Hello, all. I bring you the final chapter in my first story on this website.

Before you all scream and cry, I want to assure you that there WILL be a sequel, and I am working on it at this very moment (kind of). I have a plot-type thingy all figured out. And I'll probably work on writing it tomorrow during my Chemistry class.

But yes. Thank you soooo much to all of my reviewers. You all make my day. Seriously. And you fill up my inbox, which makes me feel somewhat popular. Haha.

I'll have the start of the sequel posted ASAP.

Before I stop this A/N, let me just say that I am probably the most pathetic person on the planet because I made a Law and Order: SVU neighborhood on The Sims. Elliot and Olivia are falling in love, and Munch just had a fire in his house. How sad. Hehe.

Disclaimer: Nope. Not mine. But maybe I'll get them for my birthday on Saturday...


Olivia returned to her apartment late that night. She knocked on Valerie's door, hoping that she wasn't already asleep. The door opened almost instantly.

"Olivia! I was getting worried," Valerie said.

"I'm so sorry, Val," Olivia replied. "I should have called. I was busy getting caught up with our latest case. It's pretty crazy."

"Don't be sorry. Mary's such a little angel."

"She is, isn't she?" Olivia smiled. "Where is she? I can take her now."

"She's sleeping right now. Come on in."

Valerie led Olivia to the living room. Mary was sleeping soundly in her carrier. Olivia lifted the carrier, along with Mary's baby bag. "Thank you so much, Val. You don't know how much I appreciate what you're doing for me."

"It's no problem at all. I'm happy to care for her."

Olivia smiled again. "Goodnight." She walked out of the apartment and began walking toward her own. She jumped when she noticed a figure standing outside her door. "Elliot?"

"I need to talk to you." Elliot's voice sounded troubled.

"All right. What's wrong?"


"Okay... Here, take Mary." Olivia handed Mary's carrier to Elliot and unlocked the door. She pushed the door open and stepped inside, Elliot close behind.

Elliot set Mary's carrier on the floor and shut the door. "Olivia, I-"

"Hang on," Olivia interrupted, taking Mary out of her carrier. "Let me put Mary in her bed real quick." She disappeared into her room.

Moments later, she returned. "Man, she's really tired. She hardly moved when I put her in the bed."

"Olivia, I need to tell you something," Elliot said, ignoring her statement.

"Okay, shoot." Olivia leaned against the counter, supporting her weight with her hands.

"I was thinking. About earlier. Our conversation."

"What about it?"

Elliot took a step closer to where Olivia was standing. "I lied."

"What are you talking about?"

Elliot took another step closer to Olivia. "We can't be friends."

Pain filled Olivia's eyes. "Why not?"


Suddenly Olivia understood. She was aware of the small distance between them. She was aware of his deep, quiet voice. His body language said it all. "Because you love me, don't you." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

Elliot nodded. He reached behind her and set his hands on top of hers. "I do," he whispered into her ear, lacing his fingers with hers.

Olivia shivered slightly from the feel of his breath against her neck. Her eyes closed. "Elliot-" was all she could manage to get out before she leaned in.

Their lips met. Olivia pulled her hands away from Elliot's and placed them on the back of his neck. Elliot ran his fingers through her hair as the kiss deepened.

They pulled apart. "Forgive me?" Olivia whispered.

"Always," Elliot replied. "Forgive me?"

"Of course." She pulled his lips back to her own, cradling his head in her hands.

Elliot reached for the buttons on Olivia's blouse. He managed to get the top button undone when Olivia stopped him.

"No," she said.

"Olivia. What now?" Elliot whined.

Olivia glared at him. "Elliot, we have an infant sleeping in the apartment."

"So? She's asleep. And even if she wasn't, how could she remember anything?"

"Oh, trust me. She'd probably remember." Olivia smiled. "Go sit down and I'll get us something to eat."

Elliot walked to Olivia's couched as she pulled out some turkey and cheese from her refrigerator. She began to make sandwiches for the two of them.

"Olivia, I cannot even begin to tell you how happy you've made me."

"Not as happy as you've made me."

"You know, when Kathy asked for a divorce, I thought my life was going to be over. And then I found out you were pregnant." Elliot paused. "I'm sorry about the way I abandoned you. I was thrilled, Olivia. I really was. It made me realize that you were- are- the one I love."

"But why'd you go?"

"I was afraid."

"Of what?"

"That you didn't feel the same. I was afraid that what happened between us didn't mean anything to you. Even though we don't remember."

Olivia brought the sandwiches into the living room and sat next to Elliot, handing him one.

"Elliot, it did mean something. Even though I was drunk, I could have grabbed any one of those guys in that bar. Because I know I wasn't with you the whole time." Olivia smiled slyly. "And you know how that bartender was acting around me. He was pretty cute."

Elliot laughed. "But still... it wasn't right of me to leave you. And to accuse you of being a liar. I can only imagine how hard it was for you to tell me."

"Especially since you were married at the time," Olivia added. Her face grew serious. "Elliot, does Kathy know?"

Elliot nodded. "Yes. I told her. She was pretty angry at first. She accused me of cheating. I remember her yelling that she knew something was going on between us."

Olivia bit her lip. "And...?"

"And she had some time to cool down. And she forgave me. She told me that she wanted me to be happy."

Olivia raised an eyebrow. "That's weird. To be that forgiving."

"I'm, uh, not finished."


"She admitted to me that she was having an affair."

"Oh my God."

"Yea. But we talked it out. We're both happy, and we're both okay. It's better this way." Elliot leaned in and kissed Olivia on the cheek. "Now we can both be with the people we love."

Olivia's mind wandered. Once again, she was desperately trying to remember that fateful night that created Mary. "Elliot, do you remember anything?"

"About what?"

"That night. You know."

Elliot shrugged. "Actually, now that I think about it. I vaguely remember something."

Olivia looked hopeful. "What?"

"I remember right before everything started, when we first ended up in my house, I remember thinking that you were absolutely beautiful. But I thought that was all part of a dream."


They were drunk. They were beyond drunk. They both knew what was going to happen as they stumbled into Elliot's house.

"Olivia, you look stunning tonight," Elliot said, reaching for her.

"And you look amazing, too," Olivia replied. "Now help me with this shirt."

Elliot ignored her order and kissed her. He pulled away and looked into her eyes, cupping her cheeks in his hands. "Olivia, I love you. I just want you to know that," he said.

Olivia's eyes widened as she sobered ever so slightly. He was drunk. He didn't mean it.

But he was looking into her eyes.

It was now or never. They would never remember anyway. "I love you too, Elliot," she replied.


"Olivia? Earth to Liv." Elliot was waving a hand in front of her face.

"Elliot, how about I ask Val to keep Mary overnight sometime, so we can catch up?" Olivia asked, smiling mischievously.