Chaos Scars Bloodlines

By CoyoteBlade

Chapter I: Teaser

Disclaimer: All copyrighted work doesn't belong to me…

I do own the original characters I created for this story…



(Notes at the end)


A battlefield somewhere

Silence... was the only thing that remained across the fields… what once was a beautiful lush green plain has been turned into a wasteland were only death remains… On the east side what used to be a city were peace filled with light remains broken and in ruins, the dead bodies of the citizens litter the streets… What used to be guards and soldiers lay scattered across from the wall and into the wasteland… corpses of the once great golden dragons rise like hills across the plains, black dragons fill the other side of the once great battle field… Amidst the tattered bodies a single figure moved slowly; a dark cape trailing behind, wearing black pants and a green shirt, all of them covered with blood, a closer look reveals the figure to be a young woman with stunning features, a beautiful mane of red covered her head, upon a closer look her blue eyes look far a distant, the eyes of someone who had seen to much dead; on her right hand a long black katana, with strange runes covering its length and some feathers on adorning the hilt, was being dragged across the floor… She moved slowly traversing across the bodies of the dead seemingly going to somewhere important, after a while she approached a body on the ground, a man wearing a strange robes was on the ground, a huge wound across his chest showing he had been dead for sometime, she kneeled next to him tears coming from her eyes- "Why…" -a single whisper coming form her mouth- "So much death…and for what reason, why did this happen…" –heart-wreaking sobs shook her body as she held the body…


Somewhere far beyond the reach of mortals

"It is time" –hooded figure wearing a black cloak said

"Indeed, the time has come… it is time for the Chosen Ones to come forth" –another figure hooded wearing white said

"Then I shall be going… I have a job to perform" –a third voice came from behind them…A bright flash accompanied the words and the last figured disappeared…


Back at the battlefield

A bright flash crossed over the battlefield quickly, afterwards a woman with long blond hair and green eyes stood there, wearing an ornate grey robe with golden lining, she walked calmly around the bodies until she stood behind red-haired woman- "So much meaningless dead, such is the will of the gods... But for now it is time for you to go home…" –the red-haired woman turned and gazed upon the other woman eyes, they only showed kindness and radiated and aura of trust- 'What do you mean?" –her voice was small and unsure; the other woman let out a warm smile- "It is time for you to go to the place of your birth… there is someone that needs your help" –if possible the smile on the grey robed woman got even warmer- "My help? Who would need it?" –a curious look crossed her features quickly- "Your brother" –The robed woman smile took a mysterious turn while the other woman eyes widened in shock, before she could say anything a bright light surrounded them and with a flash they disappeared …

On the far side of the battlefield a body raised slowly, walking in a random direction...


Teaser Notes: You like it, question, intrigued, good, that's the purpose of this teaser... I'm currently working on the rest of the chapter, probably out by next week, I hope you like this enough to come back when I post the real chapter and the following story...