A/N: Well saddle up for the last chapter of this series, the life of Quentix as you know it will come to an end; his life and torture have at least on this level come to an end; what King Roemand's final scheme will come to light and Quentix's final stand and message given to the King will imprint him for life. So join me for this final trip down Quentix's life.

And just one minor note to the readers here, I know that I have a strange pre-occupation with censoring a specific word used to describe male anatomy, that is just personal preference, I hope you don't mind the many different names by which the male phallus is called in this story xD, at any rate and without further adieu, the fic.

(End A/N)


Chapter 16: The Tide swallows the Marked

Quent lay on his back panting out the final moments he had alone, since very soon he was going to be overrun by guards…spears in his face and he had seen it all coming to him; his fate had been laid out before him and what would be happening to him would be happening for sure in the next few hours…his final fate would unfold before him and before everyone in the kingdom.

He only wished that the last mating hadn't been so brutal, he knew this was why his kicks would fail him today…those which were his most power; had the king planned this so well? He'd shown these women…these supreme guardians of the king a better time than they'd ever been treated to; this was what he picked up from their minds. However it was the Rhino female who had damaged him the most, which simply wasn't her fault and that…was the thing that he knew Roemand was counting on.

She had been too strong for her own good really, those muscles there were indeed as firm as they looked; even then she was lost to passion when being treated with kindness; he knew that she responded to the one ways he could, a caring and overbearing passion that she rode through to the end, unfortunately his hips had been bruised by it. He knew she was apologetic about it and he forgave her, since taking as much of one good thing that you could was only natural.

They all were seeking kindness and wanted to be loved properly, he knew that by the reflection in their eyes, it was some strange bond that he made with them; to him however it was another forged chain of a necessary burden…he wouldn't have to carry them for much longer. He knew it all was coming to an end; his life was on its last turn and at 16 that he would no longer live either in bondage or in such forced usage. The many would mourn him and he would move on peacefully, knowing that he helped a few members of a population who had a shitty king.

However his mind wandered back to the Rhino female, never had he to repair such deep seeded wounds in someone; he allowed her to fully embrace what she thought was love while they mated, he made her feel special and she fell in love with that ideal that Quentix let her see…he in that way allowed her to take from him what she never could have in the past.


As the Rhinoceros female watched the others leave, she looked to the much smaller fox on the cushion, as one of the female found an older one to provide young Quentix with. It had been the lioness he was with before, she felt worry at their heaviest members crushing him into the floor; even if unintended that was something she didn't want. Quentix had been allowed breaks, allowed to eat and small rest periods…as much time as the guards were allowed without making those watching the door suspicious of their kindness to their 'victim' as he was. She was the last and also the most fearful of the joining with the young fox.

"W-what…if I hurt you?" her first question was to Quentix, she knew that he must've thought her foolish; worrying about him when she barely knew him; but she couldn't help it! It was her nature, a natural caring nature…despite her being used as a 'meat shield' for arrows and such.

"Come…" was all Quentix said, laying on his side with his loincloth seductively hanging over his groin, hiding what secrets had been seeked after by many; he knew he needed to coax her out of the shell…this needed to happen at any rate and so he would have to face it. Seducing the innocent wasn't unheard of, but he was simply doing this for her own good; it would happen by force if not.

He was glad to see that it was working; she was more than old enough to recognize the look in his eyes, something closer to the lines of pure sultry pleasures…something that he was offering to her. He raised his leg slowly and traced one finger up his own leg, bringing the leg up so it stood tall above him, raised with ease and held there for her viewing pleasures; Quentix rolled onto his back and looked up at her innocently, with big jade orbs looking at her softly, a blush taking to his cheeks as he spoke.

"Oh dear…excuse me, I forgot…I have company." Even his tone was one he was certain she'd feel one of gentle shyness; a face of the past that he used to be though was quickly forced out of.

Slowly but steadily the female was approaching him, eyeing him with more than curiosity, but with actual intrigue and something he knew well lurking in those soft brown pools which gazed upon him; a growing need.

As she came to the side of the bed and looked at him, he extended both legs and brought them up her sides, using his feet to tease her muscular body; before wrapping both legs around her waist and pulling himself towards her until they were firmly wrapped around her body, now he raised his torso slowly by arching his back slowly and bringing himself up against her body slowly: first his groin impact hers, then slowly his stomach pressing to hers before she finally supported him with her arms, both around his lower back; pressing his muscular chest to her bust.

