Chapter 14:

Naruto finished his talk with Tsunade and picked up a few reports she wanted him to read. He poofed himself back to his home…Sasuke's home rather and opened the door to see the raven setting the table. He almost winced when he saw the pale and tired look on the other man's face. He sighed; he knew that the older man would never take anything for his hangover…Sasuke believed that he could function without medicine.

He walked to the medicine cabinet and then went to stand in front of Sasuke, pill in one hand and a glass of water in the other silently holding them out to him. Sasuke glared at him, but took it without complaint. He knew Naruto would bug him until he did. Drinking the water down, he suddenly looked around and frowned at the blond.

"Naruto, where's Kizuna?"

Naruto blinked. "What do you mean? Isn't he here?"

"He was looking for you and left two hours ago. He promised he'd come home for lunch, but it's all ready lunch time! He's never been late before!" Sasuke said, his stoic features softening into a worried frown.

"But I haven't seen him at all! I was with Tsunade the whole time…" Naruto looked perturbed. "Maybe…maybe he met a friend and well…but then he hasn't done this before. He usually sends a message."

Sasuke felt a wave of overwhelming fear, but stopped it from actually gaining expression. He turned to see panic begin to creep onto Naruto's face and went to place a hand on the blond's shoulder before firmly saying "Don't worry. I'm sure he'll be back soon. You should just wait for a while. After all he's a kid and can easily get side-tracked!"

He got the blond into a chair and then excused himself to talk to Shino who was passing by. He asked if the bug keeper to inform people to search for Kizuna within the city and ask him to come home if he was around…he also asked him to inform them to report only to him. Then he went back inside in order to keep Naruto company. It was a taxing thing, time and time again Naruto steered the conversation back to Kizuna. Finally Sasuke decided to go in for the kill.

He would never have asked if he wasn't hung-over and close to panicking. "Naruto why were you in my bed last night? I mean I could smell you on my sheets and well they were messed up on that side. I don't remember anything, but the party and the…uh…moon."

Naruto suddenly turned al fidgety and blushed lightly. "Listen, you were really drunk. And…um…you fell out of the window while we were having a conversation and I caught you." he blushed even more at what Sasuke had said. "I tried to get you into bed, but you wouldn't let go of me and I decided that you needed me as a plushie more than Kizuna did…" he frowned suddenly. "Have you been training in secret? I mean really, though we were always on par with each other, but your grip was way too strong. It was not the way it should have been if you'd only been tossing ramen all day long!"

He realised that Sasuke wasn't saying anything, a look of horror creeping into his dark eyes. Before Naruto could ask there was a knock on the door and Sasuke was out of his seat like lightning.

Sasuke opened the door to reveal Kiba, who gestured for him to come out. After making sure Naruto was not within hearing range, Kiba turned to Sasuke grimly. "We've found his trail…it's leading out of Konoha. If we leave now, we should be able to find him by nightfall at least. You should inform Naruto too."

Sasuke nodded, wanting to collapse. But he went in to inform Naruto, concentrating on the mission at hand. The blond stood up looking anguished. They met Kiba at the gates and started off following Kizuna's trail.

Sasuke rushed through the trees keeping his eyes firmly on Akamaru's little form. He kept his breathing deep and even not letting the fear that hovered at the edges take over. He glanced at Naruto once or twice to make sure that the blond was all right…it was such a taxing experience for both of them. Akamaru followed a single straight route that took them all the way to the Valley of the End. Both the parents went pale as they saw the familiar waterfall approaching…did their son go over the border? But thankfully Akamaru veered to the right and followed the river upstream.

Sasuke and Naruto sighed in relief. Naruto couldn't help but curse the demon within him which was responsible for Kizuna's speed. It was a four hour journey for most jounin, but for Kizuna it would be almost an hour less. Naruto wondered where his baby was…it had been about six hour's altogether since Kizuna left the house in the morning. He'd always found it hard to catch his son, but he'd never imagined he'd have to chase after him in a situation like this.

Finally Akamaru stopped, sniffing around outside a cave surrounding by dense forest. Then he yipped at Kiba, who frowned and then translated. "He's in here…Akamaru says he's scared…he knows we're here. You guys go in, I'm not going to intrude…I'll uh…keep guard in case he wants to run away again."

