What You Least Expect

- endymion -

Disclaimer: School of Rock (and its characters) is, never was and never will be mine, although I very much want to own Freddy and/or Zack.

I would also like to make it clear that I only made up some of the schools' names mentioned in the following chapter, and that I do not know how the education system works in the US so I'll be using the one we follow here in the Philippines. That is, 6 elementary years, four highschool years and four college years (depending on the course). So the timelines can get a bit confusing at times.

Note: Flashbacks are in italics, and have a third-person POV. Names in bold and italics mean a change in POV.

On with the story!

Chapter One: The Classmate


"College, finally," I murmured as I stepped into my first class. Of course I took up business management; everybody knew I would. Even when I graduated as class valedictorian from Horace Green Elementary, I knew that this is the course for me. I might even try taking up law after this.

Prosecutor Hathaway. Hmm. I liked the sound of that.

But for now, it's business management.

Managing the band had been a good training ground for me. I've managed all their affairs from the start until our senior year in high school. We played gigs in the hottest clubs, competed (and won) on several battle of bands, performed live on a few local television shows, and even produced two albums. Everybody in Manhattan knew School of Rock.

A lot has changed since we joined our first battle of the bands. The music matured as the years went by, and so did we. We all went past the ugly duckling stages and survived. We started out as a band, and eventually turned out to be friends. Very good friends.

But on the day of our graduation, we all decided. The band couldn't continue any longer. Most of the members had their own futures and dreams to pursue. Sure, School of Rock still remained a significant part of our lives, but most of us thought that it was time to get serious.

Tomika now sings in theatrical productions. She's new in the business, but I have a feeling she'll do very well. Both Alicia and Marta are trying to make it to Hollywood as solo artists while they held voice lessons in the public schools. Lawrence gave music up completely, and decided to take up Biochemistry. In case you're wondering, he got into Harvard. Gordon is now taking Computer Engineering, given his vast knowledge about computers. He might very well be the next Bill Gates. And oh, he also set up the official School of Rock website. That's how we all kept in touch.

Dewey…well, he took the band's breakup decision very badly at first. Of course, that was to be expected. He was almost a father to all of us. A very unconventional father, but a father nonetheless. We were his family. But I think he understood our decision eventually. He's still going on with the School of Rock After School Program, and is currently dating the mother of one of his new students.

Zack goes to Duvall Conservatory of Music, along with Katie. We're still together, though. We've been a couple for three years.

Rather unexpected, don't you think? Laid-back and quiet Zack Mooneyham, going out with overenthusiastic, grade-grubbing Summer Hathaway.

It all started one evening, after band practice, 5 years ago. I was doing an inventory of the instruments and other equipment, while he fiddled with his acoustic guitar on Dewey's ratty old couch. Dewey went to go grocery shopping, and left the keys of the workshop to me.

Summer snapped her inventory notebook shut and placed it inside her backpack

''It's getting late," she said, glancing at her wristwatch. ''Hey Zack, are you going to finish soon? I have to lock up.''

The dark-haired boy did not reply. Instead, he continued to pluck a melody on his guitar. Once or twice he would stop to write something on the notepad next to him.

''Zack?" she called again, approaching him. Still no reply. She pursed her lips and tried again, this time tapping him on the shoulder. That got his attention.

''Oh. Sorry Summer. I held you up again, didn't I?'' he said, getting up and started to pack up his guitar.

"No problem," Summer assured him, and started for the door. Zack followed her shortly afterward, switching off the lights as he went. "What were you working on anyway? New song?"

"Yeah," he replied. "It's a bit different from the others though. Bit of a ballad. I never thought I'd say this, but I think I need a little break from rocking."

"Well, I liked it. It's a nice change from all the fast-paced songs we have," Summer told him.

"Thanks," he smiled. "Hey, I'm starving. Wanna grab a bite?"

Summer hesitated. "It's kinda late, though."

"Come on, it'll be quick. I'll walk you home, don't worry. And maybe I'll let you be the first to hear my new song."

Summer laughed. "All right."

And the rest is history. We were like that for a while, eating out, catching a few movies, hanging around. He always let me hear his new songs first. Hey, I'm not a good singer but I have pitch-perfect hearing and I knew a good song when I hear one. It's an irony of life. I didn't think our closeness meant anything romantic. I just thought we were very good friends and I was OK with that. At least, until our friends started asking questions.

