Happy Birthday Prue

A/N: Glad some people liked the last chapter. This is taking me forever to write. That's sad, cause there's three more chapters. I dunno why I haven't been writing this much, I guess because I just don't feel like it. I hope you (whoever reads it) likes it. Remember, reviews are my friends.

Prue woke up early that morning, without the help of her alarm clock. Although she was too cautious to expect much, she was excited. Phoebe had been dropping hints for a while about a party. Prue was certain it was for her; Phoebe could never keep a secret. Prue was especially excited because that day was her eighteenth birthday. It wasn't every day that you turned eighteen.

Even if there wasn't a party, she was excited. As she got dressed and made her bed, she thought about how much better her life was lately. Her and Andy were still together, and more in love then they had been before. She had managed to find a balance between being popular, and being herself. All in all, she was so much happier. High school was almost over, and after that, she hoped to study photography in college, out east. She skipped down the stairs, feeling as though nothing could put a damper on her mood.

When she got to the dinning room, she found it to be empty. She kind of wanted to talk to Piper. Her sister had been acting distant towards her lately. It was every since Prue had finished Piper's speech in the elections. Prue couldn't understand what the problem was. She was only trying to help, and anyone could see that. Even though Prue felt she hadn't done anything wrong, she still wanted to apologize. It was horrible to have people mad at her.

She munched her toast thoughtfully, wondering how best to approach Piper. Grams walked in at that moment, a stack of mail in her hands. She was flipping through the pile of envelopes non challantly. She suddenly stopped at an envelope and tore it open. Prue tried to keep eating her toast, but she could tell that what Grams was reading wasn't very good. With her luck, it would pertain to her.

"Prudence Helena Halliwell, would you care to explain this?" Grams said slowly. Prue cringed inwardly. When Grams used her full name, which she rarely did, it meant she was in trouble.

"What did I do?" she asked glumly. Her good mood was instantly ruined. Grams didn't even say good morning, or happy birthday. She leaned over to look at the paper Grams was holding. She grinned at what she saw. It was an acceptance letter for the photography program at New York University. It was her first choice, and the place she wanted to go to more than anything.

"There's nothing to explain", Prue said, "I applied there. I got in. Aren't you happy for me?"

"Of course I am dear", Grams said pleasantly, "It's just that you shouldn't leave home. You have responsibilities here."

"Whatever", Prue mumbled. She didn't understand why they were having that conversation, or where it was going.

"Oh, and you need to meet Paige in the middle school playground. She's supposed to distract you before…oh never mind…just get going then", Grams said. Prue watched as her grandmother already started busying herself in the kitchen. Prue grinned to herself. Her day was once again starting to get good. Now she was certain she'd be having a party.

During the short walk to the middle school that Paige and Phoebe attended, Prue couldn't help grinning. She was humming to herself, and thinking about what kind of party her sisters had planned for her. She wondered how Paige would distract her. She had to admit, that after she had gotten a new little sister, she really hadn't gotten to know her. She wasn't even sure what Paige liked to do. What did eleven year olds like to do anyways? Well, now was as good a time as any to find out.

She saw Paige sitting alone on the swings. She looked kind of sad. Prue walked up to the swing next to her and sat down. "Hey Paige", she said brightly.

"Hey", Paige answered. Then she seemed to remember something. "Oh, hey…um…I asked you here, because I needed your help with um…something!" Paige finished kind of lamely.

"It's okay, I know about the party", Prue said smiling a little. It was cute how Paige couldn't keep a secret; she was exactly like Phoebe in that way.

"I am soooo sorry", Paige said. She did look truly sorry. She looked at Prue nervously, as if she expected to be yelled at. "Could we just like, do something for a while anyways, because Piper and Phoebe are still setting up", Paige said. Prue felt an unexplained surge of affection for her youngest sister. She could tell the younger girl was somewhat intimidated by her, and that saddened her.

"What do you like to do?" Prue asked Paige curiously. Prue had realized that she didn't know a thing about her youngest sister. It was kind of sad, because Prue hadn't even tried. Paige looked up at her oldest sister, as if stunned that they were speaking like that.

"Well", she said thoughtfully, getting up, and walking around the sandbox, "What I love to do most is paint. I love to capture the way things are with paint, so everyone can see." Prue could sense the passionate excitement creeping into Paige's voice. It sounded like exactly how Prue felt about photography. They were a lot alike in many ways.

