do not own anything of Harry Potter it all belongs to J.K. Rowling

New World Old Values

He was in the market for a wife, someone who could give him an heir. He knew of only one person who was willing to give away a family member. Sirius Black was not a cruel man but he sure was a hard one. His deep black eyes had seen enough pain and destruction for a life time. He was expecting his Fiancée any day now, not knowing her name or, if she was pleasing to the eye. That was a big deal for a Lord, he needed someone who was pleasing to the eye. At this point he didn't care his time was running short and he needed someone he could trust to take possession of his fortune. Dealing with Dersley was enough of a headache, but practically buying a woman from him was going to make things worse. The man was a pig and no one ever really knew if their goods were going to be delivered on time or in good condition.

Hermione Granger was a small woman with a big heart. Some were surprised and amazed that she still had a heart and had not become some cold statue from all the abuse she had put up with. As she was getting ready to leave on a new, hopefully more enjoyable, adventure of meeting her soon to be husband, she couldn't help but be glad that she was leaving the retched small mansion that only brought her pain and sorrow. A part of her wondered what her 'aunt' Petunia and 'uncle' Dersley would do without her. She was the housekeeper and the gardener. Surely they would have to do all the cleaning by themselves. The beatings would stop, oh would they ever stop; well she hoped they would stop. She didn't really care all the same as long as she was far away from her so called family. After her parents had died a few years back her 'cousin' Harry had wanted to take care of her but in order to do that they would have had to have been married and well that just would not have worked out at all. Harry would most likely hated that because he didn't find himself attracted to the opposite sex therefore the marriage would have been a very happy one.

Hermione was broken out of her thoughts with the sound of her aunt screeching her name telling her it was time for her to go. She quickly went of her room and outside near the carriage where her uncle was waiting for her. She gingerly climbed in to the carriage and prepared for the bumpy ride she was about to take. The bruises on her back from the last beating were definitely going to hurt. She hoped that her husband to be wouldn't turn away from her because of the bruises, of which she called her condition, and of her clothing the maid's uniform was the only thing that she owned. Uncle Dursley wouldn't give her any other clothes besides her work clothes. Her heavily set uncle climbed up in to the carriage and sat beside her. Hermione knew not to talk to him with the wrong tone or make him mad in anyway for, he might forget that she was to be 'given' away and married. She was finally going to be free, well as free as a married woman could be. She had only a few more hours before she would be free from the Dursley's forever.