This is my new series Sailor Dark Moon. Please read and review to let me know what you think ok ta luvies

P.S: the scouts and that have all ready met King Endymion and found out that Rini was Darien's and Serena's child

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon but I do own this story idea.

King Endymion leads Rini, the inner scouts and Serena and Darien all transformed, down a long hallway. Every few meters a portrait or tapestry was hung. The only sound was from heels hitting the white marble floor. After what felt like eternity King Endymion stopped in front of a pair of large double doors with intricate designs engraved on them. King Endymion turned and said

"Brace yourselves" his voice echoing around him as tears welled up in his eyes. His hand hovered over the doors silver handle for a brief moment before he grasped it and opened the door. The door glided open smoother then a hot knife through butted. Slowly and respectfully everyone moved into the room.

The room was built entirely out of white marble and had silver trimming. It was completely empty apart from a large crystal structure and two silver chairs. The king gestured for the group to move towards the crystal. Rini ran towards the crystal and started to cry and screamed

"Why wont you WAKE UP!" as she hit the crystal. The scouts looked at each other and walked towards the crystal a unanimous gasp went through the group when the looked in the crystal. Mina, Amy and Lita burst out in loud sobs. Silent tears ran down Raye's face as she fell to her knees holding the crystal as best she could. Darien grabbed Serena's hand and they both went to the crystal. As so as Darien looked at it he started to cry and slid to the ground, and held Rini. Serena stood, her cerulean blue eyes dry and just started at the crystal. She felt a hand on her arm. She looked and saw it was King Endymion.

"Your future self Neo-Queen Serenity, Serena we were attacked and you went to get Rini from the garden. You would have been safe if you had the Silver Imperial Crystal but…" the king didn't finish

"Why didn't I have the crystal?" Serena asked

"It was gone Serena, we have no idea where it is. I'm sorry," said the king and he pulled her into a hug

"So I'm dead"

"No Serena not dead when the Negaverse they put a sleeping spell on the whole of Crystal Tokyo. Serenity was about to be hit when the scouts pulled there power together and placed Serenity inside this crystal chamber. But she won't wake up, we've tried everything. She's been in there sleeping for the past 8 months," Sighed the king

"I see, I need air I'm going for a walk. No one is to follow me am I clear" commanded Serena

"Yes" said Raye

"Good" Serena said as she walked out the doors her Sailor Moon shoes clicking on the marble floor.

"What are you doing Raye letting her go by herself!" hissed Lita

"She just found out that she's been stuck in crystal like some museum bug for the past 8 months. She's got to get her head around it. Besides she's on castle grounds, she wont get hurt here." Snapped Raye. Before she turned back to the sleeping figure of Neo-Queen Serenity.

As Serena walked through the gardens she spotted a swing.

"Must be Rini's" she said out loud as she lowered herself into the seat and started to swing back and forth, she opened the star locket Darien had given her a long time ago. Serena let the melody sweep over her. When suddenly a fierce wind came up out of nowhere. Serena jumped up from the swing and tried to run back to the castle. But found her feet were stuck.

"What's going on?" Serena yelled

"Haha nice to meet you Sailor Moon… or do you prefer Princess Serenity, Serena or Neo-Queen Serenity" chuckled a male voice. The star locket fell from Serena's hands and hit the ground next to the swing.

"Who are you? Sailor Moon to you Nega-jerk," asked Serena

"I am Wiseman and I believe I have a offer that you cant refuse"