"Is this…for real?" she asked him panting as she felt those powerful legs squeezing at her waist and grinded down simultaneously. She gasped at the sudden feel of this male's powerful hips, a groan from her showed that he was more than having his effect. As she fell forward due to her legs being unable to support her any longer, she found herself in the warm grind of the younger fox beneath her…how was this possible?

She could hardly believe that she was so timid about this act and the fact of having a younger male have such control over her was unbelievable almost to her. But she was also in awe at the very person beneath her…the male that was showing her pleasure that she'd never felt, not to mention such kindness that she'd never really felt before this day, mating with Roemand has always been hard and he was always in the dominant position.

"This is real and I mean you to have your time here, let it be a fantasy okay? I know you mean well…just relax." He said softly to her while leaning over to kiss the side of her neck, then capturing her lips before she could respond verbally.

He didn't give her much time to think and instead was now pushing her own need upon her, so that finally she could stop thinking and go through with the act itself, what he wanted was for her to do this and feel alright with it.

After enough of his body's grinding against hers he noticed she was starting to relax a little more and grind back against him; yes by now she was starting to really get into the motions of this, and he noticed she wasn't looking to remove her garb by very much, as her loincloth was flipped up briefly while she took a hold of his semi hard foxhood and held it up. This was the start of the turnaround it would seem.

"There you go…" he said softly before kissing her and slipping his tongue into her muzzle and rolling it back against her own, stroking up and down her much larger tongue; expertly showing her the tangling skill basics so she could get into it.

As Quentix gave a gentle sigh, feeling her netherlips pressing against his member; he was not ready for what was to come out of this. No…by gods he wasn't ready for the heavy clutching walls which began to squeeze the life out of his foxhood. This brought a soft yelp from his lips which had been muffled by the kiss he started.

Slowly an aching process of feeling her incredibly powerful muscles clutch at his member as she moved down slowly on his fleshy pillar. Even though only about half way through the motions of getting him into her; she gave a soft groan of disappointment, was she so tight? She pushed her hips down with more force and managed to force his length to wedge its way into her heat.

"Annhh!" she cried out in pleasure and rested her hands on his chest while she adjusted herself at the base of his member; squeezing him generously while she looked down at this kind fox, he felt very warm inside of her, she was enjoying the feeling of his length within her form and just took a moment to let him adjust.

She could tell by that look on his face, he was in some minor pain and she took a look of guilt; reaching down and stroking his cheek apologetically as she couldn't help what Roemand ensured she would be…the training she endured for this wasn't really worth such except that she could cause harm 'accidently' to her owner with such a strong grip.

~It's okay…start moving, I'll be okay as we go on.~ Quentix half lied to her, he knew that she'd be causing him some pain; though she would get looser as the mating went on, he could tell that she was extremely strong and was also a positive stand for one particular meaning of 'gentle giantess' in this case. She was more than a foot taller than him and likely outweighed him by 200 pounds and it was all muscle; he let his claws caress her waist, while sliding his feet along her lowerback, using the flexibility to tease, even though she was already anchored to him; her legs hooked beneath his legs carefully.

Though it would hurt at least it wasn't on Roemand's terms, that was another reason why Quent felt that this was necessary, to show the foolish king that he couldn't win no matter what he did. He seemed to be on great terms with each of those people that Roemand hoped to put him at odds with and instead it was quite different. He knew in a way this was just him being used again and again like some kind of toy or a piece of meat that was used for a chew toy…but it wasn't the same as the Queen or anyone who meant him true harm.

This kind of thing was going to be the last thing on his mind sadly, he wasn't really big into what he'd been trained to not only like and perform doing; but made to enjoy and even need it himself. Quent however was resilient and knew if he ever escaped that he wouldn't be some sex junky, no quite the contrary…the next time he mated, it would be for love and a life partner…whoever that might be in the world. He wasn't really sure about that future, but he was sure that he would no longer be the victim that he was made out to be all of these difficult years of just growing up.

"O-Oh..my-my..!" he cried beneath her, there she was squeezing him expertly while her hips moved slowly, he knew she was trying to grow used to this; being on top was something she'd never done.

There were a few moments of awkwardness beneath her, Quent was feeling her body wrenching itself against him and making sure that he was being held deeply inside of her the whole time. He was surprised again, she seemed to be so adaptive to the situation…but more so that she was even less fearful of the moment once she was in charge of the situation; Quent could tell that she was fine, since the fear disappeared inside of her and there her eyes became more focused.