Paige looked at Prue again. It was then that Prue was hit with how much Paige looked like their mother. It was especially obvious in the eyes. "You look a lot like our mom", Prue said. She didn't know why she said it, but it seemed to make Paige happy.

"Thanks for telling me that", Paige said smiling, "No one likes to talk about her much." Then Paige looked at her watch. "We have to go now", Paige said, "We're going to be late."

Prue followed Paige to the banquet hall that Grams had helped them rent. According to Paige, Grams would already be there. After promising half a dozen times to act surprised, they walked into the darkened room together. "SURPRISE!" a crowd of people yelled together. The lights opened, and Prue saw pretty much everyone she knew in the room. She did more then look surprised. She couldn't keep the smile off her face, she was so happy. All of her worries just disappeared.

It was time to party, and party was what she did. She danced to the music, ate food, and talked with random people. Prue did all this without a care in the world. Her sisters looked like they were having fun too, although the four of them didn't really talk much during the party. There were just too many other people to talk to. It seemed like all of their problems might somehow be over.

Finally it was time for the cake. It was a beautiful cake of chocolate. "I made it", Piper told her sister proudly. Prue smiled in recognition. Piper was always the greatest in the kitchen. The whole party crowded around the table, as Grams lit the candles. There were 18 candles for every year of her life, and one for good luck. As her guests began to sing, Prue couldn't help but blush. This was definitely looking like it would be one of her better birthdays.

"Make a wish!" her guessed urged her. She paused for a moment before blowing out the candles. She didn't know why she settled on the particular wish. She knew that it was impossible. She also knew that it was the wish Phoebe made year after year. Her little sister had never been able to keep a secret, although Prue had always though t that secret wishes were the only kind to come true. Prue had wished for more time with her mother.

It was stupid to think of that at a time like this. All of her friends were here. Her sisters and her grandmother had prepared a wonderful party for her. It was a time for celebration, and not for mourning. In the time when everything was about to change, she only wanted to be like everyone else. There were things that mothers and daughters were supposed to share, that she had never had.

After cake was eaten, it was time for presents. She had gotten clothes, books, movies; things she had fleetingly wanted, but nothing really special. She thanked everyone casually. It was only when she opened the last present that she found something truly special. The card on the front had a heart, and it said one word: Always. She opened it up, and found a beautifully written note from Andy. She read it to herself.

Dear Prue,

You're the most special girl in the world, and I wish you'd realize that. Things have been difficult, but no matter what, I'll always be there. Before you, I didn't even know what happiness was. I am lucky to have met you. Regardless of what the future holds, we will always be part of each other's lives. I will always love you. Always.



She looked at her boyfriend with tears in her eyes, and she had yet to open the present. He mouthed the words 'You're welcome'. She knew what he had written in the letter was true; he would always be there. They had a connection, that even she couldn't understand sometimes. Andy understood her in the way that no one else could. She opened the present, not caring what it was because she knew who it was from.

When she saw what it was, she gasped out loud. It was something she had always wanted, but she had never expected she would get it. It was the most beautiful camera she had ever seen. She had admired it in the store. It was top of the line, the kind of camera that would always take good pictures, whether or not you had talent. She couldn't wait to try it. At least Andy understood how much photography meant to her.

The party began to wind down after a few hours. Gradually, people left, telling her how much fun they had had. Finally, only her sisters, her grandmother, and Andy were the only ones left. That was almost the way she liked it. Her sisters and Andy were talking with her about what a success the party had been. They were all content, to be sitting there, and talking like that.

"I'd better go, my mom might start to worry", Andy said, looking at the time on the grandfather clock. Prue didn't mind much. They would have days, weeks, and possibly their whole lives in which to talk. Andy left, and it took all of Prue's will power not to follow him. He was the only one who truly understood her.

Piper was helping Grams in the kitchen, since she was the only one who actually enjoyed it. If she was allowed, Piper would never leave the kitchen. Paige and Phoebe had left not long before, claiming they were sleeping over at a friend's house. That sounded a little suspicious to her, but she didn't really want to know what they actually planned. Those two were much more rebellious than she or Piper had ever been.

What Prue wanted more than anything at that moment, was to be alone with her thoughts. Unfortunately, to get to the stairs leading to her room, she had to pass the place where Piper and Grams were talking. She really didn't want Grams to talk to her, but it seemed unavoidable. She tiptoed into the kitchen, doing her best to become invisible. Of course, no one, not even Phoebe could sneak past Grams for any reason.

