Hola senoritas and nonsenoritas! I have returned once again. Isn't this a great world where they give any idiot or escaped convict a computer? Well anyways let's get back to the story!

When Jackson woke up, he noticed he was tied up… again. To the side of him, was Kevin, knocked out cold. He didn't see Lily anywhere. He inferred he was in the lair of the guy who kidnapped Miley and probably Lily. He saw someone come out to him with a fiendish look.

"So… did you enjoy your nap" the man said as he chuckled.

"Who are you? What have you done with Lily" Jackson said with his serious tone.

"You're friend is being well taken care of, don't worry about her. I'd be worrying about yourself and sleeping beauty there"

"Tell me where she is. And tell me where Hannah Montana is too. I'm responsible for her and if you have done ANYTHING to her, I swear I will hurt you so bad" Jackson said as he tried to wiggle out of the ropes he was tied up in.

"Wow! I'm so scared. Well let me answer your earlier question. My name is Mr. Randall Anthony-Patrick Evans, but most people call me…" he paused and Jackson knew exactly what he was going to say.

"Mr. Rape…" Jackson said as his eyes began to water as if he was about to cry.

"Correct. You're not as dumb as you look, Mr. Stewart"

"How do you know my name?"

"Your I.D. was in your wallet. I took the liberty of looking through it. Nice family you got, Jackson: a dad and a sister, but no mother. I feel your pain, Jackson. My Mom died when I was young too. I barely even knew her before she died. My father never paid much attention to me though. He spent all his time with my sister, just because she looked a lot like Mom. I felt like I was invisible, but I'm sure you know how that feels, don't you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Hannah Montana… you know she looks a LOT like your sister when she's not wearing that fake hair…You know, if I wasn't sure, I would swear Miley Stewart IS Hannah Montana. But that would be ridiculous, of course"

"Yeah. You're right Mr. umm R" Jackson said trying to agree with him.

"But if I didn't this young man to tell me otherwise, I would believe that crap" he said as Oliver came out just as Kevin woke up.

"Wha…Where am I? Hey I'm tied up!" Kevin said trying to get free.

"Nice deduction, Einstein" Mr. R.A.P.E. said.

"Who are you? And what are you doing with Oliver.

"I'm Mr. R and Oliver is my apprentice. See without, I would have never gotten through security at Hannah's concert"

"What? Why would you help him, Oliver?" Kevin said, still not sure what was going on.

"None of your business! Guard, bring out our special guests" as he said that, two men came out pushing carts with Miley and Lily in them tied up.

"Miley! Lily" Jackson yelled out.

"Jackson! Help!" both Miley and Lily yelled.

"Let them go, Randall. Why do you do this?" Jackson said trying to buy them some time.

"Because I was beat as a kid. No girl ever liked me. They all said I was too ugly, or I had too many cuts on my face. This is my revenge and I especially like girls who are virgins and I get to be the very first to 'dominate' Ms. Hannah Montana a.k.a. Miley Stewart and I'm going to tape this historic even so everyone will fear me and know what pain I went through as a child"

Jackson had to do something so he did the only think he could. "Well, you're a little late then, Randall"

"What do you mean" he said confused.

"Oliver already 'did' Hannah"

"What? –He turned to Oliver- You never told me that. Ughh what am I talking to you for?"

"Yeah, it's not like he'll answer" Jackson said smiling.

"What are you talking about?" Kevin asked still not sure what was going on.

"I finally figured out how this man has been raping all the teens. All the teens he raped, had friends or families who bought a hypno kit"

"Shut up!" Mr. R said, but Jackson continued on.

"All the hypno kits had tracking devices on them and he tracked the buyer and hypnotized the person who bought it to bring all the girls they knew to a certain place"


"Once they were there, he and his goons would grab the girls and rape them"

"I…said…SHUT UP!"

"Why? Mad cause I figured out your plan?" Jackson questioned.

"Doesn't matter. You'll never get to tell the tale. –he turned to his goon- grab the blond" the guy grabbed Lily and took her to Mr. R.

"Your friend may have already done it, but I'm sure you haven't. Untie her!" the guy untied Lily and Mr. R. started ripped her jacket off, but before he could do anything else, Kevin spoke up.

"You know, I wouldn't do that" he said smiling a sinister smile.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't take this girl's virginity away besides it'd be wrong and she wouldn't like it?" he said still holding Lily about to rip off her shirt.

