Title: Familiar Face

Author: Bri

Summary: I begged the two officers to let me inside, I wanted to see her. . To tell her I was sorry for our fight. My gut had a feeling we were past forgiving. I just wanted to see her in any case to say goodbye . . As much as I didn't want to, "Let me in officer." I looked the chubby man in the eye with his jelly doughnut in his mouth and jelly gracing his cheeks, "Please. . "

"Mr. Sir. . You do not want to go inside." The other officer said who was skinny and had a brown mustache, He kind of looked like my former math teacher at my middle school.

"I do. . I really really do." I sighed breathlessly.

"Fine." The two men stepped aside. The apartment was silent and smelled like no one alive was in there. I sprinted though the house I then saw the washroom. I saw her hair lying down. I spirtinted there immediately, And grasped the note. I wanted to die. . . Was all this my fault, I thought as I didn't even read the letter. .

Fandom: RENT

Rating: PG-13

Rating Reason: Drug use and Language and of course for safety.

Main Ship/s (if applicable): Roger/April and Mionette/Roger

Disclaimer: I do not own the lovely Story of RENT by Johnathan Larson, thank-you. Nor do I own the great creative characters.

Authors Note: First off, I haven't wrote things here at in a very very long while. I debated long and hard if i was going to bring this story here but I have alot of hope and a few of my friends say this story has some promise so I hope that I wont be flamed too harshly. I made alot of things up about the very mysteryous April and this story begins the night Roger meets April and so on. Onward I go with this story.

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Chapter One - Young Girl

Early November1986 - Female, Age 16. In the point of view of April Ericcson.

Becky and I are going out for a night on the town -As she likes to call it. Becky's sort of new in town, She used to live in Cali - as in Hollywood! My mom absolutely hates Becky. She thinks she's a bad influence. Before I started hanging with Becky, I was a boring shy goodie two shoes to the max. Now the real me shines though around her. She's my best friend. She got me into my music, Mother calls it squeaky music. Tonight is going to be the greatest, My absolute favorite band is playing. . Well I haven't exactly heard them play live but I swear I adore the lead guitarist. He's not too shabby looking either if I do say so myself; She has this poster in her room, She said he once looked at her for a split second at a show. With the other live bands it's not like that. . When I listen to my cassette on the highest setting I can hear the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and that's when I knew his music was unlike any other.

Enough of the slobber fest, tonight's going to be really great, I just know it. I have on my new purple leopard corset top (Well not exactly new you see, Becky let me have it.)and my leather mini I bought with her at Goodwill. I love Goodwill, My mom thinks it's a perfect waste of money but I get so much more for my money and the clothes are totally rad. I put on my lace gloves and started on my eyeliner. I want to be noticed, I hope I can catch his eye. I kind of go a little heavy on the liner if I want eyes on me, I added a bit of red on the base of the eye and a whole bunch of purple glitz, Becky is a great make up teacher - I love Cosmetology. She's not really my teacher but she teaches me the tricks of the trade. My mom thinks I'm sleeping, My night is just beginning. I heard the pebbles at my window from Becky and it's time for me to go. I added some red Lipstick and put it in my purse. I puckered before leaving silently by ladder to her car. Great, And Fredrick the great is here. As I sit in the gross grimy van he has as she goes vampire on his neck as I sit in the back. I know we'll be at the show soon.

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December 1986 - Female, Age 14 In the point of view of Mionette Marquez.

Awkward in New York, my name in Dear Abby's letter - I'm hopeless not to mention I'm short, chunky and I swear I'm addicted to soaps - you know All my Children and General Hospital? I'm sure by the time I'm 20 I'll be a mental case. Why can't I be pretty, like all the soap stars, It's just not fair.

Raquel my best friend is so pretty and blonde, she's had at least 5 boyfriends and then you look to her left and see me I'm just Mionette, the other girl the best friend. I've got chubby cheeks, Thick hair and thick brows. Grandma wont let me wear make up or touch a pair of tweezers, She says it's all within. How come I can't see beauty, Says who Grandma?