"We're still up for the movie tonight, right?" Zack asked Summer as he passed by her locker on her way to class.

"Definitely," Summer grinned.

"Cool, see you 'round," he said before catching up with Freddy and Frankie.

Summer turned to close her locker door, and met Alicia Allen's questioning look. Summer raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"What's the deal with you and Mooneyham?" Alicia said, not bothering to mince her words. But then again, Alicia was never one to beat around the bush.

"What do you mean?" Summer asked, genuinely puzzled.

Alicia smiled wickedly, her braces glinting in the dull overhead lights. "I think you know very well what I mean. Are you two dating already?"

Summer groaned. "Not you too. Marta and Eleni asked me the same question. No, we're not dating. Why on earth would anyone think that?"

"Summer," Alicia gave her a pointed look. "You've been spending most of your time with him, which wasn't the case a couple of months ago, don't think I haven't noticed. Hell, everyone in the band have been wondering what's up with you guys, even Dewey. And Movies? Dinners? Those are prime examples of dates, especially when it's just the two of you."

"God, do I need to hold a press conference for this?" Summer said, now exasperated. "Alicia, could you please tell everyone, that no, Zack and I aren't dating. We're just friends."

"Whatever you say, Tink," Alicia said, obviously still not believing her.

It took us quite some time and a lot of prodding from the people around us before we realized that we were in…you know. All right, all right. That we were in love. We've been together since.

Having him beside me changed my life. I had been all about grades and schoolwork and achievements before he came along. He was the one who told me about the world beyond that, and for that I'm very grateful to him.

No, I'm not worried about him hooking up with anyone else while we're apart. For one thing, it's not in his nature. For another, Katie would be there to watch him for me. Katie and I became good friends all throughout high school, and I'm sure she'll be more than happy to play watchdog for me.

About Frankie, Eleni, Michelle and all the others, I have no idea what they were up to now. They were the sort of people who…well…didn't really care that much for education.

And then there's me. Summer Hathaway. I'm here in Culvert Academy, the university renowned for producing world-class businessmen. I've been here a week before classes formally started. My parents thought it would be a good idea for me to familiarize myself with the new surroundings. It seemed that there wasn't anyone here who I knew, except for Billy Falduto. Yes, Billy, the band stylist. Although we've never been all that close, I was glad he was here. Having a familiar face in this strange new place is somewhat comforting.

"Hello Summer," he said upon seeing me in the classroom, and held out a perfectly manicured hand for me to shake. "Glad to see you here."

"Same here, Billy," I smiled and shook his hand. Gods, his hands were softer than mine. The guy's queer through and through, no doubt about it. We found seats somewhere near the aisle and sat down.

"I have to admit," I began. "I'm quite surprised you took up Business Management."

"As you may very well know, I would rather major in fashion," he said, fluttering his eyelashes. "But my mother wouldn't hear of it. So – " he stopped in mid-sentence and glanced at the classroom doors. "Well look who else is here."

Puzzled I turned toward the door and felt my eyebrows rise.

"Hey Tink. Fancypants," said a familiar voice.

Standing in the doorway with a cocky grin on his face and a drumstick twirling in his hand, was Freddy Jones.

(to be continued…)

A/N: So what made me decide to write my first-ever School of Rock fic? I watched the movie very recently, and immediately became obsessed with it. This has been playing around in my mind for quite some time now, but it took me a while to finally write it. I originally meant it to be Freddy/Katie but somehow, I thought Summer/Freddy would work better. They have this opposites attract thing going on. Rule-maker versus Rule-breaker. And forgive me if there are any grammatical mistakes or typos. I have no beta reader, and I tend to overlook some stuff.

And why did I choose Billy to accompany Ms. Hathaway in this little ficcie of mine? It's because I like his character; reminds me a lot of Carson from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. I have a soft spot for queers.

I didn't use any of the more popular universities in the US as I've little knowledge about 'em, so I made up my own. It's not important anyhow, just a minor detail.

This chapter is pretty short, but I think the following chapters would be a bit longer.

Any questions? Suggestions? Violent reactions? Send a review and tell me what you think.\m/