Theresa tossed and turned all night. Flashes of this and that from her past came in, but she didn't understand what they meant. After the thousandth flash of something she didn't know Theresa finally gave up on sleeping. It was about five in the morning. She turned on the TV for a shock.

"Businesswoman Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald Crane still lies in Harmony Hospital after being attacked by the late Gwen Hotchkiss. Gwen died from self inflicted wounds three days after her attack on Theresa. Reports from inside Harmony Hospital says Theresa has waken but with no memory. We wish her the speediest of recoveries. This is Dan Tillman with Harmony Early Morning News." Theresa turned the TV off and climbed out of bed. She walked over to the window and sat looking at the sun raising. She knew she had a lot to remember and was determined to remember.

Ethan got Jane and Little Ethan ready to go to the hospital to see their mom. He hadn't told Little Ethan about Theresa not being able to remember and he knew it was going to be a hard thing to tell him. Miguel and Charity wanted to go with him so they arrived and they headed over. Ethan asked Miguel to take Jane in and he and Little Ethan would be in, in a minute. "Daddy Ethan what is going on?" Little Ethan asked. "Well, buddy I need you to know something before we go inside and see you mom." "You're scaring me. What is going on." "Well, you know mommy was hurt and she is getting better, but mommy lost her memory." "What do you mean?" Little Ethan asked puzzled. "It means she doesn't remember anything that has happened in the last seven years. She doesn't remember me or you or Jane. None of it." "She doesn't remember me?" " No I am afraid she doesn't, but I have a plan to help her remember and I need your help. Can you help me?" "What if Mommy doesn't remember?" "I think we can get her to, but if she doesn't then we build more memories with her. " "Ok, I will help." Ethan smiled and they went in to see Theresa. Jane was rooted right in Theresa lap and refused to be moved from it. Everyone could understand why. She did let little Ethan join them but that was it. Theresa smiled as they told her story. Soon Luis and Sheridan along with Marty and Missy were there. Pilar and Martin came in with food around noon. Theresa was told story and it saddened her because she couldn't remember any of it. Secretly it made her mad but she didn't let it show. She knew she couldn't. So at four Theresa grew tired and Everyone left. Jane cried and didn't want to go but Eve thought it was best because Theresa had a big day and needed to adjust to it all. Ethan finally got Jane off Theresa and they all left. Theresa sat trying to absorb it all. Eve came in later and Theresa asked to go out and get some fresh air. Eve said there was a garden on the roof Theresa was welcomed t go sit in. She helped her into a wheel chair and Theresa got herself up. She sat in the harden for awhile. Fox had stop by to see her and her burse told him she was on the roof in the garden. He headed up to see if she was ok. He found her sitting in the roses. "I see you found your favorite flower." Fox said smiling. "Yeah, I remember Ethan and I would sneak down to the roses on the edge of the property line and sit the and talk about what life would like for us." "You said remember." Fox said rushing over. "I know. It all came back about an hour ago. I think I just needed some time to work everything through. It was all there waiting for me I just needed a break from my life." "Theresa this is good news." "I know and I will call Ethan when I get back down to my room and tell him, I just wanted to sit and relax/ So much as happened and remembering the bad things takes it toll." "Well I will let you sit and I will stop by and see you tomorrow." "Thanks Fox." He gave her a kiss on the check. "Anytime Resa." He left knowing she was going to be ok.

Theresa went back down an hour later and called Ethan. He rushed right over and she told him the good news. He was so happy he picked her up and spun her around. Theresa convinced Eve to let her go home and officially start her life. Eve was happy for her. Ethan took Theresa home and life for Theresa and Ethan began again.

Hopefully happily ever after but hey anything can happen.

Thanks for reading Secrets of Passions. I hope you enjoyed and look for part two Planning the Future soon.
