Sleep Tight

Nightmare- an evil spirit formerly thoguht to opress people during sleep

Chapter 1: Gibbeted

Everything was dark. She couldn't even see her own hand in front of her.

She started walking around with her hands out in front of her.

She heard voices

"Who's there?" she said with fear in her voice.

It stopped.

She started walking blindly again. Now there was laughter and talking.

"Who's there!" now she was freaked.

She started walking faster. The laugher got louder. She changed direction and started jogging. Stil it grew stronger. Now she was just plain sprinting. It wouldn't cease.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she was using every ounce of strength to get away from whatever was taunting her.

"Get away!" she screamed, gasping desperately for air.

When she finaly felt like she was going to collapse from exhaustion, she hit a wall and fell to the ground. She quickly got up and started feeling around.

"If there's a wall, there must be a door," she said to herself.Searching frantically for the doorknob, she finally hit her arm against it and forced the door open with her body and immediatly fell in and kicked it closed.

The laughter immediatly stopped but was replaced by this smell, unbearable o the maximum level.

She unsteadily got to her feet and looked around. This room was dark, too, but had a dimly shining light that had no source.

She started walking down the room breathing quickly form her past encounter, adn saw something a little ways down the room.

As she got closer, she saw it was a cage with something in it. And whatever it was, it was stil alive, and there were crows al aroun it.

When she got closer, she finally saw what it was, and it made her legs give out from underneath her.

I was BeastBoy, but i was far worse than that.

Birds had pecked out his eyes, so blood ran down his cheeks like tears. Their unmerciful beaks cut him to the very bone on his face and shoulders, and were now working on his stomach, slowl tearing the flesh away from it. His body was already rotting away, giving off the horrible stench of death. His body convulsed, sending flies and maggots out o his stomach and eye sockets.

His ears twitched when he heard her fall to her knees, and turned his deterriorating face toward her, reached out his hand, and gave her a horrifying smile.

Raven woke up to the sound of her own scream. She quickly went over to the edge of her bed and vomited over the side.

Just then BeastBoy ran in.

Raven, who was still shaken very badly, got out of the bed adn backed up against the wall.

"Raven, are you alright?" he asked.

She was shaking uncontrollably, there were tears streaming down her face, and even though she tried to keep her eyes straight the pupils kep shifting left and right.

The image in her head was still fresh in her mind, and she was afraid to approach him for fear he might turn into that mutilated body.

"Raven, it's okay, what's he matter?"

He approached her and she shrunk to the ground and covered her head.

He's never seen her so pitiful before.

He crouched down in front of her and put a hand on her shoulder, then the other on her cheek.

Finally, she looked up at him and dug her face in his chest in a hug.

"Rae, what happened to you?"

She dug her face deeper into his chest.

"Th-there were voices, so many voices, and it was dark all over, and you had no face or stomach, and there were bug in you, and you were decaying but still alive..."

"Woah," was al he could reply.

His hand was now rubing her capeless back, trying to calm her down, while he other was on the back of her head.

Several things in the room had shattered.

"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up."

He helped her up and led her by the hand to the bathroom.

BeastBoy was now a good 5" taller than her. She was 19 and he was 17 3/4.

Once she was cleaned up ( and he spot on he floor where she vomited) BeastBoy led her back to her room then started walking towards his.

"Wait, BeastBoy."

He turned around.


"I, uh... just wanted to... thank you."

"For what? I didn't do anything special. Just helping a friend."

She nodded.

"Goodnight BeastBoy."

"Goodnight Rae."

"Don't call me that."

He sighed and couldn't help but smile

"Okay. Goodnight Raven.."

He turned and headed for his room again.

Raven watched him until he entered his domain, then quietly shut her door.