
Shinomori Kyo

It's been a long journey.

I finally have my body back now, all I have to do is reclaim what is mine.

He will pay for taking her from me.

"Kyo?" She sobs into my chest. "I love you...'

I already knew that...

At least you are here with me right now.

I mustn't take you for granted anymore...

I need to tell you how I really feel...

I don't ever want to lose you again.

I will keep protecting you.

And for you, I will defeat the Aka no Ou.

"Yuya?" Yes, I have to tell you...


"I... Love you, too..."


"Yes, really..."

Your smile's so bright...

"I have to go now... He's going to die!"

"Kyo?" You kiss me... I'll kill him for you... "Good luck, please come back to me..."

I will, I promise

"Can we go to Nagasaki, Kyo?"

"Why Nagasaki?"

"I love the city... And can we go to Edo after?"

"Yeah, yeah Nagasaki then Edo..."