Instead now he was able to feel her top intent: to thank him for being so sweet to her. The sincerity of her feelings were something he could appreciate, it also made him flush since her feelings were very strong; they hadn't known each other more than a few hours and he could feel her devotion for him, at least one thing was certain and that was he could trust these females with a debt that he'd ask, that would be looking out for his fellow Suna Clan member, Jaru.

The train of thought was broken once she drew her hips up and then dropped herself onto his lap, she was starting off slowly and doing her best to please him; being careful as she gripped him with her walls while rubbing over his chest. She looked at his beautiful face and just sighed happily, she was lucky indeed even for a one time event here; everything she heard was so true…he was worried about her well being and wanted her to know one good time since it would happen anyway. As she felt her hips rising and lowering on him even faster, her gasps became more apparent while she looked at his eyes; already the way he was pulsing inside of her was having the adverse effect.

The way his hips moved made her jump in shock, he was so very good…yes yes…so skilled; she was already being brought to orgasm and could barely believe it. She wanted this to last so much longer, she could feel they were both above to go; she couldn't believe that he made her feel so…pure, like a virgin during her first time.

Her mind's thoughts were not unheard, as she looked at his face; she couldn't help herself or her thoughts, 'It is so wrong to want more..? I wish it didn't end…so quickly, I just want…more.' Those were whispers of desire that Quentix often heard.

Not to mention that it was his option, he could feel her hips working harder and harder against his own, by now it was becoming a greater feeling for her; while she was not free to mate with him again, she was going to make this one count.

"F-Forgive me…young fox...nnh!!" she closed her eyes and started humping him vigorously, holding him for dear life, but with a hold as gentle as she could manage. She was sure she never lost control; she wasn't battering him with her full mass and made sure to ride out the pleasure deeply, making sure he was buried inside of her.

To a new peak of pleasure for her, she gripped him firmly and bit down on her lip, feeling her walls spasm with pleasure; feeling the sheer lack of involuntary pulsing as a result of their coupling; she held onto his shoulders and pulled him against her chest.

Quentix lost his own hold, all of what he could see and had foreseen was temporarily lost in a blur, as she peaked on him and her love juices flooded from her walls, causing them to torrent over his member and pool in his lap. His essence was lost to her, immediately following his foxhood was pulsed wide; he found her sitting on his knot base and panting. For the moment now, he was concentrating on breathing; there while his face resting against her breasts, while he seemed to be sated if not satisfied by what ending she had.

In the end, as he was ready to pull back, she rose instead and cupped his bottom; holding him to her as she hurried off to the bathing room which was next door, a single room pool protected from the other room only by straw-like doors which were built expertly for optimum restriction to those in the room while allowing ventilation in the small room.

"P-Please Master Quentix, I can't…just once more..? Please?" she said as she sat them in the water, resting him beneath her carefully. There as she settled down upon him, she began to push his knot into her, yes she knew about it and was pursuing it with his permission.

Though it seemed more that she was in the want to show him something as she went on; her hips were jamming into his carefully, grinding and humping close as she finally managed to get that thick base into her while she held onto his shoulders while she looked at his face and let her fingers stroke along his skin beneath his fur…and so it continued. This continued until she had once more climaxed, she wanted to have herself fully enjoying all that he had to offer and that was certainly the case here.

(--End Flashback--)

As Quentix lay where he was while his tail had swished behind him as he stood up, clearly now he was bringing up his last effort for a resistance as for the time now; he knew that it was coming to just what was the final day, his final moment to fight the guards off.

As the door was kicked in Quentix leapt to his feet and took hold of his spear that was above him on a rack; they suspected he couldn't get that high and he let them think that.

"Hold it right there scum! Surrender now, come quietly!!" the head of the guard ordered at Quentix, no doubt suspecting that the kit would quiet down; he was to appear before the judges today, the judge that was the king.

There was but a laugh from him as he looked at the head lion, pointing the spear at him and his men, shortly giving what he found was necessary to speak of his resistance.

"Those of your men who remain amongst the guard, I know your purity of belief and heart; you don't agree with our king but you fear for your lives and family. You have your will to serve the king as a way of living, bold warriors of the surrounding city of this Great Kingdom, understand one thing: I resist because there is no choice, I am judged guilty even if I had been the greatest slave possible; I am guilty of having things the king himself can never receive being cruel and unjust. Some come, fight me…you will eventually overcome me; but not willingly." He said it before looking at these men.

