SiscoKid: Well this is all. I really feel like I accomplished something and it depresses me to end it. Oh well everything ends eventually. I planned on having this out like last night but I was too tired to make that happen. I've been busy with the Japanese festival. Since I'm the reporter for my schools club, I had to go and take numerous pictures. Just wanted you guys to know so you don't think I'm just slacking off. Thanks for the reviews The different and deadinside72!

Disclaimer: I will never miss writing this. I own nothing.

Chapter 9


Black clouds masked the night sky, turning everything pitch-black. The only light came from scattered red lightning flashes. The only sound coming from the crushing of mechs.

The Titans watched by lightning strikes as all the giant mechs were enveloped by telekinesis and lifted high into the sky. Higher and higher they went until they were stopped then brought down at a crushing speed. The friction literally tearing them apart as they combusted moments before coming to a catastrophic crash on the docks.

The Titans had already relocated but the shock wave still knocked them off balance. They stood up only to be doused by a water. They got back up for the second time and looked up to where the Raven held her prey. The small prey was held up by black tentacles. He seemed to be having a series of seizures in the air as his head swung rapidly from every which direction.

"He's mine, He's mine, He's mine." The Raven chanted.

"I'll show you the three years of hell I went through before I could be with him." The Raven growled as lightning struck Gizmo.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Gizmo shrieked in a high pitch as horrible memories flooded his mind. his seizure quicken and so did Ravens chanting of he's mine.

Soon his seizure stopped and his body hung limply in the Ravens grasp.

Ravens chanting also stopped all the sudden and she passed out in mid air, releasing the tentacles on Gizmo as they both began to fall.


Raven shot out of bed, covered in sweat. Slowly she calmed her breathing and sat calmly in bed. Not moving just staring blankly at her legs.


Nightwing and Heavyarms both stood outside of the medical room.

"You serious man. She did all that?" Heavyarms asked in disbelief.

Nightwing slowly nodded as he looked into his friends eyes. He looked back down before saying " This is the worse I ever saw her. Gizmo is predicted to be in psychological therapy for months."

Heavyarms looked at him gravely. "What triggered this?"

Nightwing shrugged. "I think Gizmo just might of gotten a glance of what the hell Raven was doing these last three years."

"Why would she show him that?"

Again Nightwing shrugged "No idea it all happened so fast...but she did keep repeating he's mine!"

"What do you think that could mean?"

yet again Nightwing shrugged "I have no clue."

They both sat in silence for a moment. Nightwing yawned, breaking the silence.

"I'm going to sleep." Nightwing said before walking away.

"Go ahead and sleep with her. You know you want to." Nightwing yelled before entering the elevator.

The former Cyborg ignored him as he let out a sigh before pushing the panel that slid the door open. he looked in to see Raven was still asleep. He picked up a chair as he walked over to sit next to the bed Raven occupied. He sat in a rather uncomfortable manner. His back was still killing him from earlier. He decided to lean on the bed. He sat and stared at a face he thought was asleep. Then he began to recollect events from the last few years to a the girl he thought couldn't hear him.

But she heard him loud and clear. She listened to him until his voice became muffled and she was whisked off the sleep.


The sky was blood red, no sun to be seen present in any which direction. But no soul dared to make this observation in fear of losing a limb, possibly their head!

Everybody could do nothing more than swing thier swords wildly and use their shields to block for their lives.

Demons and Soldiers could be seen fighting for miles. It almost seemed as if the whole world was at war.

This was the final bloody battle to the death, the battle that would end three years of suffering between the Azarathian soldiers and the legions of demons.

Raven and others like her flew above the slaughter grounds and fought magical demons.

Raven had summoned obsidian giant ravens to attack the demon, magical or not. Instead of lifting up trees, rocks and other natural features, the magicians used opposing soldiers as their ammunition.

Screams from soldiers being lifted up against their will filled the air, along with the clashing of blades and war cries. All these sounds were drowned out as a thunderous sound filled the air.

The fighting came to a halt as the thunderous sound grew louder, closer. Soon the sound was deafening as a giant red behemoth came into view. The leader of all demons.

He didn't seemed to mind the screams of his own troops as he trampled over them.

