Manties for Panties: Epilogue.

By Kryss LaBryn, who no longer sees any point in apologizing; it's just the way my mind works. I own nothing.

Four months later…

Evey faced V across the kitchen table. All right, his shirts were much too big, and the only thing holding up his manties were the too-big pants she had to belt much too tightly to keep on, and the only way she could wear his boots was to stuff (his) balled-up socks into the toes first, but all in all, she figured she was much better off than he was. That was good. She liked to negotiate from a position of strength…

V faced Evey across the kitchen table. His clothes hung on her like a well-dressed scarecrow, giving her the most adorable "little girl playing dress-up" shuffle as she clutched the waistband as she had moved about the Shadow Gallery, occasionally glaring at him sideways when she thought he wasn't looking. He had found it most entertaining to play along; giving her back some of her lost childhood, as he thought of it. Although, he mused, things were progressing a tad… far. It was just as well he had several spare outfits tucked away in other, more private areas of the Shadow Gallery. His current attire would seem a tad outré for Above.

Not that he really minded it, he supposed (although the wide-eyed kittens on the pink sweatshirt quite deeply offended his sensibilities); as only her most casual sweats fit him, albeit slightly more snugly than fashion (or modesty) would dictate, he wasn't too uncomfortable. At least, most of him wasn't... The thing that he had been most surprised by was exactly how uncomfortable sexy underwear was. He privately resolved to get her some very comfortable cotton briefs on his next 'shopping trip'. Something in a pretty colour, but comfortable. Even allowing for the chafing and constriction (not in itself surprising, considering they were cut for someone much smaller and without significant external genitalia), he was appalled at how much they itched. And they insisted upon riding up. As tempting and delightful as he had imagined them looking on Evey (and as good as his own bum looked in them), it was akin to a mild form of Chinese water torture to wear them. He was constantly fighting the urge to reach down his pants and have a really good scratch. Or simply rip them right off.

Thank­ God ­I don't have to wear the bras, too! he thought.

Still, all in all, he decided it was time to end this, however much amusement it may have provided them both. He had business Above, and while he had been able to sneak away occasionally for very short trips, sooner or later she would notice him gone, or, worse, catch him returning in his regular dress. She would be hurt. She would know that he had only been toying with her, and she would be hurt.

She would realize that I don't need to wear them…

Evey straightened and looked expectant as V sighed deeply. "Truce?" he said.

A/N: There you have it! The resolution to my version of the Great Manties War of 2006. Thanks for your… er… support. Hee!