Author's Note: I haven't been writing for a while and I came across one of my stories, and decided to re-write the beginning. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own HSM.

Chapter one

Gabriella was sitting on her bed brushing her hair, she sighed in frustration. Troy had invited her to one of Chad's wild parties. Parties of which she thought she would never go to, she wasn't so into parties and all that. But she had promised Troy she'd be there.

All of the sudden, Gabriella jumped at the loud ring of her cell phone. Without hesitation she looked at the screen and saw Sharpay's number. 'What would Sharpay want?' she thought.

"Hello?" Gabriella asked knowing it was Sharpay.

"Gabriella, this is Sharpay. Just called to let you know that Chad changed the time of his party" Sharpay said, with her same old dramatic tone.

"Oh really? Umm, to when?" Gabriella check the time on her clock: Exactly 7:59.

"Not when, silly. Today! At 9 pm" Sharpay giggled, Sharpay always gave Gabriella the creeps.

"Oh okay" Looks like Gabriella had one more hour to get ready.

"Yeah, So yeah you there. Toodles!" Sharpay quickly hung up.

Gabriella pressed the red button on her phone and placed it on her bedside drawer. For a moment, she thought about Troy. She smiled at the thought of seeing her and Troy together at the party.

Slowly, she continued to brush her hair.


Troy was sitting on Chad's dark green couch, impatiently waiting for Gabriella's arrival. She was already a half an hour later. He knew he should have picked her up.

"Hey Troy" Sharpay popped up from behind, making Troy jump.

"Sharpay…Hi" He said, hoping she'd just say hi and leave. She was always flirting with him and that sort of annoyed him.

"Want something to drink?" She asked as she sat besides him.

"No thanks."

"Are you sure?" A big grin was plastered in her face.

"Yes I'm sure Sharpay. I'm not really thirst-"

"Oh come on! Let me get you a drink" She insisted.

Troy sighed. If her getting him a drink would make her go away then he was up for it.

"Ok fine." She gave her a slight smile.

"Be right back" She stood up and quickly walked away.

Two minutes later….

"Troy!" She was back. Her loud voice always made Troy feel jumpy. He wished she wasn't too loud or ,most of the time, too dramatic.

"Here you go" She once again sat next to him but closer this time. She handed Troy the drink. He took it and smiled.

"Thanks" he grabbed a hold of it.

"Well um, I guess I'll see you later!" She stood up. Leaned in closer to Troy. Face to face. At that very moment he felt so nervous, he imagined himself throwing the punch in her face. Sharpay then gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Goodbye" She winked and walked away.

Minutes later Troy was still in shock…


Gabriella had finally arrived at Chad's house. She was late, considering she got lost looking for his house. She knocked on the front door. Chad opened the door.

"Hi Chad" Gabriella greeted him.

"Hey Gabriella, come on in." Gabriella walked in. Immediately she felt awkward and nervous.

"Chad" She turned to face him "Um, is Troy around?"

"Yeah, Last I saw him he was sitting on the couch. Living Room." He pointed to the right.

"Ok Thanks" She began to walk towards the living room. She never really noticed how big Chad's house was. She could easily get lost.

Finally, she was on the living room. Filled with people she knew from school. But Troy. She decided to sit down on a random couch and wait for him, he probably had just gone to the restroom.


Sharpay leaned against the wall as she kissed Troy. The moment she had been waiting for. Finally, she wasn't going to be known as the Ice Queen but as The Girl who slept with Troy Bolton, Sharpay Evans.

Troy's Kisses felt like nothing Sharpay ever felt before. His kisses took her breath away, Troy was the guy Sharpay had been wanting to kiss for the longest time. At the moment, she felt guilt but she didn't care, She had troy all for herself. Until, of course, Little miss brainy pants got there.

"Why don't we get comfortable.." Sharpay whispered into Troy's ear.

"Yeah…Sure.." Troy said through kissing.

Troy let his lips brush against Sharpay's gently. He had nothing on his mind, he didn't seem to remember anything. Clearly Troy was drunk, Sharpay had led him up stairs after his last drink.

Sharpay began to unbutton Troy's shirt. Smiling inside, she couldn't resist him.

After his shirt was unbuttoned her lips grazed down to Troy's neck and continued kissing. This just get any better. She felt anxious to just make him hers…


Twenty minutes had passed by, where was he? Gabriella questioned herself. She sighed and stood up. She thought maybe he wasn't in the restroom.

She looked around and still no Troy.

"Great, Stood up" She whispered to herself making sure it was low enough so no one could hear.

She began to walk backwards towards Chad's front door. Just then she noticed the stairs. She had forgotten to check there. Maybe he was upstairs all along. Hopefully he was..


Gabriella slowly opened the door to find Troy and Sharpay making out right in front of her face. She gulped.





This couldn't be happening.

Suddenly, it all made sense…Sharpay had lied to her.

Sharpay looked at Gabriella and winked before she continued to kiss Troy, using her tongue this time. Sharpay wanted to make sure Gabriella was furious.

"Gabriella?" Troy looked over at her.

"I hate you!" Gabriella screamed so loud the whole party heard her.

"I hope you two have fun" tears began to ran down her cheeks. All she wanted is to get out of there. Fast.

"Gabriella what's wrong?" Chad came running up the stairs.

"Ask them." Gabriella said before she began to run past Chad.

Chad looked inside the open door.

"Oh god no" She closed his eyes and turned around.

"Sharpay! What the hell is going on!" He asked, furiously.

"Oh nothing, Just having a little fun with well my Boy Toy" She laughed sarcastically.

"You bitch, You got him drunk didn't you?!" Sharpay walked out of the room and faced Chad.

"You have no proof. Well goodnight!" She waved and gave Chad a big grin.

Chad watched her walk away, no way in hell would Troy sleep, or even kiss, that thing. Chad quickly walked inside and Troy was sleeping.

"Troy wake up!" Chad screamed into his ear.

"Go away" Troy replied, lazily.

"You're so stupid." Chad slightly smacked Troy.

Authors Note: Yeah, I can write better now. Proved you all wrong ;) Probably won't write anymore Chapters.

R E V I E W !