A Samurai's Life

Shinomori Kyo

"A samurai's life is meant to save others. Don't forget that." - Balgus - The Vision of Escaflowne

Kyo can never be a true samurai if he doesn't change.

"A true samurai's life is meant to save others," as Muramasa once said to me.

Once he figures that out. Then, he will be a true man.

He is learning life's lessons. "Do good things, and good things will come to you."

He is learning how to be more open to others.

Yuya, you are proof of that.

He'd even give his life for you.

Take care of him always.

He is a one-of-a-kind man, a demon but yet not a demon.

He lives to protect you.

Love him always.

Maybe you...

Maybe you can...

Change him back to what he once was.

One of the kindest people that I knew.

But, one day, he changed...

He changed into what you know him as now only more evil...

You've calmed him down, saved him from himself.

He's gradually becoming happier.

I regret what I've done to him and you.

But, if I hadn't, you would have never met him.

It was fate.

He seems to smile more often these days.

I'm glad that he finally regained his body.

I'm glad that you both are happy.