Okay here's a really long oneshot…I think. I'm having writers block and I can't think of how to make this have a good ending…hmmmm…..while I think. plz read! O and I know this story was a bit rushed. I was just so bored this morning! It starts where Akito has invited everyone including Kyo and Tohru to a large banquet…and what's this…3 wishes? Fairy tale-ish…yea…its much better than this stupid summary!

"Welcome back, all of you," Akito greeted them in the banquet room. He smiled at them as they sauntered into the room, and his eyes narrowed. He pointed to the banquet table. "Your chairs are labeled and you must sit where I put you. No excuses!" They all paused in the doorway. "GO now!"

Hurriedly they scrambled to their seats. Yuki found his 'rightful place' next to Akito's chair, and Haru and Rin were sitting at the two ends of the table. Ayame, Shigure and Hatori sat on the other side of Akito. Hatori was the closest, beside Kureno, who was already sitting, remaining silent. Hiro found his seat next to Momiji and Kagura, and stared at Kisa finding her seat at the opposite end of the table. Ritsu sat next to Kisa and solemnly looked down at his setting in front of him. Tohru found her seat next to Kyo's which surprised her, and blushed as she sat down next to him.

There was a long silence, and no one smiled. No one, except for Akito, seated at the very end of the table, where everyone could see him. Even though there was a large feast in front of them, and the lovely smell of all the food flooding their nostrils, no one moved. Akito stood up from his chair. "I have invited you all here today for a special purpose. I, as the god of the juunishi, can give one of you 3 wishes. (A/N: ok. I know it sounds kinda stupid, but the rest of the story will work out cuz of it) All you have to do, is present to me what you're willing to give up for them. But, when you give them up, you won't get them back. But after the presenting is done, you will all gather together and decide amongst the 12…I mean 14 of you," Akito paused to look over at the two in the corner, "who presented the best gift to give me. You'll all decide who you think should get the wishes. Now, before we start that, everyone now can eat. Help yourselves!" Akito gave them a smile and sat down.

Everyone started to slowly pick at the food on the table. They were also thinking of what they could give up. Kyo knew himself exactly what to give up, and if he won, he knew he what he would wish for. But he figured no one would ever…ever...vote for him, the monster of the family, to get the wishes. 'They'll probably vote for Yuki,' Kyo thought to himself. He wasn't going to be jealous or anything towards the rat anymore. After what the rat had been through, he deserved to get the wishes. Kyo didn't want to hate him anymore. That time was done, and he couldn't blame Yuki for him going into confinement for the rest of his life. Though Kyo could never beat Yuki anyway, he couldn't blame Yuki for what he was about to do.

"Kyo," a soft whisper interrupted him. His crimson eyes glanced down to Tohru next to him.

"Yea?" he whispered back, taking a bite into some of the food.

"Why did Akito bring me here? I don't understand!" Tohru looked worried.

Before Kyo could answer her, a cold hand lay on her shoulder. Her eyes widened in fear as she looked up to Akito standing over her.

"Come with me, Miss Honda," he gave Kyo a cold glare, and motioned Tohru to come with him to the next room. She got up out of her seat and followed him, leaving the juunishi and the cat confused and concerned.

'Oh no…' Kyo thought, taking another bite, nervously.

In the next room, Akito shut the door behind Tohru. "Okay, you will listen to me now. For your gift to give me…I want you to give up your memory of the Sohma family." Akito let out a small laugh, with a twinge of insanity in it.

"I-I can't do that!" Tohru whispered, backing away from the god.

"And why ever not?" Akito approached her. "It's not because you…love that monster you were sitting next to, is it?" he leaned closer towards her, and whispered in her ear, "If you don't do as you're told, I'll make you suffer. And…I'll make him suffer as well."

Tohru was silent, as Akito walked away and put his hand on the doorknob, ready to open the door. "Don't worry," he said to her. "I won't erase your memory until the 3 wishes have been granted. As I will do to everyone else. What they give up, I won't return to them!" he laughed again and opened the door. "Go on."

Tohru past him quickly, and sat back down next to Kyo. She felt another hand on her shoulder. She jumped at the touch.

"Hey! What happened in there? You look a little pale!"

Tohru turned her head to find herself close to Kyo's face. She stared up into his beautiful eyes. "Did he hurt you?"

"N-no! Nothing happened!" Tohru stuttered. She turned back to her untouched food. She pushed the plate away. "I-I'm not really hungry."

Kyo scowled and turned back to his own food. 'I'm gonna kill him!'

