What if Sakura never had a crush on Sasuke? What if Sakura never met Ino? What if Sakura is Naruto's best friend instead of Sasuke? What if Sakura is an orphan? What if Sasuke is the one that likes Sakura? What if there is also other boy that crushes on Sakura!

Chapter 1

Sakura lived alone in her apartment. It's hard to believe that she can live all by herself at this young age. Haruno Sakura is 10 years old. People tease her about her appearance, she had a large forehead and pink hair, and they despise her because they say she is weak. Sakura had no bloodline limit since she doesn't come from a noble clan. Sakura never minded what people thought of her, she keeps quiet all the time. Her parents died protecting her when she was young. Sakura didn't really know how they died. They probably despise her too, she thought all the time. All her parents left her was this old apartment. Her only friend is Uzumaki Naruto, the hyper boy that shares the same loneliness as she did. She appreciates that Naruto would be her friend. They always hung out together. Naruto is more like a protective brother to her. Whenever she need him most he's there. This explains it when Naruto beat the crap outta some guys because they make fun of her. Naruto is a prankster that always gets into trouble. Naruto is looked after by Iruka-sensei. They look like father and son together. Sakura envied Naruto that he has Iruka-sensei. While she had no one. Naruto always said 'YOU GOT ME!' to her when she said that. Naruto is the only one capable to make her smile. Today is the day they enter the academy.

Sakura got up earlier than usual. She cleaned herself, pick some clothes, brush her hair, collect her stuffs and head out to the academy. She wore a simple T-shirt and a three quarter shorts. Breakfast? 'Tch…' Sakura thought. She left the habit since she became an orphan, although sometime Naruto would treat her ramen at the morning. Sakura was walking on the streets. She looks at her watch and sighed '6.35… I guess I'm a bit too early… academy starts at 8' she thought. She then head to the park since she had nothing to do. She was walking peacefully when suddenly there's a bunch of girls came up to her and pushes her on the ground. Sakura ignored it. She got up and continued to walk but the girl pulled her hand roughly and Sakura landed on her butt hard. "Ha! And I thought who was so rude to have knock on me and didn't apologize" the girl, Ami spat. "Waddya know? It's the abnormal girl with large forehead and not to mention pink haired freak!" another girl, Yamanaka Ino spat. Sakura let a faint sigh and got up but again to be pushed down to the floor. "Apologize" Ami commanded. Sakura glared at her but ignored her at last. Sakura brought her knees to her chest. "Look at her! Pathetic girl don't even know how to defend herself!" Ami laughed. 'I don't feel like arguing… In fact I never did' Sakura thought and closed her eyes. The girls thought she was crying and laughed harder then the boys came "What's so funny girl?" one of the boys, Tonya asked. Ami pointed at Sakura. Tonya looked at Sakura and laughed along "HA! So you're the WEAK girl everyone is talking about in the neighborhoods, I guess they're right" he laughed. Some of the boys even start to throw rocks at her. The rocks hit her forehead "I can hit her forehead no problem!" Ino smirked. Sakura sighed again burying her head between her knees. "WEAK! PATHETIC! FREAK!" they chorused together. And this is when Naruto showed up "HEY!" he yelled. They looked at Naruto "Oh look another freak arrived" Tonya said. Naruto ignored and crouched next to Sakura and then glared at the group making them yelped slightly. "LEAVE US ALONE" Naruto warned. The girls gasped "F-fine! FREAKS!" the boys yelled and ran.

