It was a nice day outside and the gang was sitting on their favorite bench talking and waiting for Yumi.

"Hey guys. Did you hear the principal's actually going to let us have a school dance?" Odd said, nudging Ulrich. "Gonna ask anyone special, Ulrich?"

"C'mon Odd. Quit it! I don't like her alright?" Ulrich said. Odd was talking about Yumi, the girl Ulrich supposedly "doesn't" like. "So, Odd. Who are you asking?"

"What if I said Sissy?" Odd replied.

"I'd kill you." Ulrich said, laughing. "You are such a loser. You're not asking her right?"

"Heh. What do you know?" Odd said with a chuckle. Yumi walked up.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" she asked.

"Nothin', just talking about that Spring Dance coming up. Anyone ask you to it?" Odd answered, looking towards Ulrich. Yumi looked at Ulrich quickly.

"No. Not yet… Hopefully someone does…" She said, staring at Ulrich. "But, I'll wait. Well, I gotta go. See you in class!"

"Dude, you still got a chance!" Odd whispered. "It's only Monday! By Friday, someone IS gonna ask her and you'll miss out."

"Odd! Stop all right. I'll ask who I want to!" Ulrich said. "I don't even know if I'm going!"

"Yumi…You know you want to ask her, and you know you're going!" Odd said. Ulrich got up.

Ulrich was in his room at Kadic Academy. His roommate, Odd, was gone and hopefully wouldn't come back soon. Ulrich puts in a CD.

"The cakes no good if you don't mix the batter and bake it….And loves just a bubble if you don't take the trouble to make it….So if your free to go with me…." The song sang.

It was a June Carter Cash song. Country. Yumi loved country, so Ulrich tried it. He bought every CD on Country in the school store. There wasn't much, seeing as almost nobody listens to that music at Kadic. He had disguised himself with a wig, glasses and big coat. He thought he looked like Herb, which made him laugh. "At least people will thik he's even more of a dork then he even is! And that might make Sissi crazy!" He thought.

While the music was playing, Odd walked in.

"Oh my goodness! Have you gone crazy?" Odd screamed and ran to the CD player and turned it off. "Whew. That was close."

"Odd! I liked that!" Ulrich said. He was the cool kid in school so he wasn't supposed to like that kind of music.

"Since when?" Odd asked. "You've got a reputation to keep!"

"Since…Someone I know got me into it." He replied. "And who cares about that dumb reputation! I could care less if I was the dork in school!"

"Oh, Yumi." Odd said in a childish voice. Yup. Your crazy." Odd rolled his eyes. "Do you listen to the words that come out of your mouth! You could care less if you were a dork! DORK!" Ulrich thought about that. Maybe he was crazy. "And next time you try to sneak some old country junk here, do it a little quieter. I could hear it from the lobby!"

"It's not junk, Odd. You should listen to it!" Ulrich answered.

"Oops… It was that loud?" He thought.

"Ulrich, F.Y.I, I'm not girl crazy." He said. Ulrich rolled his eyes. "Wait… That came out wrong…"

"Odd, you've gone out with every girl in the 8th grade. You've got it bad." Ulrich answered, laughing.

"Ulrich…I gotta ask you… When are you gonna ask Yumi out!" Odd screamed. "I'm sick and tired of hearing crap when you say, 'I like Yumi!' or 'I'll ask who I want out!'" Ulrich's face turned red. "When you like someone and you'll ask who you want out, you take the person you like. Now, who do you like?" He paused. "YUMI."

"Odd… Just whatever…I'm going outside, seeing what's up with my better friends." He said, putting a lot of emphasize on the word "better" and walking out. Yumi was in the hallway, talking to Aelita.

"Crap!" He thought. He tried to smile at her but it came out looking like he was stupid. She and Aelita laughed.

"Hey, Ulrich. What's up?" Aelita asked. Ulrich stopped smiling and his face turned red.

"Nothin' out of the ordinary." He tried to sound cool.

"I heard you like country music…" Yumi said.

"Uhh…From who?" He asked.

"From the lobby." She said, and laughed. "Man, you blasted that music!"

"Oops…Sorry. I wasn't paying attention." He answered.

"June Carter Cash. She's great." Yumi said.

"Really? I like her too." He answered.

"You know… I'm really thirsty… I think I'll go to my room… Get something to drink…" Aelita announced. Ulrich forgot she was there. She's always too quiet. She smiled and walked towards her room.

"So…Since when does your 'cool reputation' like country?" Yumi asked. Her smile turned to a frown. She hated that all he thought about was his reputation.

"I could care less about my stupid reputation. I hate when people think that's all I think about!" Ulrich said.

"Oh. Well, it's good that it's not all you think about." Yumi said smiling. "Oops… My mistake…" she thought.

"I mean, people shouldn't judge a book by it's cover." He said and smiled. "I may look cool but I'm just a normal kid.

"Yeah. That's a good point! And I don't even think you look cool." Yumi said smiling and laughing. "Wow, he's pretty smart." She thought.

"Hey!" Ulrich said.

"I'm just kidding! Gosh, can't you take a joke!" Yumi said. Odd walked out of the room.

"Oh great…" Ulrich mumbled and let out a big sigh. Yumi looked at him weird, then turned to Odd.

"Hey, Odd. What's up?" Yumi said.

"Nothing. What about you guys?" Odd said, emphasizing the word "you" to get Ulrich mad.

"Odd! Don't do this to me!" Ulrich whispered to Odd so Yumi couldn't hear him. Yumi got confused.

"Whatever you guys are talking about… I can hear you. I am right next to you. Ulrich, what's Odd doing to you?" Yumi said. Ulrich turned to Odd and glared at him. He rolled his eyes, put his hands in his pockets, and walked away. "Odd? What'd you do that I don't know about?"

"Well, we were talking about the dance." Odd said. "AND ULRICHS BEING A LOSER ABOUT IT." He said extra loud so Ulrich could hear him. He turned around and glared at him, then started walking again.

"Why?" Yumi asked.

"Just who we're going to ask." Odd said, and he walked away.

"ODD! Tell me!" She yelled. He shrugged and went on his way.

"Tuesday. Counting today, I have 4 days to ask Yumi to Friday's dance." Ulrich thought. "And Odd's getting so mad, it's so annoying!"

"Hey, Ulrich." Ulrich jumped.

"Oh hey, Odd. You scared me, I thought you were someone else." Ulrich said.

"So, It's Tuesday. You have only 4 more d----" Odd started.

"Odd! I know. Will you shut up about it?"

"Alright, alright. I'm just saying th---"

"Odd! I don't care what your saying!"

"Fine, fine. Whatever..." Odd said.

Ulrich left and walked towards the doors to outside. Yumi was there. "Just my luck." He thought.

"Hey, Ulrich!" Someone yelled. Sissi.

"Oh great, it's her. This day just get's better and better..." He said sarcastically.

"Want to ask me anything?" She said, talking about the dance.

"Uh, yea." He said. Her face lit up. Yumi was watching from behind. "Will you leave me alone?" Yumi laughed. Sissi's jaw dropped.

"Ugh!" She said and stomped away. Yumi came up from behind Ulrich.

"Ha-ha, good one!" She said. Ulrich turned and smiled.

"I know. Someone had to say it, and I am never going to ever dance with her. But uh, Yumi...Will you ----"