AUTHORS NOTE: O.k. So this is a new fic that I wanted to write! I thought it would be a fun story so I'm gonna give it a shot! It's based on a song by Nickleback with the same title. It's basically about Peyton moving into the same apartment building as Lucas. When she first moves in he wants to get to know her but ends up changing his mind due to all the dates he sees her going on! All the couples will come together it's just gonna take a while! I didn't want this story to be like anything else... So they are based in Miami Florida. They have never met. Although Jake And Nathan are very good friends with Lucas, Haley and Brooke are friends and Peyton doesn't know any of them. I hope you enjoy it!

DISCLAIMER: I own no part of One Tree Hill or the Characters associated with it... I do however own my story line.

So here it is

Chapter 1: Moving in

It was a sunny afternoon. Peyton was steadily unloading boxes from the U-Haul she had rented. She was hailing from sunny Los Angeles California. She wanted a change of scenery and thought Miami would be a great change. She didn't know anyone here but she had always loved the town! She had visited many times with some of her friends and loved it. It was so alive and fun. L.A. was not the type of place she wanted to live so she moved. She got a job bartending at a local bar called the "Mellow Mushroom" It was a fun place to drink and have fun dancing. She knew she was gonna enjoy it. Minus the hours.

She had been unloading boxes all afternoon and was beginning to become tired but knew if she stopped she wouldn't finish so she kept on going... She finally finished around 10 o'clock that night! She walked into apartment 208 and closed the door. She looked around seeing the clutter and immediately sighed... She needed to get out. She grabbed her phone and called a cab... She was getting out. Around 20 minutes later her cab showed up. She grabbed her keys off the counter, walked out, and locked the door. When she turned around she noticed this guy standing in the doorway of the apartment across the hall from hers. He was tall with blonde hair. He was a bit scruffy looking. He was standing there in a pair of board shorts and that was it. She made eye contact with him and fell short on breath. She gave him a smile before turning around and walking down the stairs towards her cab.

"Mellow Mushroom please" She told the cab driver getting in

"This is going to be fun" She thought to herself as she looked out the window

A/N: O.k. so there it is! The first chapter! I was trying to introduce Peyton to the story! Lucas and the rest of the crew will come in later! PROMISE! I hope you all enjoy this story! I am really gonna have fun writing!