I sigh trying to see past that, as I hopelessly look in my mirror. I know I need make up any dancer needs it. I want to go to Julliard and leave this Popsicle stand. Back to Raquel and I,We've been best friends since pre-K we have such high hopes to get in. Have a dorm together and choreography our Tiger Beat posters will look awesome in the kitchen, the hottest stuff. And then maybe, just maybe I can get the guy upstairs' attention, "MIONETTE?" Grandmas scratchy voice yells from the next room. I swear these walls are paper thin, I bet she heard my thoughts.

"Yes, Grandma?" I yelled back. As I reached her she was with Roger ( the guy upstairs) and he was fixing our TV set for the millionth time, His tush is nice. I can't believe I'm thinking of that and looked to my grandma again, "TV's busted again? How I' am I ever gunna see what happens to Leo on my favorite Soap?"

"Don't worry, Roger's fixing it." Grandma said drinking coffee down.

Roger nodded looking at his watch, He's impatient at times like me, "Yeah and Hopefully I'll get done before my show."

"I just wanted to tell you I've got bingo with some girlfriend's tonight, so you have to make your own dinner. No going out, and no Raquel over, got it? And I will find out if something's happens got it?" Grandma scolded lightly with a wave of her finger. She hates my friend, Never did like her. After she found us two in her liquor cabinet and smelled the smoke on her she thinks that Raquel is the devil - Satan himself. But I don't care, she can't pick my friends. Raquel makes me happy because she's so much fun to be around even if we do not so good things like drink and now and then we have a smoke in front of the Life Café.

"TV-less and Best friend-less" I muttered walking to the fridge and grabbing a Diet Coke, "Yeah alright."

"Need anything to Drink?" Grandma asked him. How come it's so easy for her to talk to him? She left the room to grab something else.

Roger smiled, "Yeah sure." He was playing with some wires I watched, I wish I can be useful. I wish I can do something right for once. "Mionette, get Roger a glass of water please." Grandma asked walking to her bedroom. I didn't mean do that, But anything I'd do for him.

"Alright. " I proceeded to the cabinet and grabbed a glass setting down my diet coke can and got some water in the glass before walking back to Roger with the TV, "Here."

Roger set down his tools and looked up at me, I'm going to die. He's looking at me, Both eyes eye-contact everything, And all I can do is smile and nod, "Thanks. And nice name Mionette." He said smiling, going back to work.

"Oh thanks. . Awful long though" I said matter-of-factly, I guess Mionette is a pretty name, If he thinks so than I think so. "What kind of show?" Man, he can either take this as nosy or actually answer my question.

"A music show, for me and my band." He said taking a sip of the water. He's so genuine, Like an open book he's not complicated.

"Sounds like fun. " I commented grabbing my can of coke, From the counter I kept my periferalvision open as I looked at him at the corner of my eye, "C-Cya."I fumed for words, I couldn't believe he talked to me - As I went back into my room. I couldn't hold it in. I had a pretty long conversation with him. All I know about his shows are that they have music, I mean I hear him countless nights playing his guitar in the night on the fire escape, And I listen. He's pretty good and he critiques his work like anything when his work is beautiful, He's beautiful. I wish I could go to one of his shows, I don't think he'd care. And I doubt Gram would let me go within two inches.

"Alright, nice talking to ya." He said getting back to his work with the wires and such. I overheard him and I looked back and flashed a small smile, I never want to make it too obvious. And turned back and went back to my room.

"She's quiet now and then." Grandma said, re-entering the room, "If you hear anything fishy down here don't be afraid to tell me. . . Her friend is nothing but trouble."

"Well, I might not be here, but I can have my roommates be listening too." He said. "All done." He said putting his tools back in the bag.

"Alright. Thanks again Roger. " she said walking out the door with her bingo things.

"You're welcome anytime." He said exiting the door. "If you need me I'm always upstairs." Suddenly the beeps of the car of my Grandmas carpool .

"Alrighty" she said slowly walking out downthestairs to her carpool. I sigh laying back on the bed looking up at the ceilings and look at my spinning fan as it blows my hair. Someday the fans will blow my hair around as I dance. Someday people will come to see me dance. Someday people will see me for me and not for Raquel's best friend. Someday Roger'll see me, See me as a girl, See that I like him. . A lot, See that I'm pretty. . Someday. I just know that now isn't someday yet.