Naruto stared at the entrance and then without thinking, reached out to grab Sasuke's arm in a death grip. Obsidian eyes shot him a slightly panicky but reassuring look. Both men made their way into the cave, holding their breath. It wasn't a very deep cave, it extended just a few feet. A dark lump crouched at the end of it…as their eyes adjusted to the darkness they say Kizuna looking up at them; face all dirty with tear streaks running down his cheeks. The moment Naruto saw Kizuna's eyes linger at his hand on Sasuke's arm; he pulled it away…stumbling a few steps forward to fall onto his knees before the boy.

"Kizuna? It really is you, isn't it?"


Naruto suddenly whimpered before reaching out to hold the boy. But Kizuna jerked away and batted the hands off. "No!" his shout was forceful. Naruto's eyes widened with hurt and he bit his lip, forcing himself to stay calm.

"Kizuna, what's wrong? It's me usagi, you know you can tell me anything!" Naruto forced his hands to say by his side. He wouldn't touch Kizuna unless the boy let him.

"I don't believe you! You're a liar!"

Naruto didn't reply. Kizuna continued. "You've been lying to me! I thought you said it was bad to lie! You're a bad man chichi-ue! I hate you!"

Naruto jerked like he'd been slapped, but he still refused to say anything. Sasuke couldn't see this happening though. "Kizuna! Don't you dare say that to your chichi-ue again!"

Kizuna glared at him. "You're a liar too! You're my real otou-san aren't you?" Sasuke grit his teeth, but nodded all the same. Kizuna inhaled sharply.

"Kizuna…I love you."

Kizuna stared at his blond father, before his little face twisted. "No you're lying! Stop pretending! I know you didn't want me! I was one of Sasuke-san's mistakes wasn't I? I know you don't love me chichi-ue."

"He does. I do too. I know we didn't tell you earlier but that's because it was best for you that way." Sasuke's deep voice said. Kizuna refused to look at the dark haired man all attention on his blond father. He couldn't help the anger and hurt welling up inside him. He punched the blond's shoulder suddenly…wanting to hit the man.

Naruto snapped out of the weird trance like state he was in as the boy started throwing punches at him. He'd had enough of this. He wrapped his arms firmly around his son and began rocking him softly, until the boy stopped struggling and began to sob into his shirt. Naruto decided that he would listen now. "Firstly you need to learn to listen to people fully when you overhear them talking, usagi. Secondly…it is true that I didn't plan on having you…but I cannot call you a mistake. Whether you believe me or not Kizuna, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. You see…I loved Sasuke very much…so I really wanted to have you!"

Kizuna clutched his father's shirt. "Why didn't you marry Sasuke-san?"

Before Naruto could answer, Sasuke spoke up. "Because I lied to him…I left him behind whenever he came to help me. I betrayed him, until he lost all the trust he had in me. And then I came back…but I had hurt him too much. Do you understand Kizuna? I'm a horrible person. Then your otou-san asked him to marry him and Naruto said yes. Even though he was going to have you anyway…"

Kizuna stared at Sasuke, but turned back to Naruto when he began speaking. "Kizuna…Gaara and I thought it would be better for you if you didn't know Sasuke was your otou-san. I was scared you would be treated like they treated me…because I had a demon in me and you'd be the son of a demon and traitor. Gaara protected you. We wanted to give you a normal family and a happy childhood…I didn't know if Sasuke would come back…I didn't know if he would leave again…I'm sorry I lied to you. But I thought it would be best for you." Naruto hugged him harder. "I'm sorry I couldn't even make it work with Gaara." He hoped Kizuna understood most of what he was being told.

Kizuna bit his lip. "I'm sorry I yelled chichi-ue…I love you." he turned to Sasuke. "You aren't a bad man…you told me before when we met that you thought chichi-ue was right about family being important. You're a good man now…I love you too. Uh…am I supposed to call you otou-san?"

Sasuke heard the doubt in Kizuna's voice…he saw it in his eyes. "Only if you want to, Kizuna… we better get home soon…it's going to be a long journey."

Kizuna nodded. "I'm…" he yawned. "I'm sorry I ran away…" he leaned into Naruto feeling exhausted. He hadn't eaten in hours and it would take a really long time to get back it seemed. It was almost twilight now. They'd spent an hour talking to each other. And Naruto was tired too…he didn't have the energy to transport them back to Konoha even with Kyuubi's chakra…they'd have to walk for at least an hour o get close enough for him to do that. Well, it was better than nothing. They went out and met Kiba…all the adults decided to walk… Naruto was mentally exhausted and not up to running right now. Kiba…who'd just gotten back from a mission in the morning was wiped out too. And Sasuke…Sasuke was lost in his own world. One sentence ringing in his mind. I loved Sasuke very much…so the dobe didn't love him anymore…Sasuke looked at the blond pain squeezing him again. Why can't I stop running after you?

