Draco's eyes twitched involuntary as he tried to stop the bright light travel through his opaque eye lids. His muscles shouted loudly as he turned on his side, once again trying to suppress the early morning light a little longer. The soft rays were gently caressing his eyes as though coaxing him in to letting it enter. He could not deny it any longer. He begrudgingly peeled back his eyelids and let the light fill his body with loving warmth. He blinked a few times, letting his eyes adjust to this unwelcome attack. Never had Draco felt so at ease in the lights presence. He usually shied away or hid under a heavy cloak because the light knows you; it penetrates deep into and shows all your imperfections. It brings them to surface for others to see and Draco did not like that. He did not like all his imperfections as it were for all to see. He was a Malfoy after all; Malfoy's do not show their feelings!

His tongue felt thick and useless in his mouth unable to move because of the injury it sustained a week earlier. He carelessly rubbed it in-between his top and bottom teeth as though trying to kick start it into working again. His hair hung thickly to his brow, sometimes clouding his vision with silver wisps. His ribs ached deeply as he took in raspy gasps. The joints in his finger cracked and stiffen as he tried to pull the warm duvet closer around him protectively. He shivered dangerously and growled when his muscles cried in protest.

Hermione woke from her slumber of peaceful dreams and happy endings. She shifted in her chair and stretched her aching muscles. She listened to the stillness of the room. Silence was Hermione's friend. She loved it. She could easily lose herself in a book in its presence or sleep soundly at night knowing it was around her.

Hermione was slipping back into her land of perfect happening when she heard a growl from the other side of the room. Her eyes shot open and searched the room in the dull morning light. It had been a week since Draco had last spoke to her. She looked over where his weak and wheezing body was still fighting to live and wondered what he would say to her when he decided to acknowledge her presence and find a humble mudblood like her saved his ass!

"Granger I know I'm sexy, do you really have to stare?" he wheezed.

So that was the first words to erupt from his mouth she thought. Well at least he's still got his old personality, she didn't know if this was a good thing or not.

"Malfoy, always the insufferable git" she retorted.

Draco lifted a pale eyebrow and stared straight into Hermione's honey orbs. He saw the fire he was igniting in them. He always knew how to get goody goody Granger's knickers in a twist.

"I maybe an insufferable git Granger, but it's better than being a mudblood" he drawled whilst staring into her eyes with as much hatred as he could muster.

Hermione's hands immediately clenched shut as the full brunt of the insult washed over her. Her nails dug deep into her soft skin, her body screamed at her to stop, but the pleading went unnoticed. She felt her jaw tighten as the infamous smirk traced its path along his face. Her teeth ground mercilessly over each other and the fire in her eyes blazed with an unspoken anger. To say she was pissed was an understatement.

"What's the matter Granger, cat got your tongue?" he asked.

At this comment she exploded. She jumped from the chair she was sitting in just moments before; it let out a muffled sigh as the weight on it lifted.

"I HATE YOU MALFOY" she screamed at the top of her voice.

Her eyes were unblinking and ablaze with an anger he had never seen before. Her hands were straight at her sides and were shaking uncontrollably. Her jaw was clenched tight shut and made her usually friendly face shot into sharp angles as the muscles there dealt with strain she was putting on them. He could feel the heat radiating off her as her body and mind worked overtime with the impeding pressure she was exerting on it.

"You think you know everything Malfoy, yes I may be a dirty mudblood to you but at least I can sleep at night knowing I have helped save peoples lives and I am fighting for a better cause. How many people have you killed Malfoy because to you were too much of a coward to do what's right?" she screamed rather uncharacteristically in his face.

She looked Malfoy straight in his eyes to see his silver pools had turned a deadly black as though his anger was a venom that was slowly filling his body.

"You have no idea what I have been through Granger" he replied with a deadly whisper. "You really think that I haven't tried to do right, do you really think I killed innocent people because I like it? Did you think I had a choice in the matter?"

"Honestly Malfoy no I don't think you have tried to do right and I don't think you ever will" she snarled.

Suddenly he grabbed her wrist and yanked her towards him. She wasn't expecting this and the force in which he pulled her with caught her unawares and she fell forwards on top of him. She heard a growl escape his throat as she pressed painfully into an injured rib. He then grabbed her other wrist as she brought it back to slap him. In one swift movement she was on her back and she felt his weight pressing down on her. He placed his knee between her legs to protect his manhood from her splaying limbs and pressed his hips into her's to stop all movement. Finally he pinned her arms above her with one of his. His hands felt rough against her wrist.

She locked eyes with him determined not to show she was scared, although her heart was thumbing hard. His eyes were now liquid black and she could feel him shaking all over.

"They killed my mother Granger, so don't you dare think for one minute that you know me or try to understand I do what I do. Your world is all sugar coated compared to mine" He bellowed in her face.

Hermione's face softened. He was right she didn't know about his world and what he had to put up with.

Her eyes remained locked on his, so much pain and anger were in them. She was surprised how someone could contain so much hatred within them without it consuming them. Then she realised it was consuming him, it was in there strangling his organs and inflicting pain on his weakening heart. As soon as it was there it was gone and the cold stare replaced it.

"Mal…Malfoy" but she was cut off

"Don't pity me Granger I don't want your pity" he whispered.

And with that he rolled off her and faced the wall.

Hermione stared at the ceiling for a few moment shocked at this new discovery.

I'm going to help you Malfoy I'm going to set you free from your pain" she whispered to herself.

A/N wow the third chapter is finally done wahooo thought I would never get there well here I am and I think I will probably revise this tomorrow but at the moment it fits the bill. Ooo ps ppl REVIEW thanks