(A/N: This is my first story. I don't expect everybody to love it nor grasp why I wrote it. Things happen for a reason. You can blame fate or just having a case of bad luck. I know thing don't flow together, but the details are hidden or sometimes forgotten. Please give me time to get it right and perhaps in the
future it might get better. Who knows? Please be nice and critic, comment, whatever you like.)

On a dark and stormy night after one of those horrendous Friday night dinners Lorelai Gilmore was driving down a road from Hartford. The Roads were wet and slick but she braved them anyway, desperate to see her daughter again. After their last fight their relationship was on shaky ground. Rory's choice of boyfriend's never was that great but this time it was the worst!

As Lorelai drove on, she kept thinking, "He was the kind of guy that would have made me run away screaming when I was her age". He was not right for her in any way and the guy was too rich and pompous to know any better.

She continued on down the road on her long journey home but her thoughts unable to be contained continued to go back to the incident from earlier:

The thing was that Lorelai had figured out that her daughter was on to her. Lorelai really despised Rory's boyfriend but refused to say anything about it to her. Rory was tired of the games. She decided to take matters into her own hands and confront her mother. Rory pulled her mother into the study.

"What the hell is your problem with Logan?" she asked angrily.

"Whoa where is this coming from?" Lorelai responded, slightly taken aback with the statement from her daughter.

"I see the way you act around him," Lorelai thought to herself, obliviously talking about Logan

"You don't think I should be with him just because he's rich..."

Now Lorelai was getting angry and her voice rose slightly "I never said that. Why would you just assume that?"

"Mom cut the freaking crap, I know you hate him, you can't even stand to be in a room with him for more than 5 minutes..."

"Well excuse me but I really don't think he's right for you!" she said thinking to herself "great now my daughter hates me, how the hell am I going to get past this and get her to see what I see!"

Lost in her own thoughts, she didn't quite hear what her daughter said next but caught the end of "... I hate you for this!" Rory screamed.

Lorelai watched her daughter storm out of the room. Rory was furious that she had accomplished nothing by confronting her mother and left a very stunned Lorelai behind. Lorelai collapsed into the chair beside her.

She began crying, as the tears ran down her face smearing her carefully done make up she wondered what would happen now between her and Rory. Her own daughter now hated her. "What am I going to do?" she thought, still emotionally drained from the argument.

She wiped her face with her hands and walked back to the dining room. Lorelai managed to excuse herself from the rest of Friday night dinner.

She told her mother that she wasn't feeling good and that her stomach hurt, her mother probably didn't believe her but for some reason she let her go. Lorelai said goodnight got into her car and left.

The flashback from that night faded. Lorelai's upset stomach was now getting worse, "Were her emotions getting the best of her? Or was there a more serious problem?" She wondered to herself as the tears from earlier had returned. The tears were blurring her vision with such intensity that Lorelai was having a hard time focusing on the road.

She reached up to wipe the tears from her eyes, trying to regain her composure.

As she did Lorelai hit a slick patch on the road and the wheel jerked to the right causing her to swerve back. She pulled the wheel hard to the left to try and correct her out of control car, but she turned too hard.

The car went sideways.

The tires griped the road all to well and the vehicle went onto its side. Continuing its spiraling motion onto its roof, suddenly stopping as her car collided with a tree. The crash, the sounds of metal scraping, squealing tires, and screams of fear were suddenly muted.

Now all that was heard were the sounds of an eerie silence, the jagged raindrops and the occasional rumble of thunder in the distance. Lorelai had been jerked around roughly during the crash and had hit her head rendering her unconscious.

Before she passed out Lorelai muttered the words "Rory, I'm Sorry".