I am the girl you're always smiling for
We have a love people dream about
A real life fairytale
A real life fairytale
A real life fairytale

(This song fits so perfectly! Read it! And listen to it!)

"Tohru you are the reason that I live. Without you my life would have no reason, no cause. You are the reason that I'm here. You saved me and made me believe. You are everything to me, the reason I smile, the reason I laugh, the reason that I can love," Yuki told her.

Tohru's eyes filled with tears, "You are the one for me too. The person who I want to be with forever. Just being with you makes me happy. No matter how many problems we face we will always stay together because it's fate. Nothing can separate us not even death," replied Tohru.

"Promise that you'll never leave me."

"I'll never ever leave you. Don't leave me either."

"No matter where you go I'll be there with you. I could never leave you."

"Now and forever…."

The End!

My first Fan Fic is over! I'm like gonna cry! Not really… I hope you liked this story! Please Review! All comments and advice are welcome!

Look for the sequel:


The Test of Love

Coming to a website near you! JK Look for it soon! Thanks for sticking with me the whole way! You all rock! I love you guys! Not as much as Yuki though… Thanks so much!