A/N: Wow sorry its been so long between chapters, but I've been so busy anyways hope you like this new one.


"My babies," Patty said stepping out of the circle and materialising into solid form. Once outside she was nearly thrown off her feet as three dark haired girls threw themselves onto her.

"Mom, we've missed you so much," Piper said the tears running down her face mirrored on her sisters.

"I know darling, I've missed you all too," Patty said individually using her thumb to wipe the tears off the cheeks of her three eldest.

Looking up Patty saw Paige, standing off in a corner, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes showed years of pain.

"Paige," she said softly pulling away from her other girls and walking over to stand in front of Paige and reached out to touch her.

Paige pulled away with fear, she wasn't sure where this woman had come from, but she knew she was familiar, she had seen her somewhere but she just couldn't quite remember when.

"Baby girl, I can't believe you're finally where you belong, with your sisters," Patty said comfortingly.

"You mean it's true?" Paige said quietly.

"Yes sweetie, it's true, I'm so sorry your father and I had to give you up, we wanted nothing more than for you to grow up with your sisters, but we had to give you up for your protection," Patty said once again reaching out to brush some hair out of Paige's pink cheeks, this time Paige didn't pull away.

"You're my real mom," Paige said realisation and hurt returning to her eyes as she looked at her mother.

"Yes, and your father and I loved you so much, it was so hard to give you up but we had to," Patty replied.

"If you loved me so much then why would you want to get rid of me?" Paige asked tears streaming down her face as she turned and ran from the room.

"Paige!" Patty called after her and started to follow but Phoebe stopped her.

"Mom I'll go," she said before running out of the room following the direction Paige had taken.

"I was afraid she would react like that," Patty said sinking down to sit on the floor of the attic.

Prue and Piper came to sit on either side of their mother and put their arms across her shoulders.

"Don't worry mom she'll come round she's had a lot to take in today," Piper said.

The three sat in silence each in their own thoughts.


Phoebe could hear sobs coming from her bedroom and she slowly pushed open her bedroom door. There she found Paige curled up in a ball, sobbing her heart out. Phoebe went and sat on the bed next to her and rubbed her back comfortingly.

When Paige had calmed down enough to speak she choked out,

"Why did she give me up and keep you guys?"

"I don't know honey but why don't we go up there and give her a chance to explain everything to you," Phoebe said but Paige was stubborn, something familiar to all Halliwells.

"I don't want to hear what she has to say," Paige replied stubbornly.

"So you'd rather wallow here thinking that your mother doesn't love you," Phoebe said harsher than she had intended to. At these words Paige's eyes welled up again and tears slowly started to make trails down her cheeks.

"Oh my gosh Paige that is so not how I mean it, I'm so sorry," Phoebe said looking at Paige her own eyes starting to well up.

"It's ok, I know what you meant, doesn't mean it didn't hurt though, but please don't cry," Paige said.

"If I stop crying will you go and at least try and speak to mom about what happened?" Phoebe asked pouting, this made Paige laugh.

"Is this some sort of big sister mind trick?" Paige asked and Phoebe couldn't help the smile that tugged the corners of her lips; Paige had referred to her as her big sister.

"You coming?" Paige asked from the doorway.


Finally the silence in the attic was broken.

"Why did you have to give her up?" Prue asked the question that was burning in everyone's minds.

With a sigh Patty entered into the story, "Around the end of our marriage your father and I were getting on less and less, and the fact that we were witches wasn't helping anything. I was appointed a new whitelighter, a man called Sam. Sam and I hit it off instantly, he was everything to me at that time that your father wasn't, he was a magical being so he had no problem with the fact that I was a witch and he cared for me and you girls ever so much. Before long Sam and I had fallen in love with each other and I was pregnant with his child, we were terrified what the elders would do if they found out so the only choice we had was to give the child up in hope that she would be bought up in a non-magical family so the elders could never find her. Neither of us had wanted to give her up, it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, I wanted nothing more than for her to grow up here in the manor with you girls. I told the nun at the church where we left her that her name was Paige, and I hoped that someday you would all be together again, and it looks like now you finally will be," by the end Patty was in tears and her two eldest were again comforting her.

Outside the attic door Paige and Phoebe had heard everything. Looking at Phoebe and not quite understanding everything Patty had been talking about but she had heard the raw emotion in her voice and the sorrow that she had felt was real, she really hadn't wanted to give Paige up.

Walking into the attic Paige threw her arms around a surprised Patty who after she had gotten over her initial shock embraced her youngest daughter showering her with the love and affection she had been longing to give her since she was born

A/N: Ok I know not the longest chapter but I wanted to get it up so I didn't lose all of my loyal readers. Suggestions, comments etc.