Naruto watched as his child snuggled into the covers some more. The moment they'd gotten home, they'd fed the boy and tucked him up nice and secure. Naruto had refused to leave until the boy fell asleep. But now he had to go see what Sasuke was doing. When he went downstairs he found that the table had been set, and food had been laid out for…one. Naruto frowned, wondering where the dark haired man was. He looked all over the house, even at the attic but Sasuke was no where to be found. Had he gone out for a walk? Naruto took a deep breath trying to sense his chakra signature, again he couldn't find it.

He heard a knock at the door and went to open, walking a bit quickly. He saw Tsunade smiling at him from the door –step. "Hey, gaki…I'm glad you found Kizuna. Did I interrupt your dinner?"

Naruto shook his head. "No, join me. Sasuke-teme has gone off somewhere. But he still left food out for me." Naruto set a bowl and plate out for Tsunade opposite him. Hen he sat down and touched his bowl only to find that it had been reinforced with chakra to keep the food hot…which meant Sasuke had left a while ago…and not just now.

"I came to drop off this list of shinobi who are on missions. And well…read it Naruto." Tsunade broke her chopsticks in half and began to eat her food. Naruto felt a slight feeling of foreboding come over him as he picked up the scroll and looked at the list. Finally he came down to the last group. Yamato's group: Espionage. Yamato, Aburame Shino, Hyuuga Hinata and Uchiha Sasuke. Three month long mission- Hidden Mist. He dropped his chopsticks and looked at Tsunade, eyes wide.

"You sent him on a mission?"

Tsunade shrugged. "He came in and asked for one. Said he needed to get away for a while. I agreed with him on that one. Sasuke isn't a civilian; he's never stopped training for the past three years. Once he got over the shock, he's just been training and working. He's a great jounin; he's won back at least a bit of the council's trust. He wouldn't be able to stay civilian long…I'm sorry to say this, but not with you around."

She shook her head softly. "It's only been a week since you left Gaara; you're not ready for anything else. Look at it from his perspective, you guys are getting back to being close, but he still loves you. He needs a break and I am fine with it. You'll be Hokage tomorrow…you'll also be busy. Once his group stars reporting in, you'll be able to make the decision of when he returns…though I know you'll keep the village in mind. He left this for you."

Naruto sighed and then he half smiled. Picking up his chopsticks he dug into his ramen. "Yeah baa-chan. But I'll still kick his ass for not telling me when he gets back."


Going on a mission…I'm getting trestles. Tell Teuchi-san that I'm sorry I didn't give him notice of my leave. Ayame will take over again. Since it's just an espionage mission, I will be writing to you and Kizuna…maybe even get him something on the way? See you later.


Naruto looked out the window, leaning back into his chair and reminiscing. It had been a month since Sasuke had left. Naruto had had to console Kizuna that his running wasn't the reason that Sasuke had left. Deep down Naruto knew it was because of himself…because of the pain he'd caused Sasuke that the older shinobi had chosen to go on that mission. Sasuke had made it easier for the kid to believe him, by sending him a post card signed under the code name of 'plushie man'. After that, he and Kizuna had fallen into a routine, staying at the Uchiha mansion and going to their school or work place from there. Yes the house did seem empty without Sasuke there…suddenly the blond missed his best friend.

He was glad Tsunade had decided to stay and help in the hospital. Sakura was pregnant again with her second child, but she still came to check up on Naruto. His office in Hokage tower was really nice. And it had become nicer once Shikamaru and Temari moved back to Konoha to enable Shikamaru to take his place as the advisor of the Hokage. Naruto came back to the 'real' world and lanced at the document before him with a small smile, eyes lingering on the signature at the corner. He'd finally been able to talk with the Hyuuga's and make them sign the document that stated that no one in the branch family would be sealed…all the curse seals were to removed immediately. He and Tsunade had devised a way of removing it…the removal had started a day or two back.

