Tonight, I Will
A Jimmy Neutron Fanfiction
Chapter 3: Night Drive

Somewhat of a long chapter. But it is the ending chapter. Everyone loves a nice, long ending, right:D

Disclaimer: I still do not own Jimmy Neutron. I'll let you know if that ever happens. :P

"Jimmy! Slow down! The speed limit is 55 and you're going nearly 70! What if a police officer comes down the road!"

"Well, let him pull me over. I'm high on adrenaline tonight, babe."

"Are you sure you're not high on something else!" He called me "babe"!

"Oh, I'm just kidding with you. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to go over that much. I'll slow down."


He took his right hand off the wheel and extended it towards her, and she took it.

Poor Cindy. I shouldn't have freaked her out like that. But was kind of funny, watching her squirm like that. He laughed to himself.


"Oh, nothing."

"Come on, Jim. Tell me!"

"I was just thinking how amusing it was, watching you freak out."

She gave him her death glare, jokingly of course.

"Haha. Come on, Cin. You know how I love messing with you. But I still love you." He stole a glance at her, smiling widely, and then brought his eyes back to the road.

Within about twenty minutes, they came to an area of the road where it was safe to pull off. Jimmy parked the car and once again, opened the door for Cindy. Only this time, as her boyfriend. He smiled at that thought.

She stared blankly. "Jimmy…this is a field. Of tall grass."

"So? What were you expecting, a barren wasteland?"

"I don't know. I guess. I just…really don't wanna walk through it. Allergies, you know."

Jimmy sighed. "My high maintenance woman."

Cindy shot him a dark look, causing him to raise his hands in surprise. "Just kidding!"

She giggled, hiding her face just slightly.


"You're cute when you're surprised."

He blushed. "Well, thank you. I was about to say how cute you are when you're mad."

She smiled and leaned her head on his chest. He picked her up and carried her in his arms yet again, through the field of grass, careful not to trip on anything. "There's a clearing up ahead by that tree. See?"


He set her down gently on the ground and pointed up at the sky. She gasped in amazement .

She had never seen a clearer sky than this. She spun around in a circle and collapsed on the ground, still shocked. "Jimmy, it's so gorgeous out here!"

"Told you!"

He plopped down on the ground next to her and took her in his arms. Feeling spontaneous and comfortable, Cindy removed the hairclip from her hair and shook her head, her blonde hair flowing to her shoulders. Jimmy stared at her, his blue eyes sparkling.

"What are you looking at, Neutron?"

"You, of course. I just wanted to say, I always loved it when you wore your hair down."

She smiled for the millionth time that night and kissed him softly on the lips. When she pulled away, he held her closer and they gazed into the night sky.



"I'm sorry."

"For what, my love?"

"For everything. For being so mean to you. For calling you Bigbrain…and Nerdtron…and Spewtron and all that stuff. Our competition was always so stupid. I'm glad we became friends."

"I am, too."

"But you know what I'm most sorry for?"


"For not realizing just how wonderful you really were sooner than I did. I love you, you…beautiful nerd, you."

He laughed. "Took the words right out of my mouth, Vortex."

She looked up at him, and he looked down at her. He laid his head on hers and played with her hair. She took his bangs and toyed with them, the way she had always dreamed of doing. After a few moments, she let out a blissful sigh and leaned back into him to continue watching the sky.


"Just like you."

She turned to face him and kissed him on the cheek. He pouted. She laughed at his expression. "You dork. Okay, I'll give you what you want."

She kissed him on the lips yet again, knowing that no matter how many times she did, it'd never lose its passion. She was deep in love, and so was he. That was all that mattered. They sat in silence for a few minutes, gazing intently at the galaxy above them. Suddenly, Jimmy decided to have a little fun and tickled Cindy's stomach.

"Eek! Jimmy! Stop it, you know I'm very ticklish!"

"Did that ever stop me before!"

"QUIT IT!" But of course, he didn't. So she got back at him.

"Ahh! Cindy!"

"Oooh! Who's dominating now? I should've known the unbreakable James Isaac Neutron's one weakness is the fact that he's ticklish!"

The two laughed, giggled and wrestled on the ground for nearly ten minutes before Cindy finally found Jimmy's "spot"(the back of his neck) that was more ticklish than any other, causing him to squeak, which led to hysterical laughter from Cindy and a sheepish grin and flushed face from Jimmy. Finally, they grew weary and Jimmy went back to holding Cindy in his arms, breathing in the scent of citrus shampoo from her hair. They had been so absorbed in each other they failed to notice all the stars soaring across the already starlit sky.

"Look, Jimmy! A shooting star!"

"Technically, Cindy, it's a comet. You see it--"

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, you stupid genius. Why don't you shut up and make a wish?"

"I don't need to."

She looked at him questioningly.

"You already came true."