When everyone finished eating, they gathered in another room, sitting on the cold ground in a circle. Akito wanted to pick a random order for who would go first. The first one to give up something, was one of the youngest, Momiji.

"I will give up my chances of ever being a brother to Momo."

Then it was Ritsu.

"I will give up wearing woman's clothing and acting like a woman."

Then it was Kagura.

"I will give up my love for Kyo." she looked over to him and he sweat dropped. 'She always has to bring that up!'

Then it was Haru.

"I will give up my coolness and black side." (A/N: im sry if im not doin so well with these people. I g2 get to the good part soon tho.)

Then it was Ayame. (A/N: oh god!)

"I will give up working at my shop and being my manly self!"

Then it was Hiro.

"I will give up being obnoxious to everyone I meet."

Then it was Rin.

"I will give up calling people pieces of crap." (A/N: I'm sorry if no one will get that unless you read it in the manga.)

Hatori, Shigure, and Kureno decided they didn't want to give anything up, nor get the wishes, so Akito made an exception.

Then it was Yuki.

"I will give up…living outside…and I'll live with you." Some of the juunishi let out small gasps. Even Kyo was shocked. Everyone knew that Yuki used to live in the main house and how he hated it. But they all knew he really wanted those wishes.

Then it was Tohru.

"I…will give up…my memory of all of you." Tohru could barely say it without, letting tears fall. All of the Sohmas gasped loud. "Tohru, you can't!" Yuki almost begged her. "But, Yuki, I must!" Tohru looked over at Kyo, who looked as if his heart had been ripped out of his chest. She turned back to face Akito and gave him a little bow. "I have to."

Lastly, it was Kyo's turn.

'I'm gonna win those wishes…for Tohru.' Kyo didn't say anything when he approached Akito. He made one small movement that left everyone in shock. He slipped the bracelet off his wrist and tossed it on the ground in front of Akito. Even Akito looked surprised and stared down at the bracelet lying motionless on the ground.

Kyo's body began to morph in front of the god. The horrible stench spread around the room and Kyo's shirt ripped apart into shreds. There, before the god, stood Kyo's monster form on all four paws. (paws? Or wat?)

"So…you'll give me your human form? Well, I think that can be arranged!" Akito laughed and scooped up the bracelet. Kyo's monster head nodded, and his eyes looked sad. The big, sad eyes looked over to Tohru, sitting on her knees, tears in her eyes.

"You go into the next room and decide amongst yourselves." Akito ordered.

Once they were all crammed in the small room, Haru called out, "I think Yuki deserves the wishes!"


"Yes, let's vote for Yuki!"

"Yuki, Yuki,Yuki!" (A/N: I know they're kinda shunning Tohru, but the story has to work this way so sorry about the OOCness.)

Kyo (monster form) sat alone in the corner of the room, watching everyone jump up and down, voting for Yuki. 'Everyone loves him! That guy gets everything!' he held his head in his paws, lonely and miserable. He just had to help Tohru! But he didn't know what he could do then, in that revolting form.

Tohru pushed her way through the crowd, avoiding the jumping and waving of hands. "Kyo," she called out, looking for him, even though he wasn't that difficult to miss. When she spotted him in the corner, she called out again, "Kyo! There you are!"

Kyo grunted and shifted farther away from her when she reached out her hand to touch him. He folded his arms. "Why do you wanna be near me?" the raspy voice spoke out. "I made a mistake, hell, i've made lots of mistakes, and even though I gave up my human form, no one seems to care!" he turned his head away from her. He didn't want her to see him cry. Kyo just wanted her to be happy and safe.

He felt her hands wrapped around his arm. "Kyo, before I forget you…I wanted to tell you some things. I do care about what you gave up! And don't worry about Akito. She's been through a lot too! Don't get angry because of what she's done! She has had reasons too!"

"Did you…just say…she?" Kyo asked her.

Tohru clasped her hand over her mouth. "I-I didn't realize! Kureno told me and I was supposed to keep it a secret! Kyo just don't tell anyone!"

"And Kyo!" Kyo turned his head to look into her eyes.

"I love you!"

Kyo smiled in surprise and told her, "Tohru, I just wanted you to be happy." He let his head lean on top of hers. Even though he was shocked about Akito being a woman, he didn't care anymore. He accepted his fate, and now he had Tohru…here…by his side. "I'll never forget you!"

"Kyo, I wish I could say the same thing!" Tohru sobbed onto his shoulder. She was happy to get it off her chest. but now her memories would be erased for sure!