Most of the corrupt guards were dead, the last service to the guards he'd do was kill the remaining corrupt ones…he'd wound the others and disable those he could, otherwise Roemand would hold them accountable for this and he knew so.

The battle went underway quickly, Quentix made the first move of battle; stabbing his spear into the first guard's face, the captain's second-in-command; the treacherous dog who tried to rape the princess that first time.

"For Persefani!" he yelled as he kicked two more of the guards to the floor, whipping the back end up his spear into another guard's head, there he managed to take four of them down without much effort; while he rolled forward and kicked his feet up into the throat of another attacking guard, he had to get the last two corrupt warriors here…then he could allow himself to be taken by the guard. The evil intentions were going to be something that he'd fix; he was going to smash the foolish ambitious evils that he sensed.

Even as the battle went on, Quent was expertly defeating the guards that faced off with him one at a time, there his spear stabbing most guards in places that would force them to bleed if they moved, while he was also stabbing point after point on the rest of the guards that were attempting to grab or cut a limb to disable him. He could tell most of these guards were new, they had little to no skill except for the captain who was keeping up in one on one battle with him; he admired that someone of a good caliber and good spirit was here to face off with him and not have themselves overwhelmed.

Wasting little time, he moved to the last two men; one dog of some kind and some kind of mercenary, both men planned to rape the Princess and kidnap her in hopes for money.

"Your evil will be vanquished." He said as he viciously slit the first man's throat; holding the spear head and ripping it along his neckline deeply, while jamming the dull part of the spear into his face, pushing it in while he kicked the man's chest over 6 times…while he was elevated; each blow one death rattling kick aimed around the epicenters of the heart.

After leaving the two last guards to die with each other, he tossed his spear down and looked at the Captain of the guard. "Let us shed no more blood, you may take me in." he said as he looked up to him, with eyes reflecting trust and even a little admiration for the older guard.

The captain said nothing but instructed servants to get help for those wounded, he held Quentix's chains and looked at him seriously, while he led him to the grand stadium…where the audience would be held for his trial.

"Know this young fox, I will spread word of your name…you have earned my respect in this strange way, though you killed me men; I know you trust only your given abilities and judgment of character…you let the other live, you have good character and a strong heart; Suna be with you in your trials ahead young one." The guard said this while opening the grand doors.

~Thank you kind sir.~ was Quentix's psychic reply to the man, this bold captain who was applauded for bringing in Quentix single-handedly; with none of these people knowing that the fox had given up once his deeds were done.

--In the throne room--

The jeers and shouts of the royal court were mixed surprisingly, noblewomen who had often tried to get to see the elusive fox, who had been fans of his during his major coliseum fights had come to see him off and some even hoping that he'd be evicted from the palace and left to them. There were many jeers of males who hated him, he'd gone and seen that they lost more wealth than gained by placing the bets on the opposition of his, no matter who it had been; all but one fell before the might of 'The Spear' as his given nickname was.

As Quentix looked up, he saw the look in the king's eyes, satisfaction of the greatest kind, it was enough to see that he had other plans of celebration, the thoughts of which turned Quentix's stomach...he knew fate had something planned for him, but he had to try it...during or after the trial...he had to take that smug look off of the king's face somehow.

"Well worm, it looks like you've gone and crossed the big line, it's time to answer up for your crime; rape of my personal guard!!" he yelled and pointed his sword at him, grinning widely as he gestured to the table beside him.

"Our doctors have DNA proof of a male vulpine having bred with each of them, there is only one male in the palace walls that is something as exotic as a Vulpine; and that's you wretch!!" he cackled as he saw the Queen rising to answer this.

"Absurd Roemand! The odds that my slave would ever have touched your girls would have to have been forced, there is no other way." she hissed at him, knowing this treachery was his doing while she had been away.

There was simply the response of a laugh from him as he gestured to the table.

"I'm afraid my Queen that even your laws cannot save the rat now, he's raped female guards against their wishes; six of them had his DNA within them; what more do you want of my precious?" he was teasing since she hadn't been his 'precious' for years honestly and he was fine with that.

But soon another voice rose in fear, but hopes of helping Quentix.