That turned her into mush, even though that line was incredibly overused. She kissed him once again, then leaned back and drifted into a somewhat euphoric state. Four years ago she never would've thought Jimmy to be the one that would make her weak at the knees, to make her heart melt. When they were thirteen and in seventh grade, they put their rivalry aside to become the best friends that they had been to this day. But still, she had no romantic feelings until another two years went by. Wait. What the heck was she thinking? She had had feelings for Jimmy since the day he moved to Retroville! She remembered seeing him standing next to the moving van, petting Goddard's head and smiling. She recalled how cute she thought he was. She had never thought their was hope for their relationship until they were fifteen, when Jimmy told her that he had realized that he had no romantic feelings for Betty, contrary to Cindy's belief. He had been sick that day; he said that after a long day of being alone with his thoughts, he soon realized that she was, in fact, not the one for him. He had said that there was someone else more perfect for him than Betty would ever be. But he hadn't said who. She knew now that that "someone" was her. And she was so glad.

Jimmy was having similar thoughts at the time. He remembered stepping out of his family's car that fateful day eight years ago and seeing the cutest little blonde girl with the cutest pigtails. He recalled the day they first met in the park, where she had tried to show up Goddard with her dog, Humphrey. He never told her this, but he had always felt bad for frying her hair that day, even if he laughed at her on the outside. Their competition was fun for awhile, but finally he just got tired of fighting with the one he loved the most. And now, after so many painful days and awkward outings, here he was, holding her in his arms. He could feel his heartbeat through his chest; he wasn't going to screw this up. Not this time.

Jimmy looked at his watch. Midnight! Aww, man. We have to leave. He sighed. I could stay like this forever.

"Cindy? Cin? We've gotta leave. It's midnight. The dance should be ending by now."

No answer.

He looked down at her. She was fast asleep, wisps of her blonde hair hanging in her face. He smiled and gingerly tickled her face with his nose. Then he scooped her up into his arms and carried her to his car.


Jimmy looked up, almost dropping Cindy. "Hey, Mrs. Vortex."

"Why's Cynthia asleep?" she looked at him with suspicion.

He fashioned a story in his head. "The dance really wore her out, I guess. We got in the car and within seconds she was asleep! I was going to take her somewhere to get a little something to eat before we went home, but I didn't want to wake her up. So I took her straight home."

Mrs. Vortex shook her head and smiled at Jimmy knowingly. "Don't even try to lie to me, James."


"I saw the way you were looking at her when you walked in here. And I have a pretty good guess of everything that happened between the two of you tonight."

Jimmy blushed. Damn. I should've known, Cindy had to get her intelligence from somebody. I am in such trouble...

"It's okay. I know how much my daughter cares about you. And I think I know her well enough and you well enough to know that I can trust the both of you. Frankly, I'm happy that she's with someone like James Neutron."

Jimmy smiled. "Thank you, Mrs. Vortex. I swear, I'd never do anything to hurt Cindy."

"I'm glad to hear that. You can take her up to her room, if you want."

"I will. Goodnight, Mrs. Vortex."

"Goodnight, James."

Jimmy slowly walked up the stairs, careful not to wake his princess, as he endearingly thought of her. He opened the door to her room. He was her boyfriend now; he felt a blush creep up his face, knowing that being in her room had taken on a new meaning. But he would discover what that new meaning held for them at a later date. He loved her, but he respected her as well.

Cradling her head, he laid her gently down on her bed. Thinking she might get cold, he grabbed the pink comforter, neatly folded at the end of the bed, and covered her with it. Planting a kiss on her forehead, he whispered, "Goodnight, Cindy." And then he headed home.

He opened the door to his house and saw his parents sitting on the couch, watching a late night movie. "Hey, Mom and Dad."

Hugh Neutron looked up at his son and jokingly glared at him. "Quiet, Jim. Your mom's asleep."

Jimmy laughed. They sure do love to fall asleep on our shoulders.

"Did you have a good time tonight, son?"

"Yeah, I really did." More than he'll ever know.


"Well, I'm heading off to bed. Super tired. 'Night, Dad."

"Goodnight, son."

Goddard was the first thing Jimmy saw when he opened the door to his room. The robotic dog was sitting on his master's bed, and perked up once he was him enter. A message flashed across his screen: "Did you tell her?"

Jimmy smiled and nodded. He could hardly hear Goddard's small bark and he could hardly feel the mechanical paws scratching at his ankles. All he could hear was her voice inside his head and all he could feel was her kiss as it lingered still on his lips. Finally, he patted the mechanical dog's head and walked over to his bed, falling backwards onto it. He smiled yet again, closed his eyes and whispered happily, "Yessssss!"

Hope everyone enjoyed this fic. I've got ideas on my head for two more Jimmy Neutron fanfictions and one Danny Phantom fanfic. They'll be more angsty than this one, though. (fair warning) R&R as always, thanks to everyone who has!