The door opened and Kotetsu poked his head in. "Hokage-sama? Nara-san has arrived with the Kazekage…they await your presence in the conference room." Naruto nodded and stood. The meeting he'd arranged, but had been dreading came to be. He didn't feel like stepping out of the office all his emotions all mashed up again. But then it had been a month and he would have to get over it right? After all he had accepted it was also his fault. It was just a meeting, what the hell could happen? He placed at hand on the door of the conference room…and there'd be hat other matter to discuss. He decided to talk of it first and get it out of the way. He was glad the old council members had resigned, Kakashi and Kurenai had taken their place. He entered and they all looked up at him, Gaara, Shikamaru, Kakashi and Kurenai. No one bothered to stand since Naruto brushed away all those formalities.

Blue eyes met green as each took in the other's appearance. Gaara looked as sexy as ever. But Naruto wasn't focusing on his looks, he was trying to decipher what he felt as he looked at his ex…there wasn't any rage, maybe a bit of anger though. Satisfied he smiled a genuine smile at them all and sat down.

"All right everyone let's begin. We have about three important issues to discuss today. Firstly the Hyuuga-Sabaku marriage. Secondly the Akatsuki problem and lastly a few trade policies between our villages. Concerning Hyuuga-san's wedding to Sabaku-san, all the members of the Hyuuga clan approve. I talked it over with them and was able to pave the way. Shikamaru has drawn up a new treaty which we will have to sign at the end of this meeting. I will try to spare anyone who wants to attend as long as it will not compromise on our security or missions." Naruto nodded at Gaara and smiled again.

Then he turned a bit serious and looked around. "Coming to the Akatsuki…I recommend that we start specially training a few our shinobi to handle them. That will mean extra chakra and stamina practice…please take a look at the charts in front of you…"

The meeting went on for a while. It was Naruto's first meeting with a Kage…but it impressed everyone. He was a good speaker with just enough humour to lighten a normally serious subject. He was also efficient and came up with a few ideas hat seemed better than Shikamaru's. After it ended they left the two Kage's alone. Gaara studied Naruto a bit. The blond looked healthy and pretty happy, though there was something missing in those eyes. It wasn't something too big…but Naruto somehow seemed incomplete.

"You're a good Hokage."

Naruto turned to face Gaara. "Thank you Sabaku-san, I really appreciate that. I want to congratulate you on your upcoming marriage."

Gaara sighed. "Naruto…I thought we would sort things out! Quit the formalities will you? I was pleasantly surprised when you arranged this meeting and I thought things would be the same."

Naruto looked just a little sad. "I don't want to use your fist name for a while…I know it's a little weird but, I'd like a bit of distance between us. It isn't about me forgiving you or you forgiving me…it's just that it cannot go back to being the way it was, because you did betray my trust…like I'd betrayed yours long ago. And well…it's only been a month…I'm not angry at you…but then again, maybe some formality and distance would be good. It wouldn't make me feel like I'm addressing my husband then…it will just be Sabaku no Gaara the Kazekage. Allow this one luxury ok?"

Gaara shut his eyes for a bit. "Fine then, Uzumaki-san. How is Kizuna? And I hear Uchiha had gone off on a mission."

"Yes, Sasuke has left on a three month mission. He still sends Kizuna cards, letters and gifts." Gaara noticed the blond's eyes light up a bit as they talked of the raven haired man. "Kizuna is fine, we had a bit of trouble when he found out Sasuke was his father…but he wasn't given any time to face it, since Sasuke left that night. So he's actually taking it pretty well. "

Gaara nodded and then suddenly Naruto turned to him a scroll in hand. "Is Hyuuga-san here? Could you call him in for a moment?"

The red head stepped out and asked one of the chuunin to bring Neji in. the white-eyed man walked in looking a bit apprehensive. But Naruto smiled warmly at him. "Hyuuga-san…I have something for you. You could call it an early wedding gift." He pressed the gift into Neji's hand. "Please open it when you get to your quarters. Then you can heads to meet Tsunade baa-chan. Oh and Sabaku-san you may visit Kizuna…he's at the academy."

Then he left them there and retired to his own office. Neji walked back to their lodgings with Gaara and then opened the scroll. As he read what was written there, his eyes filled up. "Gaara…look…the curse seal… Naruto really…"

Back in his office, the blond began a letter.

