It had been a month since Mimi came close to death and saw the spirit of Angel. Roger was so thankful that he was given another chance to spend the time he has left with Mimi and his other friends. Sitting on the couch, Roger read the Sunday paper while sipping on his morning coffee. It was a particularly cold morning, so he had his heavy, black jacket and scarf on. He was just finishing his coffee when Mark came out from his bedroom.

" Good morning sleeping beauty" Roger chuckled. Mark forced a smile and gave a tiny sarcastic laugh.

" At least I don't look like you when I wake up. Your hard to look at in the morning." Mark said plopping down on the couch next to Roger. Roger smiled and laid the paper on the side table. He rubbed his eyes and let out a deep breath.

"Collins stopping by today?" Roger asked.

Mark yawned and said "Yea he said he'd drop by for a while. I think he likes poking fun at us and how we don't have good paying jobs. Even though Buzline does pay the rent." Suddenly Roger got up from his chair and looked in his room. In there, a sleeping Mimi Marquez stirred in hey sleep. Roger let out a sigh of relief and returned to the couch where Mark was.

" Still having problems with her sleeping?" Mark asked Roger. Roger looked at the ceiling and let out a deep breath.

" Yea, going through width draw isn't an easy thing. I should know.

" I know that too. I mean, I never went through it but I had to take care of you when you were going through it. Your emotions changed so quickly and you were always talking about rather killing yourself then not having your drugs." Mark said, not making eye contact with Roger. Roger smiled and patted Mark on the shoulder.

" Thanks for everything you did man. I don't think I could've gotten through it without you. Your not such a wimp after all." Roger joked with a smile

" Hey, I'm not a wimp. Well, not all of the time." Mark joked back. The while the two boys were laughing, Mimi walked out of the bedroom in her clothes she wore from the night before.

" You guys can't let a girl sleep once in awhile, can you?" Mimi said smiling with her eyebrow raised. She walked over and sat on Rogers lap.

" How you feeling today, baby?" Roger asked.

" Not bad. I could really use some coffee though."

Roger got up and walked into the kitchen to pour her a cup of coffee. Then, the door slid open with Tom Collins behind it.

" Hey Bums, I brought some food so you won't starve." Collins said smiling. Roger roled his eyes and brought Mimi her coffee. Mark got up and took the bags Collins had brought them and placed them on the table.

" Where the hell would we be without you Collins? Without you bringing us these granola bars and saltines, we wouldn't be able to live." Mark said sarcastically.

Collins chuckled and said " Well, this is the only food that you've had for a couple days so you should be thankful you scrawny jackass." Marks cheeks flushed red as Roger and Collins howled with laughter. Mimi then walked over to mark and hugged him.

" Aww, don't listen to them Mark. There just bullies." Mimi said, pouting her lip. Mark then hugged her back, knowing that it drove Roger crazy.

" Aha, ok that's enough hugging." Roger said getting up and splitting the two apart.

" Aww don't be such a jealous boy Rog, you know we were just kidding." Mimi said giggling and kissing his rough cheeks. " You're the only man in my life." Just then Joanne and Maureen came barging in with a bottle of alcohol in their hands. Maureen was in a bright pink shirt that was covered by a tight leather jacket and her hair was in a bun on the top of her head. Joanne was dressed in an expensive looking suit with a deep blue tie

" We thought we'd pop over and spent the day with the gang." Maureen said taking off her jacket and giving it to Mark. Joanne walked up next to Maureen and put her hand around her waist.

" And what better way to spent it then getting drunk with a couple of jerks like you guys." Joanne stated. With cheers and applause from everyone else, Joanne popped the cork on the bottled and began to pour the drinks. Just as they started to drink, a knock came from the door. Roger placed his cup on the table and walked over to the door.

" It better not be Benny or I'll have to knock out his teeth right out of his..."but before he could finish he opened the door to find not Benny, but a young girl about 14 years old with long light brown hair tied up in a ponytail. She was wearing in an old jean jacket with a red shirt under it. Roger stared in disbelief before he finally said " Jackie?"

" Jackie?" Mimi asked suspiciously as she walked next to Roger. Roger turned around and saw Mimi's expression.

" No Mimi, you don't understand. Jackie's my…. my younger sister. I haven't seen her since I left home." Roger explained. Mimi understood and looked behind her to see everyone else staring in amazement. Roger never talked about his family and it was to everyone's surprise that he had a sister. Mimi turned around facing Jackie again.