Naruto growled and look at Sakura "Sakura-chan… Are you ok?" Naruto asked worriedly. Sakura look up "Huh? They're gone?" Sakura asked. Naruto sweatdropped "Sakura-chan… you were… sleeping?" he asked. Sakura scrunched her nose "Yeah since they are so troublesome and won't leave me alone…" she answered. Naruto is clutching his sides and laughed hardly. "What's so funny?" Sakura raised her eyebrow. "N-nothing… Let's go to the academy now… its 7.30 already" Naruto said. Sakura grunted "Great… So exciting…" Sakura said sarcastically. Naruto helped Sakura up and they began to walk to the academy. Along the way they heard people talking about them. Even old folks and children. "Is that the Kyuubi brat and the weak girl they've been talking about?" the old man asked. Naruto sighed. "Mama, mama… Why is the girl's hair pink? She looks strange…" one of the children asked. The child's mother replied "Yes dear… remember not to go near them ok?" Sakura ignored them as usual. They reached the academy. Naruto and Sakura were greeted by a few unhappy faces. When they reach the class they sat next to each other at the corner. Few times there are people that look at them and start to make fun of them. "Look at them! Pathetic! They dare to come to the academy" The boys said. "They are a disgrace to our class!" the girls said. They were gossiping about them when Iruka-sensei came in. "Ok class! Today you'll be performing Henge no jutsu! Whoever succeeds gets a free kunai holster! There are 3 only so gambateh ne!" Iruka said and started calling up names. They all failed and some of them transfer to strange things. "Next Uchiha Sasuke!" Iruka called and received a few giggles and cheers from the girls. "KYAAA! Sasuke-kun" they squealed. Sasuke walked boredly in front and did the Henge successfully. "Good work Sasuke, here is your new kunai holster. There are weapons inside too" Iruka said. Sasuke received it and went back to his seat. Receiving a few dreamy glances by his 'fan girls' population.

"Next is Ami" Iruka called. Ami jumped and walked nervously to the front. She did the Henge yes but, she failed. Laughs are heard in the class except Naruto, Sakura, one guy and Sasuke. Ami glared at Naruto and Sakura as if they were the ones that laughed. Sakura rolled her eyes. "Uzumaki Naruto!" Iruka called causing the whole class to laugh loudly and yelled "HIM! HA!" Naruto snorted and walked to the front "HENGE!" he yelled and transformed to Iruka-sensei. The class goes O.o and their jaws dropped. Sakura smiled warmly at him. Iruka smiled "Good work Naruto. Here are your kunai holster and the weapons," Naruto grinned and walked back to his seat receiving glares from the boys. "Hyuuga Neji!" Iruka called. Few girls sighed dreamily. As expected from the Hyuuga prodigy, he did it successfully. Iruka gave him the holster; Neji took it and went back to his seat. "Too bad for the others! Let's get on with the lesson. Yamanaka Ino" Ino smirked and walked to the front. Sakura realized that when Ino passed the boys they were drooling. Sakura rolled her eyes. Ino did the Henge but half successful. "Keep up the work Ino" Iruka said, Ino smiled and walked back to her seat, not before winking at Sasuke. Sakura gagged. "Haruno Sakura!" Iruka called. Sakura walked to the front. The boys and girls were laughing exceptional of Sasuke, Neji and Naruto. Sakura did the Henge. Shocking the whole class even Sasuke and Neji. She did the Henge no problem. Ino were fuming. Naruto smirked 'I knew she can do it. I mean why can't she? She is smart' he thought silently. Sakura walked back to her seat. "Ok that's all for class today! Since there are errands for the teachers the whole afternoon class is cancelled. You all can do whatever you like but don't destroy the school ok?" Iruka said causing the whole class to grin. Iruka left the class.

As usual the girls will drool either at Neji or Sasuke. The boys would mind their own business. Ino walked up to Sasuke and sat next to him. Ino is obviously trying to get attention from the Uchiha but to avail. While her best friend Ami is flirting with the Hyuuga. Sakura rolled her eyes at them. She surveyed the whole class and she noticed a girl staring at Naruto. The girl had purplish navy short hair and pearly eyes. 'Judging by the eyes she must be a Hyuuga' Sakura thought. When the girl realize Sakura is looking she turned her head and blushed. Sakura raised an eyebrow. "Hey Naruto… the girl is staring at you…" Sakura motioned at the girl before. Naruto blushed "She's Hinata, Neji's cousin" Sakura looked at Naruto suspiciously and make an 'o' shape as understanding. Soon there's a teacher came in and gave them each a hitai ate. Naruto tied it on his forehead while Sakura tied it around her neck. Her hair? She could care less. Her hair fall in front her head covering her forehead. Sakura noticed the girl staring at Naruto again and this time when the girl look back Sakura smiled at her. Hinata smiled. Sakura motioned her to come over which Hinata did. Hinata sat next to her "H-hello… my n-name is Hyuuga Hinata" Hinata introduced all the time with a blush on her face. Sakura giggled "My name's Haruno Sakura" Sakura said cheerfully for once. Naruto looked at them and blushed "Hi Hinata-chan" he greeted. Sakura left them to talk. She sat on another table. Simply staring out the window. She was lost in god-knows-what when…