"Prudence darling", Grams began in a voice that told her this wasn't a pleasant talk, "Have you thought about what we talked about earlier?" It took Prue a moment to realize what Grams was talking about, but then she figured it out.

She glared at her grandmother, somewhat angry. "I'm going to New York for college, and that's all there is to it" she shouted. She didn't give her grandmother a chance to say anything. Piper had stopped cleaning to listen, but Prue didn't care. She simply stormed up to her room without look back, shut the door, and lay down on her bed. By the time the door was shut, she was practically seething.

She didn't understand what her grandmother's problem was. Why couldn't she go away for college, just like everyone else? Her grandmother probably didn't want her to be a photographer, because it was too unstable. She didn't understand that this was something Prue was passionate about. None of them understood. They all wanted her to be responsible and steady. Prue was tired of being what was expected of her.

At least she had Andy. With him, it was different than with all the other boys. They had been through everything together and still, first and foremost, they were the best of friends. She had tried to understand Grams' crazy desire for her to live in the manor for the rest of her life, but she just couldn't. She had always been the one who had to take care of her sisters, but they had Grams, and wasn't that enough? Sure it would be nice to have a mother, and a father, but Prue had had neither since she was 8 years old, and she was perfectly fine.

She glanced at her clock while stifling a yawn. It was nearly one in the morning, no wonder she was so tired. It was her birthday, she should have been able to easily fall asleep after a day of happiness. The day had been happy, but she couldn't' fall asleep. Eighteen was supposed to be special, supposed to make her an adult, and yet she felt just as helpless as she always had. She was the responsible one, and there was no way around it. In the Halliwell manor, Grams ruled.

She wondered what her mother would say, had she been alive. From what Prue remembered of her, she had always been so understanding, and so kind. She would help, instead of lecture. She would tell Prue that all that mattered was that she was happy. She tried to picture her mother's face, as she did on every birthday, but this time, it seemed a little blurred around the edges. That scared her. At least she remembered her mother at all, Phoebe had only been 3, she didn't remember.

She rolled over again, trying to think of nothing whatsoever. She needed to stop feeling sorry for herself. Birthdays did this to her. They were filled with so much normalcy, and yet she was always reminded of what she felt she should have had. She rarely thought of her father if she could help it, but now she couldn't help it. She was finding he was more and more like him, and that frightened her.

She had to go to New York, it was her dream. No one, not even Grams, was going to stop her. She knew this, and she felt it was right, until she realized, it's exactly what her father had done. He had abandoned those who needed him, just because that was what was better for him. Wasn't she about to do the same thing? No. It wasn't the same. She could never forgive her father for what he had done. It was cowardly, and in her opinion, she didn't have a father.

She didn't know why she was thinking about all of that at that moment. Prue knew that eighteen was special, that it was supposed to be different. It wasn't really all that different, except for the realizations it had brought. It was time to grow up now, and yet she couldn't help but looking back at her childhood to all the things that should have been . It wasn't that she had had a bad childhood, but things were now so complicated, and difficult. She wished things could be different.

As she drifted off into a troubled sleep, she thought about the wish she had made every year since her ninth birthday. She knew it was impossible to see her mother again, yet part of her had always hoped. Part of her needed to believe that anything was possible, although life had proved that wrong so many times.

She must have fallen asleep, because she was almost certain she was dreaming. It was strange to dream and to be aware of it. All she knew was that the scene before her could not be real. It was her room, but it was different. Everything had an ethereal glow. All of a sudden, the room was bathed in glowing blue-white light. That's when she was certain it was a dream. This could never happen.

Out of the light, which was so bright it was almost blinding. Prue could just make out the figure of a woman, behind the light. She couldn't tell who it was, but she could tell the woman was beautiful. The woman stepped closer, and Prue knew she had to see her. It was only when the woman was right in front of her that she realized who it was. There was no mistaking her.

Prue's throat burned. She swallowed hard, chocking back tears that would surely come. The reason was that that woman was who she had wanted to see more than any other. "Mom?" she asked in a chocked whisper.


A/N2: dun dun dun! Wasn't that great? It was magic, but if you want, you can pretend it wasn't. Now Prue has her mommy...what will happen now? R&R to find out!