Hi guys welcome ot yet another story! Here are the authors notes!

A/N: Right, first off I'd like to thank everyone who has reviewed my last story, every review really made me happy. So thanks a lot! It's really appreciated. Here are the story details:

Title: I don't care where I am as long as I'm with you

Rating: T but I might change it, I'll see what happens.

Dedication: Err...I'd like to dedicate this to all Beast Boy and Raven shippers. And also everyone who reviewed my stories.

Summery: The Titans are sent on an under water mission, but this mission goes wrong, two Titans crash on an island. And worse still, their powers are gone. During their stay things will happen that will change their llives forever. Meanwhile the rest of the Titans are frantically trying to find their lost friends, will they succeed? If you read my stories you know my pairings.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans; they belong to DC comics and cartoon network.

Authors notes: Oh yeah, as you all may know, I hate Terra, but I have put aside my hatred for her and made her sound like a real heroine in this chapter.

Well now that's out of the way...enjoy the story!

Chapter 1: The Titans Mission

It was a rainy day, the first in many weeks. The cold rain of bleak December pounded on the lonely, soddern city. The community seemed deserted as a curious prankster walked down one of San FranCisco's many streets. A morbid Goth in his wake.

The dark girl came to a sudden halt in front of a mysterious cave; the reason was not because she had just arrived at her destinations entrance. She sensed something. An aura.

The prankster had also come to a stop. Staring at the drenched girl nothing but a good few feet away. Her bowed head suddenly rose and turned to the right.

"Beast Boy why have you followed me?" She asked with pure calmness in her voice.

"I came to pay my respects...with you. You don't mind do you?" He asked somewhat shyly as he took a few steps closer to her.

"I guess some company would be nice." She answered motioning him to come over. The young sixteen year old prankster happily walked by her side into the cave.

Slowly they walked further and further into the shadowy entrance. Neither speaking nor daring to break the eerie silence between them. They walked until they could see a statue in the distance. A statue of a person. Of Terra. The person who betrayed them. Who broke their hearts. Who gave her life to save theirs.

She was their long lost friend who gave her life three years ago.

And now these two teenagers stood before her statue, not to express their anger for betraying them, but to show their respects. To say that they were grateful for what she had done for them.

The two, as if saying a silent prayer, bowed their heads and muttered under their breath. Muttered thanks. Muttered thanks to a true friend. One that died for them. The silence faded as a green changeling spoke.



"Do you think the others are going to come down?"

The young Goth, known as Raven, took her time to think about his question.

'Well Robin's probably sparing in the gym and he spends most of the day in there so Robin won't come. Starfire doesn't like to be depressed so she's out. Cyborg will be installing those updates he got for his car yesterday so he definitely won't be coming. And Beast Boy and I are already here so no.' She thought.

"They may, but I don't think they will." She answered solemnly.

"Oh," he said as a single sigh escaped his lips.

"Do you miss her?" Enquired Raven, turning to face him, a curious look in her unique, violet eyes. Beast Boy merely nodded.

"I only miss her as much as you do," he said, turning to meet her gaze.

Raven gasped slightly at Beast Boy's answer, but only slightly so it went to be unnoticed. She decided not to continue the conversation at hand. Raven turned to face Terra's stone figure. She shivered slightly in her leotard and cape.

'That's what you get for coming dressed unsuitably for the weather.'

"Guess we should've brought an unbrella or something, huh?" Said the shape-shifter with a slight smile on his face. Raven just nodded.

"Yeah, I guess we should have..." said Raven shrugging.

"Hey it's getting kinda cold, wanna start heading back?" Suggested Beast Boy.

'This is strange; I thought him and Terra used to go out? Doesn't he want to stay a little longer? Not that I want to stay but...' her thoughts trailed off as she snapped back to reality.

"I thought you would have wanted to stay a little while longer? With you and Terra being so close and all?" Asked Raven confusedly.

Beast Boy smiled warmly.

"Terra was a crush, you get over crushes, besides, a while after she died I realized it wasn't her that I loved...it was someone else," he replied calmly.