Yuki turned around to see Tohru and Kyo sitting together in the corner, crying. 'She'll forget us all…and he'll never be a human or associate with humans again.' She escaped from the crowd of 11 other people trying to congratulate him on get the most votes. He just had to get over there. He walked over to the corner and knelt next to them. He knew they knew he was there, but they didn't want to show it. They wanted their last moments together to be peaceful, and loving.

Then Yuki knew what he had to do. He stood up and yelled over everyone, "I vote for Kyo to get the 3 wishes!"

All the noise stopped and everyone stared at Yuki. Haru spoke first. "Yuki, but why?"

Yuki had his answer. "Because Kyo has given up everything…for Tohru, the girl who has given us so much! I believe Kyo knows how to save her from losing her memory and he knows what to do to help us. I think we should give him the chance. When have we ever given him a chance before to prove that he could do something right? I know I have never given him anything, no chance, no respect. So now, I put my trust and my faith in his hands! Because he will help us! He'll help us be free. Kyo," Yuki turned to Kyo in the corner, "help us please. We want you to have the wishes. Set us free from this curse. Set us all free!"

Kyo couldn't do anything but nod. The truth was, he was touched that Yuki had stood up for him. He knew just what to wish for. But it wasn't what anyone, even Tohru, had expected.

They were all back in the second room with Akito. "Well, tell me. Who did you decide?"

Kyo was sitting behind all of them, nervous about how everyone was going to take what he had decided. He felt some one push at his shoulder blades. He turned to see Tohru and Yuki pushing him from behind, encouraging him to go on. Kyo swallowed hard, and got up. He walked past everybody, and was relieved no one put their hands to cover their noses. They all had probably gotten used to the dreadful smell. 'Well…here I go.'

Akito's face grimaced as she saw Kyo appear in front of her. Kyo knew she was probably disgusted with their decision. "You! The monster! They chose you? I won't allow this!" Akito stood up from her chair.

"You have no choice, you bitch! They choice me! I get the wishes!" Kyo snapped at her in his raspy voice. Tohru's words flickered like a light back in his head. 'She's been through a lot too! Don't get angry because of what she's done! She has had reasons too!' "Are you gonna give 'em to me or not?"

"I can't allow this! How could you all be so stupid? This monster is not worthy of getting anything! He doesn't deserve anything!" Akito's temper started to fume.

"I know I don't deserve anything! These wishes aren't for me!" Kyo turned to the other juunishi and Tohru. "They're for them. I'll tell them your little secret if you don't give them to me!" Kyo threatened, and Akito's eyes filled with panic.

"You wouldn't, you despicable monster!" Akito collapsed back into the chair.

"I would! Now, am I allowed the wishes or not? I'll make sure everyone is happy, even you!" Kyo told her.

"Fine!" Akito threw her hands in the air. "3 wishes…" she slumped back in her chair.

"Okay. For my first wish…I want the gifts that the juunishi and Tohru gave you to stay with them. I don't want you to take them away." Kyo watched Akito's eyes narrow. "Second wish, I wish the juunishi were free!" everyone cheered, except for obviously Akito who snarled at Kyo.

"I won't all-…"

"Let me finish and I'll explain!" Kyo interrupted her. "And lastly, for my third wish, I wish……for Kyoko, Tohru's mother… to come back!" Tohru smiled happily at Kyo and everyone screamed and cheered in happiness. They were hugging each other, laughing with each other, and crying with each other.

"Is that it, Kyo?" Akito sneered.

"That was the 3," Kyo said sadly.

Akito laughed, manically. "Come on, Kyo! A deal's a deal!" She stood up and started to walk out of the room.

"I'm not moving 'til you grant my wishes!" Kyo roared at her. He hung his head. "I'm not moving until I see Kyoko…"

'He seems so upset! But why? He freed them, kept my memory, and he's bringing my mother back!' Tohru wondered.

"For one last time…"

'One last time?' Tohru was really confused.

Akito growled at him, "Fine! As long as I have you!" The room was silent. Akito put her hands to her head, and shut her eyes. "mmmmMMMEEEGGGAAAAHHH!" she screamed. The juunishi became dizzy and swayed on their feet. When their visions became clear, they cheered and hugged each other again. The curse was gone! But, Kyo remained still, not swaying, not cheering, only silent on the ground.

The front door opened. Everyone turned around. A thin woman with short, light brown hair stood in the doorway. Tears in her eyes, she desperately looked around, in search of someone.