"But father, could it not have been the other way around? I know that Quentix is strong my lord, but certainly he couldn't overpower your elites; as he couldn't be my guardian Kazenga on his own, he barely matched her." Persefani gestured to the Amazon-like warrior beside her, Kazenga stood in her prowess while watching this trial silently; her heart going out to Quentix in his position.

He gave a soft growl and then looked to his daughter.

"My sweet child, the fact still speaks for itself; it is forbidden to sleep with personal guard; his proof of forcing them remains in the fact that he himself limps now." he said with another grin, knowing that it was from what his specific orders had been.

While Persefani tried to plead on behalf of Quentix, Kazenga moved to Quentix's side; without the knowledge of the king...it's what she was, a shadow warrior the equivalent of an assassin who could walk anywhere without being seen.

"Quentix...I remember what you did for me, you forgave me...if you'd like I will take you from here; I will become condemned to save your life as thanks. Just say the word...and so it shall be done." she said this to him gently now, before feeling his tail stroke her side.

~Go in peace Kazenga, Persefani will need you more than ever; I know how you feel about me...it's okay.~ he said it gently to her, smiling at her sweetness.

Without another word Kazenga once more disappeared as Roemand put a stop to Persefani's pleas.

"Enough! You may be my daughter and a Princess, but remember who's king around here!!" he snarled at her and heard laughing, his eyes shot to Quentix; who was laughing out loud. His growls were picking right back up, just what the hell was so funny?! He'd go and show this worm what was funny!

Roemand slammed his fist on the thrown, a signal for two more of his guards (those he trusted) to go beat Quentix. Of course, the arctic fox owed them nothing and immediately responded; leaping into the air and grabbing the first guard in a neck lock with his legs, before squeezing and using his hips to snap the guard's neck, before slamming the now very dead guard to the floor.

This action was met with some whoops, some of the female nobles were watching intently...could he truly perform such an act? It made him more valuable, the king would soon here offers of money...large amounts of gold, slaves, and numerous trade items for Quentix's life.

"Silence! You are brave urchin, truly brave enough to stare at me with defiance and kill yet another loyal guard. But it's no good in the end, you are sentenced to death, by being shot into space in our only working rocket, behold the line of your fate!!" he had the large drape pulled off of the capsule-like rocket...which was rusty and old, rickety really...it looked like would fall apart at any minute.

However while Roemand did this, Quentix used his chains to kill the second guard with his bindings before leaping into the air; taking point as he used the guard's twisted neck to snap the rusty chain in the middle of the weakest link. It was time now, yes time to act!

Quentix leapt up the alrge wall and hopped from crowd barrier to barrier, which separated the poor from the rich; he raced his way up these thin barriers and brought both fists onto Roemand's face; claws bared...he raked down the king's face in hopes of destroying his eyes, that would be a fine gift, to make him blind...he hoped for it.

But Roemand had shut his eyes and instead had his eylids ripped clear down in four streaks, with four bloody claw scrapes over each eye; Roemand's fist struck back in retalliation, knocking the breath out of Quentix and sending him to the Queen's arms.

The Queen who caught him and turned him in her arms, looking at him with tears in her eyes; some twisted sense of care and maybe even love for her slave had grown, she kissed him gently, holding him against her chest for as long as she could. Until Roemand grabbed him and tore her from him, using his free hand to backhand her.

"Stupid whore! No matter, this beast is dead; throw him in the rocket!" He said as he tossed him down from the top of the stands to his stunned Captain of the guard who caught the dazed kit. "Cram him in, now!!" he yelled, pointing to the ship.

The captain said nothing and walked towards the ship, holding him in his hands and looking to the coughing kit. By the time he got over to the craft, he spoke one last thing as he set him in and chained him down.

"Very gutsy...young Quentix, I hope...you die well." he said as he closed the top and the rocket's countdown began...he leapt back from the platform and watched him go on; frowning...this warrior was condemned to this? How dishonorable for his death.

One last cry was all that Quentix heard...he let the punch affect him, let the punch send his body into disarray he much preferred this, yes...he much preferred unconsciousness...only one last thought on his mind. The one girl who meant more to him...than anyone should have and they'd done no more than kiss...but one sweet kiss it was. For her he lashed out...and for her he felt he failed her.

~Forgive me...Sweet Executioner...I could not save you from the fate that I have foreseen...as I go to mine, never forget my feelings. I'd have preferred...you to kill me above all else.~

The final words of Quentix Starwing, as he was shot into the heavens, passing into space...where his true destiny would unravel. The bird had taken flight against his will.

The End.