Raven then felt a strange surge of emotions try to get out. Curiousity and excitement. She decided to, like every other emotion she felt, suppress it.

The emotions didn't give in and got out another way. Speech.

"Then who do-" before Raven could say anything else, the two Titan's communicators went off. Raven didn't hesitate to pull hers out and open it, Beast Boy on the other hand, sighed deeply before doing so with his.

Their screens lit up to show their leaders face. Robin.

"Hey Robin, what's up?" Asked Beast Boy with a dull tone in his voice.

"Where are you guys? We need-" started Robin.

"We're paying our respects in Terra's cave, Like you should be." Interrupted Raven. Robin looked guilty. Starifre appeared behind him with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh...sorry, I guess we should be there with you but..." Robin's voice began to trail off towards the end of his speech due to the lump forming in the back of his throat. He too felt the pain but he wasn't sure how to break the fact that something big had came up, he knew that the two of them were going to be reletively upset if they found out that they would have to leave. He should be paying his respects and he knew it.

Raven wasn't about to let him snake his way out.

It was just like Robin to put everything before his friends (in her opinion of course). Especially the ones who had betrayed the Titans before. His excuses were always the same 'I was working on a new strategy to help us in our battles, and in all the excitement and hard work I must have forgotten.'

"You're gonna have to come up with some better excuses Robin, you missed the second anniversary of her death last year," snarled Raven.

"And you missed the one before that too!" Added Beast Boy looking equally as furious.

Starfire looked at Robin, her eyes full of sympathy for her friend.

"Robin, perhaps you should tell them...they do have a right to know and it does concern them as they do have to participate."

Robin sighed and nodded.

"Yeah...I was just getting on to that..." he replied.

Raven and Beast Boy exchanged confused looks. What were they talking about?

"What? Tell us about what?" Asked Beast Boy.

"Aqaulad phoned, he said the Titans-East have discovered a new enemy in the depth of the ocean, it's too powerful for them to defeat on their own so they need us to distract the villians for them while they attack."

Raven and Beast Boy looked at each other once again.

"That's all?" Asked Beast Boy. Robin nodded. "Dude! I thought one of the members had died or something trying to kick butt!"

"It's not as easy as it sounds." Cautioned Robin. "They have high tech machinery that could easily demolish our T-Ship in a matter of seconds. They may be one of the biggest threats we've ever faced."

"Boy could I see that coming..." muttered Raven.

"We'll be devising a plan while you make your way here, we have no time to waste, get over here as soon as you can if we don't get there in time the Titans-East will get found and possibly killed, or the enemy will find a way to the surface. And that's not what we want." And with that, Raven and Beast Boy put down their communictors and looked at each other once again.

"You think he's serious?" Asked Beast Boy, a look of complete confushion on his face.

"He must be...we better get going." They shrugged and set off the the Titans Tower. Both wondering if it was real. And if it was, then why did Robin spend so much time asking them where they were and chatting with them when all the time their friends were in grave danger?

But deep down inside they knew that Robin meant well. He wasn't their leader for nothing.


Robin walked away from the computer screen and looked at Cyborg.

"You spent a lot of time talkin' to them man, for all we know the Titans-East might be dead by now. We should start devising a plan before they get back, otherwise we won't get a chance to save the others..." suggested Cyborg.

Robin nodded.

"You're right." He agreed. "Starfire where's that map we printed off?"

"Here it is." Answered Starfire handing Robin the map of the underwater enemy's HQ.

"Thanks. Right Titans, gather round," ordered Robin motioning Cyborg and Starfire around the kitchen table.

"So what's the plan then Robin?" Asked Cyborg looking at his leader with determind eyes.

Robin thought deeply. He couldn't afford to mess this up. He held all the Titans lives in his hands.

"Cyborg is the T-ship ready? We're going to be using our own departments. That way if they are as powerful as we've been told we won't get the full blow." He concluded. "Starfire, you'll take this section with me and Cyborg, we'll strike them so they're distracted, meanwhile Raven and Beast Boy on the other side will be able to attack from behind. Giving the Titans-East a golden opportunity."