Dear plushie man,

I just finalised the deal to get rid of the white eye curse seals. I hope the sand man's boyfriend will be happy now. Our child misses you…so do I… anyway, how are things there and when are you coming back? The kid's academy training seems to be…

Dear dobe,

I hope that doesn't sound too mushy…everything's all right here…you seem to be taking care of things real fast. I wouldn't have expected an usuratonkachi like you to be that way. I know it's been a month since you wrote to me. And I'm sorry I didn't write back right away. I had to get my thoughts together…because dobe, you know how I feel about you. I was surprised, even though we are friends to receive that letter. It was the kind of letter I always expected or should I say wished for when I was at the snake's. It is strange that I have to force myself to believe that it was just the kind of letter best friends write. This letter seems too mushy, it's the kind of thing my clan wouldn't touch with a bargepole but well, I seemed to have wasted the lives of quite a few trees with that heap of crumpled paper behind me, so I'm sending this anyway. Let's just hope the ghosts of my clan won't kill me when they see!

I'm sorry I left in such a hurry. You see before we left to get our kid you'd been telling me about the time when I was drunk…and it all came back to me. You remember when we got drunk that one time when we were thirteen…a few weeks before I left for the snake's and I had that temporary amnesia until you reminded me of what happened? Yeah it was something like that. So when I remembered…I was so mortified. I was also scared, dobe…scared that you might run again. You had that embarrassed look in your eye and it seemed to be tinged with distaste. And as much as I hate saying this…we seem to have traded places…with me wanting your acknowledgement. But I have a month to go and I guess I'll just have to live with the fact that you do not love me that way and try to accept the way I feel.

Uh…well…keep writing. Ja ne! And did our child like those trinkets I sent him? I hope he did.


Plushie man!

Naruto placed the letter on his desk and sighed. Stupid Sasuke, if he was back here maybe things could have been all right. How did that teme expect things to be ok, when he was that far away? Naruto couldn't even determine his feelings. But then again…was he lying to himself? After all these years he did love Sasuke? He hung his head…yes he did. He had even when he was with Gaara. And though in these past four years he'd been able to suppress his love for Sasuke and had let his love…genuine love for Gaara grow, Sasuke had still been there tucked away in some small corner.

It wasn't a question of bringing back the love…it was just a question of rekindling it, since it had never really gone away. If it had, Naruto knew he wouldn't be so comfortable…well almost…with Neji being with Gaara. His reactions earlier were the type of reaction anyone who was betrayed after four years of what you thought was a good marriage would have. But since his mind had started clearing up, he wondered how he could have ever thought it would work with Gaara, when each of them had wanted something different from each other. He had wanted an understanding, caring friend while Gaara wanted unrequited love and when he had wanted unrequited love, Gaara had needed a good best friend.

The Hokage chuckled dryly. Somehow life gave you the opposite of what you wanted. He looked down at the letter…but maybe sometimes life offered you the opportunity one last time and if you failed to take it…then maybe it would never be offered again. He picked up a pen.

Dear mister plushie man…

I think you've been severely mistaken about the situation. You are an idiot who should come home so this dobe of yours can make things clear! But then again you were always the idiot who kept running from your problems…I'm not sorry if I offended you! Why didn't you ask me about what I thought teme, instead of running away? Gosh now I know where our child gets it from. What did I do to be cursed with the two of you? But you know I've been thinking…if you were to come home after your vacation…maybe we could see if I could be cursed with more of you? I mean it won't be long before I won't be able to take all that strain…I mean really…we have loads of 'rekindling' to do, and if you my stupid plushie man aren't here, then I'll just have to find someone else…you see here's this certain teme in my head, who seems to want to rekindle things…yeah I know I'm being a school-girl-in-love-kind of idiot…hurry home, teme…

I wish this month would be over, but maybe the wait is good? I don't know if I should be saying this, so I'll put it the way it is…if we can rekindle it…then I will love you whole heartedly…because somewhere in there and in all the mess of things in me…I do. Plus if you don't come home I'm leaving you to take care of our little devil who seems to have become more mischievous in the past few days!

Ja ne, my plushie man! Your


"Then we'll have to see if we can build one…it'll make travel across the river easier and the electricity will be plentiful so all the civilian villages in between will also have power." The Mizukage nodded at Naruto. "a very good plan…Tsunade-sama made a good choice when she…"

"Chichi-ue! Chichi-ue!" Kizuna burst in even before the woman could finish her sentence, flanked by two guards who had been in the process of stopping him. The boy looked thinner, Sasuke's absence had been eating away at him for sometime, even though Naruto did try his best to keep Kizuna's mind occupied. But right now he looked happier than he had in days. "Kotetsu spotted them! They're here chichi-ue! Sasuke-san is back!" he looked ready to drag Naruto out.