" Hi Jackie, I'm Mimi your brothers girlfriend." Mimi said in a friendly voice. Jackie smiled slightly and walked into the building. Roger shook his head and looked at the girl in confusion.

" Jackie, why are you here?" Roger said in a fierce voice that took everyone by surprise. Jackie frowned and looked at the ground.

" I was sent here." She said simply. Roger grabbed her arm fiercely and trying to look into her eyes.

" Did Mom and Dad bring you here? Cause I'm not letting them come up here!" Roger said sharply. Jackie jerked her arm out of Rogers grasp, still looking at the ground. Roger then grabbed both of her shoulders. "Why are you here?" he demanded. Joanne and Maureen gasped at Rogers's actions. Mimi grabbed Roger trying to pry him away from his sister but Roger just pushed her away, grabbing his sister's shoulders once more. Jackie finally made eye contact with her brother for the first time. He saw that her bright green eyes had a hard, fierce glare.

" I was sent here cause mom and dad died." Jackie said in the same fierce voice as Roger. Everyone gasped at the statement Roger's sister had just said. Collins and Mark looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Roger stared at his sister in disbelief until Mimi broke the silence.

" Maybe we should talk about this inside where it's more comfortable." Mimi sudjested. Roger merely nodded as Jackie shook off her brother's hands off her shoulders. She walked over to the couch and sat down next to Maureen and Joanne who were in complete silence. Roger took a seat in the armchair right next to the couch and ran his fingers through his dirty blond hair. He then finally spoke to his sister without making eye contact.

He said softly. Jackie looked at everyone else in the room that were all staring in amazement at her and Roger.

She then looked at her brother and said " They overdosed." She gave a tiny chuckle and said " But we both knew that was gonna happen sooner or later." Mark looked at Jackie and was amazed by her expression. It seemed that she wasn't even sad that her parents were dead. It seemed like she was almost happy they were gone. He then looked at Roger who had his chin in his hands. He seemed to have the same expression as his sister. He then got up and stared at Mimi.

" Baby, show Jackie where are room is and then come back here." He said in a plain voice. "Jackie stay in there until I say to come out, understand me?" he said in the same plain voice. Jackie stood up without looking at Roger and followed Mimi into the bedroom.

When Mimi came out of the bedroom she sat on the couch where Joanne and Maureen sat. Collins and Mark were standing in silence by Roger. Then Mark broke the silence.

" Roger, your going to have to tell us what went on at your house when you were younger." He said softly. Roger looked at Mark, and then he looked at Collins who was staring hard at him. Mimi had a look of concern on her face, while Joanne and Maureen just had looks of confusion on theirs. Roger leaned back into the armchair and let out a deep breath.

" My home life was anything but nice. My mom was always high on heroine. My father was a drunk. He'd beat my Mom when he's get home from the bar. If he had time he'd beat Jackie and me too. But he'd always beat us more violently then my mom though since we were smaller, grabbing us by the hair and throwing us down the stairs. Kicking us and pushing us into walls." Roger paused and looked up at his friend's expressions of shock. Then he continued. " Even though my parents were always high or drunk, me and Jackie always said that we'd never become our parents. I would always tell my dad to hit me instead of her, but he always got her anyways. Then when I was old enough to leave, I told Jackie I'd come back for her as soon as I could. That was four years ago, and I didn't keep my promise. That's why she hardly talked to me, because I broke my promise." When Roger was done, he buried his head into his hands. Mimi walked over behind the chair and hugged Roger's neck.

" Yo man, you can't feel sorry for yourself. Your sister needs you now, more then ever. And we'll help you in anyway you need us." Collins said softly.

" Their right Roger, you gotta keep you head high and take care of Jackie. She's a Bohemian now." Maureen said, trying to lighten up the atmosphere. Mimi laughed and chimed in.

" Yea we can teach her how to get drunk, live without heat, and eat as little food as possible." Mimi said laughing. Roger raised his head and laughed too. Before they knew it they were cracking jokes about everything Jackie could learn as a Bohemian. Roger knew that he'd have to explain to Jackie what happened but he could do that later on. Right now he was having too much fun.

" Hey Rog, come and see this." Collins said walking over to Rogers's bedroom. When Roger got there he saw his sister sleeping in his bed wearing her worn out jacket and old jeans. " She's a whole lot like you huh?" Collins asked Roger. Chuckling, Roger turned out the lights and slowly closed the door behind him.