"Because you see the hat on my head?"

"Yeah…" Mr. R said still confused and ripping off Lily's shirt off little by little.

"It's also a camera"

"What?" he said letting go of Lily and throwing her down.

"The police should be here in a few minutes to take you guys in"

"Let's get out of here" Mr. R said as he and his goons ran off.

"Man, good think you had that camera, dude" Jackson said.

"What camera?" Kevin said as he smiled.

"Oh, you sly dawg!" Jackson said as he was about to give him a high five, but then remembered he was tied up. "Hey Lily, you mind untying us?"

"Umm yeah… no problem" she got up, but as she got up the rest of her shirt fell off, and her blue bra was showing. She got so embarrassed and looked for her jacket.

"Nice, Lily" Jackson said sarcastically. "Who's the embarrassed one now?"

"Haha. So funny" she said as she put her jacket on, but didn't really help because it was ripped too. "Oh, great!" she got mad as she went to go untie Kevin and Jackson and then Miley. They were about to leave when they remember Oliver. He had been standing there the entire time, still under a trance.

"So how do you break the spell again?" Lily said hugging herself to hide the fact she was just wearing a bra under her ripped jacket.

"You snap your fingers and they don't recall anything. Hey where'd Miley go?" Jackson said noticing Miley had disappeared.

"Oh she went to go get her jacket" Lily said as she snapped her fingers and brought Oliver out of the trance.

"Huh? Wha…Where am I? –he looked at Lily- and why is Lily wearing a ripped jacket that's not doing a good job covering her bra. Did I miss something?" Oliver said as Lily starting hugging herself.

"You were under a trance by the guy who's been raping everyone. He was about to rape Miley when he realized he wouldn't have been the first so he decided to do Lily, but as he was taking off her clothes, Kevin tricked him into thinking that the police were coming and he and his goons ran off" Jackson explained to Oliver.

"Oook. I guessed I missed a lot. So where's Miley?"

"Behind you" Miley said and as Oliver turned around and Miley was wearing a hypno ring and before he could do anything, Miley had hypnotized him.

"Why'd you do that, Miley?" Lily said confused.

"I think for the trouble Oliver has put us all through, he deserves a little hypnosis himself… if you guys know what I mean" she said with a sinister smile and as everyone got what she said, they all started smiling.

Monday morning was a regular day. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and all the kids were going to school. The only strangeness was at Miley's, Lily's, and Oliver's school where Oliver was wearing a pink shirt and a mini skirt and everyone was laughing at him.

"Nice outfit, Oliver!" one kid said as he laughed.

"Yeah very funny" Oliver said as he saw Miley and Lily. "You know… this wasn't really nice"

"Neither was what you put us through on Saturday" Miley said.

"Yeah… but this?"

"Did you want us to tell all the girls you hypnotized them and have them kill you" Lily said as she smiled.

"Yeah I guess not, Ms. Blue Bra" Oliver said as he laughed, but stopped as Lily slapped him hard enough and made him fall as she left.

"Yeah, I deserved that" he said as he tried to get up.

"Here take my hand" Miley said as she put her hand out for him to take. He did and she helped pulled him up and a few seconds later, they realized they were still holding hands and pulled their hands back to themselves.

"So… how long do you think the kids will remember this?" Oliver said as he walked down the hall with Miley.

"Guessin' a looong time considering the fact Jackson's taping this" she said as Oliver looked at Jackson taping.

"What?" Oliver yelled.

"Smile for the camera buddy!" Jackson said smiling.

"Ahh!" Oliver said as he ran down the hall with Jackson running after him.

"Boys…" Miley said as she walked to her first period class with Lily.

On the other side of town, there was a man. He has scars on his face and is ugly. His purpose was to rape teenage girls. He has a new purpose: To get revenge on Oliver Oakin, Lily Truscott, Kevin Williams, Jackson Stewart, and Miley Stewart no matter what it takes.

Well I have decided to end the story there. I will write a sequel to this story, but I do not know when. It could be in a year, month, week, day, heck I could start writing it after I post this up. I guess you just have to wait. I would like you to review the story and tell me how much you liked it or if there was something I could done a little better, but don't be saying you hated it cause if you hated it so much, y wood u be reading it? And remember this was my first story so I'm still learning, so look out for the sequel and check out my other story and remember: R/R. til we meet again