The woman turned and smiled. Tohru was running towards her, and Kyoko embraced her in her arms. "Oh, my little Tohru!"

"Mom, I've missed you so much!" Tohru cried into her mother's shoulder. "It seems so unreal."

Just then a roar arose from the other side of the room. "NOOOO! LET ME GO! YOU SAID I COULD SEE HER! JUST 1 MINUTE! I'VE GOTTA SAY GOODBYE, DAMMIT!"

Tohru lifted her head and turned to look at Kyo. Akito had a brace around his neck, with a strong metal chain attached. "Kyo!"

She released her mother and knelt by Kyo's side. "Tohru get away from that!" her mother called after her. Kyoko put her arms around Tohru's shoulders, pulling her back.

"But Mom, it's Kyo!"

Kyoko stopped and her eyes widened. "What?"

Kyo hung his head, remembering he was still in his monster form. "Akito?"

"What do you want, monster?"

"Can I just have my bracelet…just to say goodbye?"

Akito tossed him the bracelet. "Fine, make it quick."

Kyo slipped it on, and he slowly changed back into his human form, except without a shirt. He sat on the ground, running his fingers through his hair, thinking of how he was going to explain this. The brace was still tight around his neck.

"Kyo?" Kyoko asked. She was frightened, he could tell easily. If he didn't have the curse and he had just seen a monster turn into a boy, he'd be scared too.

"Yea…it's me."

"Kyo, I thought you set the juunishi free!" Tohru butt in.

"I did…and…the cat's not part of the juunishi." Kyo told her. Everyone was quiet.

"Why did you do that?" Yuki spoke out. "Why didn't you free yourself, you baka?"

"Because I don't deserve it. I've only caused people pain. And you, Kyoko. I heard what you said to me before you died." Kyo looked over to his former friend.


"You said to me… 'I won't forgive you.'" Kyo could feel tears pricking his eyes. "I'm sorry."

SLAP! "Aagh!" Kyo felt pain sting his cheek. He knew it was red.

"Didn't I tell you, you were nothing but trouble?" Akito scowled, standing over him like the god she was. Her hand lifted to slap him again. SLAP! "You belong in confinement! That's the only place where you belong! Now come on!" Akito started to pull at the chain.

"I NEED TO SAY GOOD BYE!" Kyo yelled again, tears falling. Akito shivered at the sudden roar. "Yuki…I'm sorry for how I've treated you. You're Yuki now…not the rat I've always blamed my problems for. And Yuki…tell Kazuma…I'll always think of him as my dad." Yuki nodded. "Kagura…I'm gonna miss your love, even though it was freekin' annoying. Shigure…I'm gonna miss your perverted comments when I'm all alone in my cell." Shigure and Kagura both had tears in their eyes. "I thank everyone else for…what they've done for me." Kyo turned to Kyoko. How he had missed her! "Kyoko…now, I'm really happy you're alive! Now you and Yuki can take care of Tohru…I know if I had been free I would never have been able to protect her. And, Tohru…"

He turned to the small innocent girl next to him, who was letting tears slip faster than he was. He cupped her chin in his hands, and gave her a long, bittersweet kiss. "Thank you for accepting me. I love you. I'll love you forever, Tohru! Please…now keep your promise…and don't forget me…because I'll never forget you."

"I love you, Kyo." Tohru sobbed. "I promise!" she hugged him close and tight. He hugged her back. While in her embrace, he slipped off the bracelet once more. Before he transformed, he wanted her to hear his real voice one last time. "Take this…and remember. I love you!"

He dropped the bracelet into her hand as he transformed. Once he was a monster again, Akito tugged hard on the chain. They started to walk out of the room.

"Kyo!" Kyoko called out.

"Oh, what now?" Akito yelled.

She knelt next to Kyo. She had tears in her eyes too. "Kyo…I just wanted you to know that you were very special to me…and I didn't say 'I won't forgive you'…I said… 'I won't forget you'." She gave him a hug and stood up, wrapping her arms around Tohru, who was sobbing hard now.

"Kyo…I love you." Tohru said just above a whisper. "You don't deserve this! Goodbye, Kyo!"

Kyo turned to face her, gazing at her beautiful eyes for the last time. "Goodbye, Tohru…"

AAAWWWW. I was crying when I wrote this! Gah I have writers block and I don't want this to end like this! I'mdefinitely makin another chapter or an epilogue….but idk how to make this better! Plz help me when u review! I need it bad! and the faster i get reviews, the faster ill write and post and i may finish this by 2night!