The blond smiled shooting an embarrassed look at the other Kage. "Zuna-chan…maybe you should go meet him and I'll join you? I am in the middle of a meeting you know!"

His son shook his head. "No! You must come! Please chichi-ue, he's back after a real long time…" he shrugged the guard's hand off his shoulder and ran to his father, clinging to his waist. He turned on a puppy dog face and tuned it to full power. "If you're there it'll make him happy…."

Naruto sweat dropped just a bit and shot him a dry look. Then he looked at the Mizukage's face. She was trying to hide a smile. The puppy face couldn't be ignored however hard he tried. His guards were smiling too, as were Kakashi, Kurenai and Shikamaru. He looked at Shika who shrugged before shooting another apologetic look at the Kage. "I'm afraid we'll have to meet tomorrow morning. This is important to my son…Kizuna, say you're sorry!"

Kizuna glared at everyone, his mouth turned down in a scowl. The typical Uchiha death glare. He looked at the Kage. "Sorry." Then he turned to Naruto. "If you don't hurry chichi-ue they'll have gone past the gates. We must receive him AT THE GATES! That's the right thing to do! You'd better…"

Naruto sighed and picked him up before poofing to the gates. They made it just as Sasuke's foot stepped onto the threshold of the gates. The raven barely had time to blink as something attached itself to his waist like a burr. He heard soft mumbles of 'I missed you' and suddenly the cloth covering his waist started to get wet. Sasuke bent down and picked Kizuna up, hugging the sobbing boy.

"Kizuna-chan…what happened? I'm here now, so why don't you tell me why you're crying?" he rocked the kid a worried frown gathering on his forehead. He shot a look at the Hokage only to have him shrug. He rocked the boy a bit more, cuddling him until the crying stopped. The boy didn't let him go though, only pulling back to look at the raven's face.

"I missed you, Sasuke-san. I promise I won't run away again…don't leave. I know chichi-ue said you didn't leave because of me, but it had to be because of me right? Because I was naughty? You went away because I hurt you…I won't hurt you again!"

"No, Kizuna…I went away because I had to do this mission. I wanted to be ninja again. I might go on missions again, but I promise I won't do too many long term ones ok?" Sasuke kissed him on the forehead and walked forward. Naruto fell into step beside him as he finished talking to the rest of the team. None of the males said anything. They walked in silence only Kizuna's tiny sniffles breaking it.

When they got home Sasuke washed Kizuna's face before tucking the exhausted boy into bed. It was eerily similar to the day he'd left, when Naruto had been tucking Kizuna up. But this time Kizuna refused to let his arm go, forcing him to lie down beside the boy. He smiled at Sasuke as he fell asleep.

"Goodnight…otou-san…" he murmured falling asleep even before Sasuke could say anything. The man smiled, dropping a soft kiss on the boy's forehead.

"Goodnight musuko." He whispered, slipping his hand out of Kizuna's hold and making his way down to the living room. His breath caught as he saw Naruto lying on the huge couch in the living room in black sweat pants and a grey t-shirt. His Hokage robes and hat were at the foot of the couch. As the blond stretched a strip of tan stomach peeked out, before it got covered again. Then Naruto shifted slightly making space for the Uchiha.

Sasuke threw himself down beside the blond, his legs tangling with the others. Their upper bodies were about a foot apart and their heads rested on their arms. Naruto smiled. "So teme, what happened? Has Kizuna calmed down?"

"Yes but he's asleep now. Where's the food dobe? If you've both been eating ramen all day when I've been away, I swear I will beat the shit out of you!"

Naruto chuckled. "God, Sasuke you're acting like a good wife…I think I like it though. I get to have the kids and you get to act like the wife…" he dodged a hand that came at him. "Too slow teme…"

Sasuke yawned. "I'm too lazy to actually beat you right now. I'll give you a rain check. You still haven't answered my question…" he Uchiha glared at the dobe. "Did you eat ramen all day?"

"I'm a good parent all right? I learned to cook while I was at Suna…I had to or Gaara would have killed me. And yes, if this is some round about way of saying you're hungry, there is food. I made your favorite onigiri, fish and I made sukiyaki (beef hotpot) since I wanted to make something special. I didn't make any dessert though…didn't think you'd appreciate it." Naruto made to get up.

"You thought right. And I know that you know I'm hungry, so just get the food out. What about Kizuna…won't he be hungry?" Sasuke padded to the kitchen and got the chopsticks out. Naruto got the food out and they sat down facing each other.

