Omg, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like a million years... But chapter seven is FINALLY here, after uhmm...six months :X

Chapter 7- The Wrong Words will Strand you

For most teens, the day of the week to hate is Monday. Giving up your weekend, waking up early and listening to a boring teacher for half your day. To Allison, Tuesday seemed like the hellish day. Her heart was looking forward to this day, of course, but her head.?Not so much.

Every school seems to have a clique problem. You have your different groups: the jocks, the nerds, the loners, the stoners, the preps, etc. Those groups, of course, are all very different, but have one thing in common. No matter how much they say that they hate gossip, they all want to be witness to the drama. Something to take their minds off their own lives, and joke on someone else's.

This is how Allison thought that the school would view her relationship with Andy. Like every girl in school, no matter how pretty, or ugly, or bitchy they were, would take one look at her and ask Andy how in the world he could possibly like her over them. That was her biggest fear, when she woke up suddenly at 4 a.m.

She went and took her shower, just like a normal morning, and then took her daily cup of tea outside. Now, for the most part, watching sunrises calms people, but not Ali. She began to think less and less about Andy, and more and more about the mean wrestlers.

Andy, on the other hand, wasn't really doing much thinking. He was sound asleep until five, dreaming that Larry was taping his dad's buns together, but then his alarm went off. The buzzing signaled for his parents to come into his hospital bedroom, and get him up, so they could take him home, and then to school.

"Now, Andy, you're sure that you're ready to go back to school? You'll be fine on your crutches?" asked his overly concerned mother.

"Yes, mom, I'll be fine, I promise."

The three of them drove home from the hospital in silence, and they each had their own reason for being so quiet. Andy's mother was, of course, just worrying about him, hoping he wouldn't fall down at school or anything humiliating like that. His dad, being the arrogant SOB he is, only thought about how to get back at the drunk girl who caused his son to not be able to wrestle. And Andy, last but not least, was only looking forward to seeing his sweetheart, but not his wrestling buddies.

When Shermer High's bell for homeroom rang at seven, Andy hobbled into class late, his freshman sister carrying his books for him. The whole class ignored the morning announcements to watch his left leg falter as he handed a tardy note to the teacher. He spotted John in the back of the classroom, still looking a bit stoned probably from smoking up before school, gaping at his leg. "Wow" he mouthed, and Andy took the seat in front of him.

"Man, what happened to you?"

"Oh you know, the norm, car crash"

And they both slept their way through English.

In 3rd period, the last bell before lunch, Andy and Ali were in the same class. Their anal professor had made a seating charting for the class, much to the despair of the couple. They sat on complete opposite sides of the room, something that Andy seemed to not be able to cope with. He ripped out a sheet of notebook paper quietly and jotted down a few sentences. He folded it, tapped the boy next to him on the shoulder, and told him to pass it to Allison.

He passed it to the girl next to him and she passed it to the girl next to her. But, when she got the note, she opened it up, like it was addressed to her. Who knew that her name was also Allison?

She read the note, smiled and blushed to no end, and began to write back when the teacher turned suddenly around from the blackboard.

"Miss Peirman, would you like to share something with the class?"

The girl shook her head, but the boy in front of her grabbed the note quickly. "Maybe she doesn't want to share, but I will." He looked over the note, seemed a little surprised and began to read aloud.


It is such shit that we are on different sides of the classroom. I can't wait to be with you. Meet me at lunch in the courtyard by the little apple tree.



The boy laughed at this, and gave the note back to the faulty Allison.

The real Allison of course was flustered, and looked at Andrew like she was about to cry.

Why would he send a note to her?? I thought he liked me...Stupid me!

She stood up suddenly, surprising even the teacher, who told her sit back down. It took all her strength to stick up her middle finger, and run out.

Andy felt so bad, because he knew that if he had chased after her, it would have taken him five minutes just to get to the door, and at least 20 minutes to get down to where she was now, huddling in the girls bathroom, bawling her eyes out.

In the classroom, commotion ensued, and Andy was bombarded with comments and questions.

"You know, it's sad how pathetic and jealous some girls are," said the other Allison, "What was up with that?"

Normally, Andy would just not be mean to a girl, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

"Shut up, you little twit! That's my girlfriend!"

Before the girl could even get a word out, the bell rang, and Andy hobbled out as fast as he could. It really didn't do him any good, though, because well- no boys are allowed in the girl's bathroom.