Someone tapped her shoulder trying to get her attention but no answer. Again and still no answer. This time harder… "What do you want?" Sakura replied and growled slightly meaning the person disturbed her. "Haruno I presume?" a calm voice called. Sakura, still not facing the person said "Nope its Horuna…" she said sarcastically earning a growl from the person. She sighed "Yes I am Haruno… happy now?" She said still not facing him. "Did your mom ever teach you to face the person you're talking with?" come back the calm voice. Sakura flinched slightly when she heard the word 'mom'. But still not facing the guy she said "Oh I didn't know that since my 'mom' is already dead… probably…" she then walked out of the class. Naruto looked at Sakura worriedly then glared at the person talked with her just now and hissed "Hey Hyuuga… Use your brain before you talk next time" Naruto went to look for Sakura. Hinata fiddled with her fingers and stuttered "Neji nii-san… Naruto-kun is r-right…" she ran following Naruto. The Hyuuga Neji just muttered a 'hn' and walked put of the classroom too.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto called. "Doko Ni iru no?" Hinata chorused. They kept on finding her. Unknown to them Sakura is on the sakura tree and sitting on a branch, she hid her chakra well of course. Sakura didn't hear them calling instead she looked at the sky silently wishing it to rain soon. She was enjoying peace when… "Hey Haruno" a calm and cold voice called below the tree. Sakura did not pay attention so she still could not hear people calling her. "Oi…" the voice called now sounding a bit annoyed. Still Sakura didn't hear the voice. The person seemed VERY annoyed and he jumped up landing beside her and tapped her shoulder. This time Sakura snapped "Who are you now and…" Sakura said and faced the person. "Oh… It's you…" Sakura simply said and looked at the academy from above. Uchiha Sasuke was shocked that the answer he got is only 'oh it's you'. Usually girls would swoon over him and squealed. He then stared at her, the wind blowing gently playing with her pink hair. Pink, strange color yet Sasuke find it special, he always wondered if it's soft like how it looks like. Sakura is annoyed realizing Sasuke is staring at her so she asked "Could you stop staring already? It's rude". Sasuke sighed when he looked at her face. He reached for her hitai ate at her neck and trying to undo it when Sakura jerked away "What are you doing?" she asked warily. Sasuke growled "Just come here for a moment" he said. Sakura eyed him seeing if he's gonna hurt her but none so she sighed and went to him. Sasuke undo her hitai ate and placed it on her head holder her bangs. Her bangs now facing her face, Sasuke let her look at herself in the mirror.

Sakura looked at the mirror and got annoyed "Oh great… now my forehead looks wider… As if I care…" she said and leaned on the bark. Sasuke shrugged and walked off not before giving her the holster. Sakura caught the holster with ease and glared a questioning glare. "I'm not pitying you… why should I? I just found that thing useless" Sasuke said and walked away. "Whatever… Thanks…" she muttered at the last part which Sasuke heard and smirked. After seeing Sasuke gone she jumped down and "S-SAKURA-CHAN!" Hinata and Naruto called together while running up to her. Sakura looked confused "What?" she asked. Hinata and Naruto were breathless but their eyes showing what they wanted to say. Sakura sighed "I'm fine…" Naruto then looked at the holster she's holding. "Someone gave it" Sakura said and tied it around her thigh. Hinata gasped "S-sakura-chan! Y-your look d-different…" she stuttered. Naruto then noticed and his jaw dropped. Sakura cast them a questioning glare "I know ok? It's ugly so stop gawking" she said. Hinata and Naruto wildly shook their head and chorused "YOU LOOK CUTE!" and that made Sakura stumble. "You've got to be kidding me…" she said. Hinata and Naruto smiled.