"Kizuna had a humongous lunch…and he went to buy some takoyaki at the restaurant down Michiyuki road …you know the big helping they give there. I guess he just needs some sleep. The excitement was too much for him. I wish you'd told him…only him at least, before you left, Sasuke." Naruto shot him a weary look. "Nothing I said made a difference, though he calmed down some. That was really in bad taste." He helped himself to more sukiyaki and rice.

"I know…I'm sorry. I didn't think he'd take it that bad. I'll explain it to him later on." Sasuke forced himself to meet those blue eyes. "So what else has been happening?" they both carefully avoided the topic they'd spoken of in their letters…the matter was so delicate that neither had the least idea of how to bring it up. They just talked about the village and its people before lapsing into a comfortable but lazy silence.

As they went to bed, Naruto suddenly stopped in front of Sasuke's room. He hesitated a moment before he took Sasuke's hand and yanked him through the door. Then he turned and locked it. They stared at each other for a few moments, blue eyes locked with black. Naruto licked his lips moving forward with a few quick steps and weaving his arms around Sasuke's neck. Breaking away he buried his face in the raven's neck, breathing in that unique Sasuke smell that couldn't be described. Sure he'd loved only two people…Gaara and Sasuke, but Sasuke…Sasuke was special…

"I missed you, teme. And I'm not talking about the last few months…"

Sasuke's breath caught as the blond's lips grazed his neck. He let his head fall forward, ace buried in those sunshine locks. "I missed you too dobe…" he lifted his head to meet those blue eyes before moving till his lips were inches away from Naruto's. "Dobe…is this what you want?" he whispered, his breath caressing Naruto softly.

Naruto nodded. "Thirteen years Sasuke…" his voice was raw. "I'm sick of causing you more pain…thirteen years of pain is enough. It's about eight years more than what I had to go through…at least I had Gaara. I'm so sorry about everything Sasuke but then, you earned my trust again, Sasuke…I know you won't break it ever. I…I'll love you if you let me…because…I want you Sasuke. Just you…no one else can fill that space up and I hate that it took so long for me to realise." He closed the distance between them.


They kissed softly, tasting each other for the first time in nine years. Sasuke savoured it, never wanting to let this one moment go…his fantasies were coming true after those thirteen long years. He let his hand slide down Naruto's chest, fingers stopping at each button to undo them. His lips left the blond's to trail over every bit of skin his finger's exposed. Naruto pulled him up as he reached the waist band of his pants. They walked backwards until they hit the bed.

Naruto peppered the raven's neck with slow, wet kisses…they undressed each other slowly, taking time to explore each and every bit of each other. Trying to make love like they should have all those years ago…with no worries apart from Kizuna. Naruto sucked in a sharp breath when Sasuke attacked his nipples, tongue laving at them until they stood out erect and perfect. Then their usual battle for dominance started…not seme or uke, but just for the power. Naruto shoved Sasuke backwards, moving to take his aching erect member into his mouth. The raven bucked or tried to as the blond held down his hips swirling his tongue around the head, causing soft moans to erupt from Sasuke.

Then he licked like a lollypop from bottom to top until he'd covered all sides of it, then he bent to suck taking just the head into his mouth. Sasuke's hands in his hair tightened. Slowly, he took it into his mouth inch by inch, waiting until Sasuke made some cry of pleasure to continue, tonguing the slit every now and then, his hand squeezing the base lightly. Abandoning the penis in front of him, he opted to torture his lover by attacking his balls. After a few whimpers, Sasuke being his usual bastard-like self, yanked the blond up to envelope his cock, and fucked his mouth until he was sure it was slick and wet.

Pulling the blond to face him, he fisted his cock. "Dobe, do you need to be prepped?"

Naruto shook his head. "Not much, it's only been three months since Gaara and I broke up remembered…?"

Sasuke's face contorted in distaste but before he could go off into a huff, Naruto kissed him. "Start with two fingers and then add the third." The raven complied, slipping three fingers into his own mouth and wetting them, before sliding two into Naruto. The blond frowned a bit at the discomfort, before nodding for the third finger to be added. Sasuke pumped them in and out a few times, before removing them and positioning himself at the blond's entrance.

"Ready dobe?"

