Disclaimer: I don't own it.

This is going to be my first story that isn't a one-shot; I hope you all like it. Please review!

Afternoon Tea

Chapter 1

James looked up from his desk as an owl swooped into his cubicle, dropping a letter in his now cold coffee. He picked up the letter and shaking it dry, noticed it was from Lily. He smiled and opened it,


How about we haveafternoon teaat the muggle place on the corner? It's a nice day out and they have some tables outside where we can sit. Do you want to?



He quickly scrawled a reply saying that he would meet her there in 10 minutes. After finishing up some paperwork, he balled up a piece of scrap paper and threw it over to the next cubical.

"Wanker."a disgruntled voice replied.

James smirked; he had obviously hit his mark.

"I'm going out to tea with Lily, I'll be back in about 45."

Sirius's head appeared above the wall of the cubical, wearing a grin.

"Oh, the wife-to-be you mean? Well, tell dear Lilykins that I said hi. Oh and Prongsie?" Sirius said as James was getting up to leave, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."


Sirius laughed and waved James good-bye. James signed out and sauntered outside of the Ministry of Magic towards the cozy muggle restaurant on the corner. He saw Lily waiting for him and walked up to her.

"Hey Lils."

She smiled, "Hey. How's your day so far?"

They went inside to order their food, talking quietly about their days up to that point. After they ordered, Lily picked a place for them to sit down outside. James pulled out Lily's chair for her and she slipped into it. He began to push her chair in when it happened. They felt a jerk behind their navel and were lifted off their feet. They sped in a whirlwind of colors, finally landing roughly on a hard forest floor.

At one look of their surroundings, James and Lily both immediately pulled out their wands; they were surrounded by Death Eaters. Right in front of them, standing tall and leering menacingly was Lord Voldemort himself.

"James Potter. And Lily Evans, too. How nice of you to . . . drop in." he smirked and began looking them up and down. He immediately noticed the flash of gold on Lily's left hand. "Is that a ring I see on your finger, Mudblood? Potter, I didn't think you had it in you to stoop so low."

James growled, "You leave her out of this, we both know it's me you want."

"Quite right, Potter. However, what better way to get what I want from you than to use the Mudblood?"

Before James could do anything, Voldemort sent the Cruciatus curse straight at Lily. Lily, however, was expecting this.


Her shielding charm was so strong it deflected the spell right back to Voldemort, who moved out of the way almost lazily.

"Cute, Evans. Really adorable. I'm afraid that just won't do, though. No, it simply won't suffice."

Voldemort nodded to a death eater, who sent a spell at James causing him to be tightly bound with ropes.

"You, Potter, get to watch while I rid the world of one more mudblood; then, perhaps, you will tell me what I want to know."

Lily sent a curse at Voldemort and they began dueling fiercely, Voldemort looking somewhat surprised at Lily's obvious talent and skill. James looked around for inspiration, something, anything to help. He finally spotted his wand lying three feet to his left side. The idiotic death eaters hadn't picked it up when he was tied.

James stretched out his left leg after making sure everyone's attention was on Lily and Voldemort.

'Just a bit moreā€¦ just... a little ... YES!'

James quickly brought his leg up to the rest of his body dragging his wand with it. Voldemort spotted what James was doing and let out a yell. He screamed a curse at Lily and she fell to her knees, blood spilling from a huge gash on her chest. He turned onto James, but was too late.


James's impediment curse was so powerful that it not only stopped Voldemort, but some of his death eaters as well. The rest of the death eaters looked on in awe.

James rushed over to Lily, pulling her into his arms. The death eaters started to recover from their shock and began to send curses at them. James stood up, ready to fight. He began sending stunning curses and anything else that came to mind, but there were simply too many of them. The impediment curse he had cast was starting to wear off. He was running out of options, and he knew it. But he would be damned if he was going to show it. He would be damned if he was going to let them, the very scum of the earth, know that he, James Potter, was scared. With renewed vigor, he sent a particularly nasty curse towards the death eaters. Four more were taken down, only a handful to go.

James cast a disillusionment charm on himself quickly. Moving slowly so the remaining death eaters could not see where he was, he grabbed hold of Lily's wrists, checking for a pulse. He breathed a huge breath of relief; it was there, stronger than he expected. He cast the disillusionment charm on Lily as well.


The Impediment curse had worn off. James cursed under his breath, wondering how in the hell they were going to get out of this. He thought of Sirius who thinking that he was just out totea. Sirius! James and he always had their mirrors with them.


The Death Eaters and Voldemort's ears were filled with a buzzing sound so they couldn't hear James talking to Sirius.

"I know you're still here Potter! You can't hide for long!"

James quietly talked into his mirror.

"Padfoot! Padfoot! Sirius, for the love of Merlin, answer!"

Sirius's face finally appeared in the mirror.

"What's up Prongsie?"

Voldemort screamed, "Show yourself and face me like a man, Potter! You have nothing to lose; I daresay the Mudblood is slowly nearing death."

Sirius's eyes widened.

"That's what's up, asshole, I need help! There's too many of them! I have no fucking clue where the hell we are, in some dark forest. Lily's lost a lot of blood, she's unconscious. He says he's using her to get me to do what he wants. I have a disillusionment charm on us both, but I can't get out of this alone, Sirius!"

"I'll get help. And James-"

James cut him off, knowing he was going to say some kind of goodbye in case the worst happened. He wasn't going to let Sirius voice aloud what they both feared.

"Just hurry mate."

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I'm off to edit the second one. At the least, this will be four chapters long. I may write more, I'm not quite sure yet. Please review, It would mean alot to me!

- Blue Arrow