A/N: This is my first Gilmore Girls fan fic, so I am feeling a little insecure. I love the original GG plot, but I wanted to do something different. Please tell me if you want me to continue or not.

I disclaim. I don't own any of the characters, and I am in no way associated with Gilmore Girls.

Chapter 1 - A Hot Female Friend

"It's good to have you back, mate," Finn said as he dropped the suitcase and he hugged his friend lightly. They releases each other and Finn sad down on the floor.

"It's good to be back," the blond answered.

"Of course it is! You have spend several months without us, how the hell did you do it?" Colin asked as he sad down on the coach with his feet on the coffee-table.

Logan raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "Beats me," he answered sarcastic.

"So Huntzberger," Colin began as he laid down on the coach, filling up all the space. "How was Europe?"

Logan shrugged before a smirk appeared on his face. Pushing Colin aside and earing an angry glare, he joined his friend on the coach. "Well, normally all sort of family-trip would suck-"

"I'm feeling a 'but' coming," Finn interrupted with a smile.

"But then there were the ladies."

"Ah," both Finn and Colin nodded knowingly.

"I mean, it was incredible-" A knock on the door interrupted Logan.

Colin groaned and laid his head back as he closed his eyes irritated. "Who could that be?" he said sarcastic. "I'm telling you, if she interrupts Logan again while he is telling us his European fairytale I don't know what I will do!"

"Shut up mate. Don't pretend to hate her when you really don't," Finn said as he got up from the floor and opened the door to reveal a clearly upset brown-haired girl. "Rory, love."

She sniffed before walking into Finn's open arms. "We broke up!" she started as tears rolled down her cheeks. "We were suppose to go out but he didn't show up. I drove all the way to Stars hollow to find him with Lindsay!"

Finn pulled her closer and looked back at Colin, who was shaking his head and Logan, who looked completely confused and surprised.

"He was kissing her. On the street! He didn't even care if my mother or Luke or Lane saw it! Maybe he was trying to hurt me. Maybe the whole relationship crap was only a cruel plan because I dumped him for Jess!" she rambled on as Finn stroked her hair.

"Come on in love and I will make you some coffee," the Australian promised.

Rory nodded her head and gave a slight smile as if to say thank-you. When she walked in and saw Logan and Colin on the coach her eyes widened. "Oh, I didn't know you had company." She felt a bit ashamed and embarrassed. She knew Colin didn't exactly like her and this new guy, well... She sure hadn't made a good first impression.

"Nice to see you too Reporter Girl," Colin said clearly not pleased. "You do remember that I live here too, right?" When Finn glared angrily at him, Colin eased a little. "So you've never met Logan, have you?"

"No, I don't think so, but in my state of heartbreak I really can't be sure." Even though it was meant as a joke it was easy to hear the hurt in her voice. "So, um, nice to meet you," she whispered as she tried to wipe away the falling tears and walked over to the stranger.

"Yeah," Logan began with a nod as they shook hands. "You too."

"So darling," Finn said as he came back with a mug of coffee. "You can sleep in my room after you have told me everything." Rory nodded and took the mug from him and she walked over to Finn's bedroom door.

"Hey Rory?" Colin said. She turned around and looked confusing at him. "I'm sorry." She smiled sadly and walked into the room, followed by Finn. After a moment the door was closed.

"Who was that?" Logan asked as his eyes fell on the door.

"Rory Gilmore, short for Lorelai Gilmore."

"She's Finn's what exactly?" The whole situation was very confusing to Logan. He had never seen Finn caring so much for a girl before.

"Believe it or not," Colin began. "She is his friend."

"Finn has got a friend? She is only his friend?" Logan raised an eyebrow. "How can that be?"

"Reporter Girl is very confusing, she had too many problems to be a one-night-stand kind of girl. Besides, she's got a boyfriend."

"So I heard," Logan answered. "And apparently he's got a mistress."

"Well, it's more like Rory is the mistress." When Logan frowned at him, Colin went on. "See, Rory's nice boyfriend Dean was married to this Lindsay-girl, but is now divorced to her because he is in love with Rory. Or he claims to be."

"And you know this how?" the blond asked.

Colin shrugged. "Thin walls. She comes here at least once a week and fills Finn in on her problems."

"You don't seem to like her." Logan had observed that quickly.

"She's okay, she's just too much trouble for my taste," Colin answered. "But Finn has this whole big brother thing going on, so don't be surprised if he wakes you up and starts talking about beating Dean up. Of course it has to be in the middle of the night."

"Yeah, I know," Logan laughed. "He's still not very fond of the sun?"


"But Finn had made a friend, huh? A female friend." Quietly he added, "A hot female friend."

Colin shook his head, knowing this was coming. "If I were you I would stay away. Like I told you, too much trouble and if you hurt her, Finn will hurt you."

"What? No, me and Finn are friends-"

"I'm telling you, he would hunt you down."

"So our Australian friend would betray us for a girl?" Logan asked joking and Colin nodded confirming. "Wow, Finn has gone soft. And she isn't even a redhead!"


"So," Finn began as he sad down on the bed next to her. "Are you going to be okay?"

Rory shrugged. "Yeah, I will bounce back. I always do. It's just... It's Dean," she whispered. "We have been through so much, I never thought he would do this to me. Jess maybe, hell, even Marty, but Dean..."

"He always seemed to be your protector," the dark-haired man finished for her.

She nodded her head. "Exactly. He was my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first everything. Now it feels like all of that are ruined. Like every memory of us is nothing but an awful reminder."

"You will make new memories."

"Yeah," Rory nodded. "So your friend? Who is he and why is he here?"

"Changing the subject, are we?" Rory only smiled. "Logan, one of my greatest mates."

"And why haven't I met him before?"

"He and his family were on a trip to Europe, he has been gone for months," Finn told her.

"Oh okay," Rory answered. "So... Decent guy? Asshole? Dean-alike?" she teased.

"Unfortunately I must say either asshole or Dean-alike."

"Really?" Rory said, clearly disappointed.

"Yeah, he is a great mate, but when it comes to women he is too much like-"

"You?" Rory raised an eyebrow and chuckled when Finn nodded hesitating. "So he is also a rich spoiled brat?"

"Now you are pushing it love," Finn joked. "But it is true. If you think I am spoiled..." He shook his head. "You haven't seen nothing yet, doll. But it is not his fault, when you are a Huntzberger you are bound to be that way."

"He is a Huntzberger?" Rory said amazed with widen eyes. "Is he related to Mitchum Huntzberger, the newspaper-man?"

"Aww, Mitchum. He is Logan's father."

"Oh my God!" Rory squealed. "Finn, you have such cool friends!"

Finn watched as the brunette practically jumped up and down on the bed. "So all I have to do it tell you about my friend and his infamous family and suddenly you are dandy?"

"No." Shaking her head, Rory continued, "Unfortunately my heart is still broken in a million pieces."

Finn smiled at her and laid her arms around her shoulder. "Well, my love. Sleep will do you good. In the morning it won't hurt as much as it do now."

"You promise?" Rory whispered as he laid down on the bed and dragged Finn with her.

"Yes, love. I promise."