Falling In Love Again

By MoonPrincessKikia

"Kikia wake up, I will let you come to work with me" said her mother 'Kagome'. Kikia woke up rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Ok mommy" she said getting out of bed. Kikia was a 5 year old half-demon yes a half-demon. "I left some clothes on your bed put then on and come down stairs for breakfast, Auntie Sango and Uncle Miroku will be here soon k" said Kagome walk out of her daughter's room. "Ok mommy", and with that Kikia got dressed in a flash and ran down stairs to eat her breakfast. Kikia was wearing a pink shirt with jeans. Kagome was wearing a light blue tank top with a jean jacket over it and blue jeans. (A/n where Kagome work they can wear want ever they want I wish my school will let us do that)In about 10 minutes Kagome heard the doorbell ring "that most be Sango and Miroku" said Kagome and went to go answer the door. "What's up girlfriend" with that saying Kikia new who it was and ran to the door screaming 'Auntie Sango' and went to hug her. "Hi Kikia how are you" said Sango laughing "I gooder the good Auntie Sango, I missed you Auntie Sango" (A/n don't forget she 5 years old so if you guys think I can't spell)

"Hey want about me, thought u love me too" said Miroku fake crying, coming into the house. "I will never froget my favorite Uncle" said Kikia running up to hug Miroku. "Give me a minute guys I have to pack Kikia's toys and goodies" said Kagome to her friends. "Ok, will get Kikia's coat and shoes on for you" said Sango going to get Kikia's coat while Miroku got her shoes. "Thanks guys be back in a minute." said Kagome and went to pack Kikia's things. In two minutes Kagome got all of Kikia's things they were ready to go. Kagome grabbed her keys made sure everything was off and she had every thing she needed and went to her car while Sango and Miroku to theirs. She put Kikia in her car seat and put Kikia's hat on to hide her Dog ears then Kagome started the car and they all went to work.

At Kagome's job

Kagome, Kikia, and Miroku and Sango went in Kagome office. Kagome is the vice president of GAP industry, with Sango and Miroku as her assistances. "Oh Kagome guess what I know who the new president is" said Sango running up to her. "Really who is it" said Kagome. "His name is..." Sango stared to say until they were interrupted by the new president. When Kagome saw him her eyes widen and turned around hoping he didn't see her "Hi I am Inuyasha the new president of GAP industries" (a/n Inuyasha keeps he half-demon look)he said when he saw who the people were and said "Sango Miroku it cant be is it really you guys" "yeah it is so cool that you are going to be are new president of GAP bro" said Miroku. Inuyasha look around and saw Kagome his eyes widen and was about to say her name when he felt a tug on his pants he looked down to see Kikia "hi who are you little one" Kikia was about in answer when Kagome cut in "Her name is Kikia she is my Daughter". "Kagome, so I take it your married" Inuyasha said depressed "No" Kagome answered back with her head down "Really" Inuyasha said no more depressed. "Hey would you guys like to come to a party I having tonight." Inuyasha offered. Sango Miroku and Kagome huddle up and discuses it to each other Inuyasha and Kikia watching confused. After they were all done discuses they decided "Ok Inuyasha we will go to your party but I want you to look at my new clothes designs ok" said Kagome holding up her sketch pad fill with her ideas for GAP "fine very will come with me to my office and I will take a look" said Inuyasha walking out of Kagome's office. Sango and Miroku said bye to Kagome and Kikia before walking out to their offices. Kagome took out Kikia things and said to her "ok Kikia I am just going to Inuyasha office for a few I want u to stay here in the office and if you need any thing you know where Sango's and Miroku's office is ok." "ok mommy see u soon." said giving her mom a kiss on the check and a hug and Kagome walk out of her office leaving the door close a little and headed to Inuyasha's office.

In Inuyasha's office

Kagome opened the door to the office and sat down in a chair in front of Inuyasha's desk. Kagome gave Inuyasha her sketch pad and he looked threw it. "Kagome these ideas are so good, don't mind if I take this sketch" Inuyasha asked Kagome looked at the picture and nodded. Inuyasha toke the drawing and gave Kagome her sketch pad back and said "Kagome we haven't seen each other since high school how long was that 5 year ago, how have you been since then?" "I've been fine" answered Kagome "how long have you been working here" Inuyasha asked "2 years" Kagome answered. "I have to go and check on Kikia me and the others will see you at the party ok" Kagome said taking her sketch pad and left the office. But before Kagome left Inuyasha said "Kagome the theme of the party is the theme of the party in moon and stars and the party is at 7pm ok I'll see you, Sango and Miroku there at the party you can bring Kikia too bye" Kagome nodded Inuyasha said before kagome walked out "Oh and Kagome just tell Miroku to wear a tuxedo ok only the women are dressing in moons and stars dress k" Kagome nodded again and left the office.

Back in Kagome's Office

For the next 8 hours Kagome has been doing paper work and new designs Kikia had taken naps and draw and other 5 year old things. At 5:00 Kagome pack Kikia's things and met Miroku and Sango in the front door of the office. Kagome saw them and said "hey guys Inuyasha wanted me to tell you the theme for the party tonight is moon and stars oh and Miroku just dress in a tuxedo ok bye guy I have to go find me and Kikia and dress for the party" and with that Kagome and Kikia went to their car while Miroku and Sango went to theirs and both car went different direction.


I hope u like this part of the story I'll write more soon plz review Bye