Cyborg nodded and walked out to the garage.

Starfire watched as Robin wrote directions on the map. He looked nervous more than anything. Now that was not like Robin. He was always the fearless one. The most confident. And Starfire knew just by looking at Robin's facial expressions that their opponents were stronger than what they had been told. A lot stronger. And only Robin knew what they were capable of.

She was beginning to feel afraid. Afraid of their enemy. Robin wouldn't not tell them what they could truely do if he thought they could beat them. She knew that Robin was hiding something more from them. But what? What was their enemy truely capable of? What was he hiding? What was troubling him? Why, for the first time did he think that they couldn't beat their enemy?

"Robin...the enemy is stronger than what you have told us, and I know that you are hiding it from us..." said Starfire, the fear in her voice pained Robin. A lot.

"Star...I'm sorry...it's just hard...I know that if we play our cards right we will overcome our enemy, but one slip...then I don't know what might happen..." replied Robin, staring at the floor. This was hard.

Starfire opened her mouth to ask another question, but was silenced when Raven and Beast Boy flew in, soaked to the skin.

"Okay Robin, what's the plan?" Asked Raven walking over.

"We can start with you two getting changed into something dry, then come down here and we'll show you what we're going to do, I'll be photocopying these maps, Cyborg is preparing the T-Ship, Starfire you help him, you two will meet me down here in five minutes max. Go!" Commanded Robin.

Raven grabbed Beast Boy and they phased through the roof to correct floor. Starfire flew to the garage to help Cyborg. Robin ran to the next room to photocopy their information.

Five minutes later Raven and Beast Boy phased through the roof yet again. Robin was standing there waiting for them, five lots of papers in his hands. He handed the two one each and motioned them to go with him over to the kitchen table.

Raven and Beast Boy followed obiediantly.

"Cyborg, Starfire and I will be over on the left side of the building, you two will take the right side, we will attack them first, when their attention is focused on us you will launch the missiles at them, giving the Titans-East an opportunity to attack, Cyborg has recently built in raidars and electronic maps, when you get into your compartment of the ship you will insert these into the slot. Keep moving as much as you can, as far as I've heard, they're strong." Explained Robin. "Any questions?"

Beast Boy nodded simultionuously.

"Are we setting off in our own compartments or are we going in the whole T-Ship then splitting up?" He asked, playing with his fingers.

"We'll be going in our own compartments."

Beast Boy blushed, glancing over to Raven for a mere few seconds.

"Robin, we're ready." Said Cyborg.

Robin nodded.

"I'll be one minute, you and Star get into your compartments, I'll be right there."

Cyborg done as he was instructed and walked out.

"You guys certain you know what you're doing?" They nodded. "You're one hundred per cent sure? The consequences aren't good if we slip up, one little accident and you have your lives at risk. And possibly everyone elses."

Raven froze. Something wasn't right. Usually Robin would give them some instructions and leave them to get on with it. She suddenly felt a surge of emotions. She knew that if Robin was preparing them this well then they had to get everything perfect. And if a little mistake would endanger her friends lives she knew that they couldn't afford anything to go wrong. She would never put her friends at risk.

She looked over to Beast Boy who peered back at her. He was thinking the exact same thing, She could see that he was shaking, but only slightly. She could feel her legs starting to give way, but she did her best to stand. Finally they looked over to Robin who was equally as anxious.

"We're sure." Said Raven bluntly.

Robin nodded and walked out to the T-Ship. Raven and Beast Boy soon followed.

While walking down the corridor their hearts began to race. They knew that this was going to be one of the hardest missions they had ever been on. But it was certainly no match to the battle the fought against Trigon. They began to feel confidnece in themselves. If they could stop the world from ending they could definetly stop this batch of villians.

So what did you guys think of the first chapter? The next one will mostly be about-OOPS! Don't wanna spoil it! Review and I'll update!