Sonic and Tails were standing in a line at the mall, excited for the Mecha Riders compatition.

"Sonikku, this is gonna be so totally wicked!" Tails said excited.

"I know!" Sonic agreed. "Oh, and dont call me Sonikku."

"Okay..." Tails said. The line moved up. Shadow, Knuckles, and everyone else were behind Sonic and Tails, waiting to sign up.

"I cant wait for this! Its gonna prove Im strong!" Amy said.

"Right..'' Knuckles agreed sarcasticly, Amy slapped him on the back.


"We are finally at the front of the line! Lets do it." Sonic and everyone else signed up, then left excited.

A dark shadow walked to the sign up board...

"So, when do the races start?" Shadow asked.

"Tomorrow, so we gotta prepare. We are racing Jets team." Sonic answered.

"Theyre gonna be tough to beat..." Tails said.

"Please, this is gonna be cake!" Knuckles said with confidence. Amy was walking weakly while holding onto her stomach.

"You okay, Amy?" Sonic asked.

"Y-yeah...I just have this really bad stomach ache...Im sure its nothing..." Amy answered.

"Want a piggy-back ride?" Knuckles asked. Amy nodded and climbed on Knuckless back.

"Hopefully shell be okay before tomorrow." Tails said.

"Dont worry, Im sure shes fine." Shadow said.

"Yeah, Im sure shes okay...But I have the wierdest feeling.." Cream said.

"Probobly nothing. This race is gonna rock SO hard!" Knuckles said, almost dropping Amy accidentally.

"Lets just hurry and get home." Sonic said.

A dark shadow watches...

Shadows ears perked up.

"Are you alright, Mr. Shadow?" Cream asked.

"Yeah...Yeah...I just thought I heard something." Shadow answered.

"Could you please hold my hand? My mother says I have to hold an adults hand while going across the street, and your the oldest one!" Cream asked. Shadow looked at her with disgust.

"Uhh...Sorry Cream, mabey you could hold Sonics hand." Shadow answered, walking past Cream. Cream stood there, thinking Shadow hated her for some reason she didnt know.


Cream quickly turned around to find a big black truck about to run her over.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" Cream shrieked. Shadow skated over and pushed her out of the way.

"Stupid kid!" Shadow exclaimed at her. "What the heck were you doing!" Cream stood there, shaken from Shadows anger. She quickly ran to Sonic Crying. Shadow took a deep breath and followed her.


Knuckles gently set Amy down on Tailss couch. She was sleeping soundly.

"Mabey it was something she ate." Knuckles said.

"Mabey..." Sonic agreed.

"Mr. Sonikku, want a candy necklace?" Cream asked. Sonic rolled his eyes.

"Tails, for the last time, Im Sonic! And Im not eating another one of your experiments!"

"Dude, Im right here." Tails said. Sonics fur raised at the back of his head. He quickly turned around.

"Cream! Im sorry, I thought-"

"Forget it." Cream said, dropping the candy necklaces. She ran outside.

"Harsh." Tails said, eating a candy necklace.

"Can I have some?" Sonic asked.

"No." Tails answered.
