Time has passed for the gang. Ulrich Stern was as tall as Yumi now. Although Odd Della Robbia was now the shortest. It was Friday night for the gang, yet there was nothing at all to do. And in all actual fact, it was rather late already. Midnight actually. Odd and Ulrich were practically fast asleep in their room. Jeremy was, of course, still awake. Chatting it up with Aelita. But even Aelita can't keep him up too long.

"Wow. I'm really tired. I think I'm going to hit the hay, Aelita," he said.

"Why are you going beat hay?" she asked.

"No, it's just an expression, Aelita. When someone says they're going to hit the hay, it means they're going to bed," Jeremy explained.

"Oh, okay. Goodnight, Jeremy,"

"Goodnight, Aelita,"

Jeremy turned off his computer and tucked himself in. Over at Yumi's house though, it was a different story. It seems she's the only one who has what it takes to stay up all night. Her mom, dad and little brother all went away for the weekend. Something they never do. And that left Yumi in charge. She had the whole house to herself for the entire weekend. Plus tonight.

She was reaching up into a cupborad to get down some popcorn to pop. She waited by the microwave until it beeped. She got out the bag and dumped her snack into a bowl. She was wearing her black tank top and her usual pants. She kicked her shoes off by the door and slid her socks off. Who wants to wears shoes inside their house.

"That's better. Much more comfortable with out nasty boots and socks," she said to herself.

Yumi walked into her living room with the bowl of popcorn. She had rented herself a movie and was just now deciding to settle down and watch it. Eating her buttered up popcorn, she didn't see Hiroki's skateboard lying in the middle of the floor. Even though she was an expert at skateboarding herself, when you step on one and you're not ready…down you go.

Yumi put her foot down on the edge, it flipped up and rolled.


The popcorn flew out of Yumi's hands and all she could see coming was their family's glass coffee table.