"Raven my foolish child there is no preventing fate. You can only stall it with this feeble resistance that bitch helped you form." Ravens father told her.

The soldiers and magicians looked at Raven unsure as she hid under her hood.

A hand grasped her shoulder and Raven looked behind her to see her mothers smiling face.

Raven floated in silenced for a few more moments before looking back at her father with the resolve to kill.

"Fuck fate." She told him in her emotionless voice.

The Platoons of Azarath let out a blood curdling battler cry as the last charge of the war began.


Raven woke up to the familiar presence of Heavyarms. He was asleep now. His upper body weighing down the bed a little.

Since he was no longer a cyborg, he could no longer stay awake at odd hours of the day, he had to sleep at the same hours as the rest of them.

This would make things easier for her. If he was awake he would protest her decision.

'If he doesn't want me then there's no reason for me to be here anyways.'

She got up slowly as to not wake up her friend. She walked behind Heavyarms then pulled up his shirt. She had remembered him talking about his back aching or something.

Her hands lit up and she gently pushed them against his back.

'As I am not. I'm nothing but a burden to the team, if not a danger. Though if I go back to Azarath, I may never be able to come back.'

Her hands lost their glow but she did not move them.

'You confuse me Cyborg. First I hear you confess your love to me yet now you treat me only as a friend.'

She rubbed his back once more before pulling his shirt back down and removing her hands. She then bent over with no hesitation and pecked him on the cheek.

"Farewell Cyborg. You have been the best friend I could wish for. I hope you can come to understand this is for the best." Raven confessed.

She paused for a second as if secretly wishing he would wake up and stop her.

He didn't.

She slowly turned to the door and exited the room with one more glance to her friend.

Once the doors shut behind her, Heavyarms eyes flew open.


Raven entered her room and just stood there. Letting all the memories, good and bad invade her.

Unwelcome tears began to welled up in her eyes.

"Guess I don't need to clean my room after all." Raven said before a heart wrenching sobbed escaped. Then more followed as tears began to pour from her eyes and she slowly found her self crying on the ground. Three years of pain came out all at once that had previously been trapped within her.

This rare foreign sound only reached the ears of one other Titan. This Titan now held Raven in his heavy metal arms.

It took her a while to collect her self but eventually she did. Heavyarms observed her eyes, usually void of emotion, now filled with confusion, uncertainty and distress.

"I'll clean your room for you." He stated with a gentle smile.

The distress left her eyes instantly. "I'm leaving!" She declared with her usual void eyes.

"We can put the new bed in tomorrow."

"You can't stop me." She stated.

"Then we can go drink some tea or something of the sort."

"Cyborg!" She called patiently.

"After that we can do as you wish." Heavyarms said, still ignoring her.

"HEAVY!" She yelled sternly.

"Your not leaving god damnit!" Heavyarms bellowed as they both stood.

"I can't stay here."

"Why not?" Heavyarms asked, his anger subsided by curiosity.

She looked at him for a second before walking over and sitting on her bed.

"Even though my father is dead, I still have his damned demon blood in me." Raven explained.

"So." Heavyarms replied simply.

Raven stared at him as if he was a child who could not read.

"Do you want what happened last night to happen again." She asked.

"We handled it before. We can deal with it now." He answered.

"There's nothing you guys can do."

"What the hell will they do in Azarath?" He asked angrily.

She said nothing.

"Can they do anything." He pried.

"They will give me a husband." She said below a whisper.

"WHAT!" Heavyarms looked at her with wide eyes on the ground. The force of the words had knocked him on the down.

She sighed. "That's the best they can do, the only thing that can be done now."

"What do you mean now. How long has this been going on?" Heavyarms asked, getting back up.

"Only a day." She stated.

"How can a problem like this accelerate in only a day! I think you are over reacting." Heavyarms exclaimed.

"Because of you!" Raven told him with demonic red eyes.

"What do I have to do with this?" Heavyarms asked uneasily.

Raven began to levitate off the ground, bring Heavyarms and other random items around the room with her.

"I heard you say you loved me!" Raven just about growled in a deep voice.

"Really now." Heavyarms asked, not really used to being levitated against his will.

"Do you love me?" Raven asked.