The blond nodded and Sasuke entered with a swift thrust, making him cry out. Naruto smiled up at Sasuke…though the man's fingers had stimulated his prostate it needed a little more to become completely sensitive. "Keep hitting it ok? At least the first few thrusts…it feels a bit uncomfortable still…"

Sasuke nodded and began sliding in and out of Naruto. The blond concentrated on feeling those little pricks of pleasure. He had to time it right otherwise if he came before Sasuke, it would hurt like bitch. Sasuke captured his lips in a searing kiss, as he changed the strokes to hit the prostate at every alternate stroke. Naruto couldn't contain himself anymore; he let himself feel the sensations as he moaned with every thrust. "Faster…Sasuke…"

"Nnnggnnhhh… Naru…tight…" Sasuke quickened his pace, bringing them both t the pinnacle, he hit the prostate full on as he came, making Naruto come too, spraying between them. He raven collapsed on top of the blond. They lay like that breathing hard for a few minutes.

(lemon ends)

"Naruto…I love you…"

"I think I do too, Sasuke…"


"Happy birthday to you…" everyone sang as they gathered around Kizuna and the cake. The boy was turning nine. As usual Miriya, Setsuna, Hiruki and Taniko had the place of honour next to Kizuna, whose parent's stood behind him. All of Naruto's friends had turned up with their children and the women had come over to help Sasuke and Naruto cook up a storm. A huge pile of gifts were stacked in a spare bedroom. After the song everyone lunged for the plates and food. Kiba being one of them…Hinata had to admonish him for not letting the kids eat first. The adults hung around and laughed watching their kids and their various crushes, as they cutely blushed and made conversation.

By the time the evening ended, the kitchen and the living rooms were a mess. Sakura, Lee, Kiba, Hinata and Ino stayed back to help clean up the mess. Temari and Shikamaru had left in a hurry the moment the word cleaning was mentioned. It was ten by the time everyone left. The kids had fallen asleep on the couch and had to be carried back home by their also exhausted parents.

Sasuke tucked Kizuna up, and then lugged all his presents up to his room so he could open them properly in the morning. The boy snuggled up and waited for his chichi-ue to come in. When the blond entered the kid smiled.

"The party was awesome, chichi-ue, otou-san! Thank you!" he grinned from ear to ear a bit of energy still in him. He'd woken up as Sasuke'd carried him to bed. Then he frowned a bit. "Chichi-ue you don't look to good, are you ok?"

Naruto stared at him without answering, he looked deep in thought. "Uh…I think we should redo Itachi's room."

Both the raven haired males stared at him. Kizuna, because he'd heard about his uncle Itachi's homicidal tendencies. Sasuke, because he hated to hear that man's name mentioned in the house.

"Dobe…have you gone mad? Why would I want to do that?"

"Because bastard, we have only four rooms in this house two of which are in use, then there's the spare bedroom and Itachi's room. Out of those two, Itachi's is the one with the most light! And because it's going to get crowded soon." Naruto stated glaring at the man.

Sasuke stared at him with narrowed eyes, before glaring back. "Dobe, if you've invited someone without telling me like when you called Temujin over, I will kill you. I don't want strangers in the house?"

Naruto's eyebrow witched. "So what am I supposed to do? Get rid of it? I thought you wanted more children…"

"Of course I do, but what does that have to do with anything?"

Kizuna laughed as well this time. "He's going to have another baby otou-san…"

Sasuke nodded impatiently. "But I still don't get….oh."

"So much for being a genius," Naruto muttered.

Sasuke was staring at him with a jaw dropping open. "You…you're…pregnant?"

Naruto nodded. "Yes…this one's going to be easier. I hope it's a girl…we need women in this family…I hope its twin girls…that would be so cool!"

Kizuna looked up a bit worried. "You'll still love me won't you?"

Both his parents looked at him before leaping to cuddle the hell out of him. When he came up for air, Naruto kissed him on the forehead. "Of course we will…you're our first child, baby…"

Kizuna sat back satisfied when he suddenly sat up and looked at them. Sasuke knew what was coming and slapped his head in advance. "Chichi-ue, the baby won't have red hair will it?"


A/N: my god 19 pages….but it's over. I can't believe I've finished this. I hope you liked the ending…no Kizuna doesn't know what sex is yet…he's only nine and they haven't told him that the stork isn't real….much to Sasuke's annoyance. Anyway thank you all for supporting me till the end! I love you all! See you in another story I'm making…it'll most probably be about Itachi, Sasuke and Naruto…a threesome! Ja ne!