Heavyarms looked at her with an indescribable face.

"DO YOU LOVE ME!" She repeated.

"I do." He finally answered rather calmly.

Her eyes lost their red flare as objects around the room dropped, including Heavyarms.

"Then why don't you love me?" She asked collapsing to the ground. She clutched her head as too many emotion at once collided inside her. So she did the most reasonable thing to release all those emotions. She cried. Raven Roth cried for the forth time in her life, the second time that day.

Heavyarms did nothing to comfort her in fear of another random outburst. His heart nearly broke at the sight.

She sat cradling herself, crying until everything was out.

"Why?" She asked in a voice Heavyarms had never heard before. A voice filled with emotion. But Heavyarms didn't notice his as he looked into her eyes. Eyes filled with pain that shed silent tears.

"I'm scared." He finally admitted.

"Of what." Raven asked softly.

"Fate! Every time I get really close to somebody, we get separated or worse they die."


Heavyarms looked at her in confuse amazement. "What's so funny?" He asked, not thinking this was a laughing matter.

She smiled up at Heavyarms. " Is this why you were avoiding me at first?" Raven asked now with her usual monotone.

"Yes but I don't see what so funny about it."

Raven stood up and slowly began to walk towards Heavyarms. "Cyborg. Fate is nothing more than mans way of trying to explain his misfortune. If fate and destiny truly exist then this world would no longer be as it is." She explained.

"What do you mean" Heavyarms asked her. She stood uncomfortably close.

"It means I don't give a damn what you think anymore." With that said she pulled his face down to meet her lips. It was not the best kiss, as it was their first, but now they had a small taste of what the rest of their team had been enjoying for some time.

Two hours passed in a few seconds as their lips parted and their eyes met, filled with passion.

"I need more." Raven said quietly with a blush.

"Are you sure?" Heavyarms asked with doubt.

Raven broke from their hug. "Its this or I go off and do it at Azarath." Raven stated.

"Now it is then. I guess." Heavyarms said awkwardly.

"Indeed." Raven said just as awkward.

"I hope that new bed comes in tomorrow." Heavyarms stated before turning and being silenced by the sight of...(Sorry only a teen rating. Hmm...I think. I should probably know that shouldn't I.)


Nightwing, Starfire, and Terra all sat at the dining room table. Beasty just walking in.

"Hey was there a power outage last night. My alarms clock was knocked out." Beasty explained.

"So were ours." Nightwing told him.

"Then how are you guys already awake?" He asked bewildered.

"What do you mean. Its twelve p.m!" Terra exclaimed to her boyfriend.

"Oh yeah." Beasty said while scratching the back of his head.

He looked at the others confused.

"What?" Nightwing asked.

"Where are Heavy and Raven? They never sleep in." Beasty asked.

The other three looked at him with smiles.

"Do you not wonder why all our alarm clocks were knocked out?" Starfire asked with a big smile.

They all sweat dropped as Beasty struggled to figure it out.

It was at this moment that Raven and Heavyarms walked hand and hand into the dining room.

A light bulb exploded in Beastys head.

"Morning friends." Starfire greeted.

"Sleep well?" Terra asked with an evil smile.

"OH MY GOD! YOU GUYS DID IT! Beasty exclaimed.

The room was bathed in silence as everyone stared at the two. Raven and Heavyarms seem to ignore him but a levitating bowl filled with gravy seemed to say other wise. Beasty dodged it just in time for it to crash into a collision course with Nightwings face.

"..." Crickets could be heard in the background.

Beasty leaped on the table with food in his hands.



SiscoKid: there its done. How did you guys like it. Did it suck, was it horrible, horrendous on all levels! Or was it at least decent? Any way's I would like to know if the fighting scenes were any good. Was it descriptive enough or too descriptive. I personally like this chapter the most of any chapter I have created before. Anyways I think thanks should go where they are deserve. yuppers you guys guessed it. My cat Oreo. My one inspiration to do this stuff. Don't ask me why she just has that power over me. Even though I was about to kill her after she nearly deleted this whole chapter. Well later guys. Thanks for all the reviews, I don't like to beg for them but they really help. Random quote now: darn cant think of one. Oh well.