Caught in the Act

Ginny turned around to see her brother Ron standing in the door with his ears almost the same color as his red hair and breathing heavily.


"Ron you really need to calm down," Hermione said.

"AND YOU!" Ron yelled as he turned to face Hermione. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE PATROLING THE HALLS!"

"I… well.." Hermione stammered.

"RON, YOU GIT!" Ginny yelled with her hands on her hips. "Get a grip." She smacked him hard across the face and pushed him out into the hall. Ron went to barge back into the compartment when the door was slammed in his face but Ginny had locked it to keep him out. Ron let out a sigh and walked back into the compartment Harry was in where he stayed for the rest of the trip till they got to Hogwarts.

Ron and Harry walked into the great hall and saw Hermione saving them seats in their usual spot. Harry noticed that Ginny was sitting with the other sixth year girls. Ron sat next to Hermione and gave her a kiss on the cheek as he muttered an apology for his behavior on the train. Hermione smiled and told him that it was okay. She then looked to Harry and asked how he was taking the break-up. He said not to worry about it that he would be fine. The Great Hall quieted down as Dumbledore walked up to the podium to give his start of term speech.

"Welcome students to another year at Hogwarts. As I know you all very hungry I will keep this short. Like always the Forbidden Forest is off limits to all students, and Mr. Filch has posted a list of all products that are banned, which has grown considerably long…" Harry and Ron laughed because they knew exactly what he was talking about. Fred and George had just opened a new branch of their joke shop in Hogsmeade. This could mean many new problems for the Hogwart's caretaker and his feline friend.

"Also," Dumbledore continued his blue eyes twinkling," I would like to welcome back Professor Lupin who will be taking position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher again this year. On that note you may notice another familiar face at this table. Miss Angelina Johnson will be taking a position as Professor McGongall's teaching Assistant." There was a loud applause from the Gryffindor table as Lupin and Angelina stood up. "Now without further ado let the feast begin!" With that the food appeared on the table and Ron began to eat like it was his last meal.

During the feast the seventh years were talking about their summers. Ron had told them that Fred, George, Ginny and himself had gotten together with the old Gryffindor Quidditch team, well all except Harry. Harry, under Dumbledore's strict orders, had to stay with his 'family' whom he loathed for the entire summer. Only for a few days around his birthday did Harry get to see his friends when they came and visited him, needless to say his Aunt and Uncle were not happy about it but were persuaded by magic to let them stay. As for Hermione she had spent about a little less than a month in Italy with her parents and spent the rest of her break at the Burrow with the Weasleys.

After they finished dessert they started to walk towards Gryffindor tower. As they were on the third floor Hermione stopped walking and turned to Ron.

"I… uh.. forgot my sweater back in the Great Hall. Ron will you come with me to get it?"

"Uhh… sure I guess so," Ron replied.

"Harry we will just meet you back in the common room," Hermione said as she grabbed Ron's hand and sped off in the opposite direction.

Harry walked back up to the common room and sat down in front of the fire. He thought about the day and everything that had happened. Surprisingly Harry didn't feel that bad about Ginny breaking things off between them. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that things wouldn't last, he didn't know why but he knew it.


Harry turned around and saw Seamus Finnegan looking at him funny.

"Yeah?" Harry replied.

"I was wondering if you wanted to play a game of wizard's chess?"

"Sure," Harry said smiling.

Seamus and Harry were playing chess for a while when all of a sudden Seamus heard Harry say:

"WAIT! Hermione didn't have a sweater!" and with that Harry rushed out of the common room leaving behind a very confused Seamus.

Hermione rushed up the stairs dragging a very confused Ron behind her. Hermione quickly thought of someplace to go, the Room of Requirement quickly came to mind. Ron and Hermione walked up to the tapestry and she walked back and forth three times, thinking of why she needed the room. A door appeared and Hermione pushed Ron inside quickly.

As soon as Ron was by the tapestry he knew what this was all about. Ron grabbed Hermione and pulled her towards him into an innocent kiss but it soon became a passionate one. Hermione parted her lips giving Ron entrance for his tongue. Ron gently bit Hermione's bottom lip and their tongues collided. The kiss deepened and Ron pulled Hermione away from the wall and towards a table, Ron started running his hands up Hermione's shirt and pulled it off in one swift motion.

Hermione started unbuttoning Ron's pants and he kicked them off to the side and took his shirt off in the process. Ron picked Hermione up and set her on the table Hermione brought her head to Ron's neck and gently caressed it causing him to shiver. His hands were going through her hair and down her neck to her upper back. His hands fumbled with her bra for a second before finally getting it off and throwing it to the ground to be added to the pile already there.

Hermione ran her hands down the sides of his back and moved her lips to his neck. Ron lifted her head up by her chin and kissed her neck leaving a small red spot in its wake. Hermione closed her eyes and Ron brought her lips back to his. Suddenly as their lips come in contact with each other their heads hit and Hermione backed away grimacing at the pain in her head. Ron accidentally bumped her again and she fell right off the table onto the floor in front of Ron on her knees. Then out of nowhere the door is flung open and someone entered the room gaping at the couple.

"OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING?" said Harry who was sorry he even went looking for his best friends; because what he found was something he never wanted to see ever again.

Ron turned around, his ears burning red. Once he saw who was standing in the doorway he was a little relieved that it was Harry and not someone else. As Hermione in front of him scrambled to get her shirt back on Ron felt as if he was rooted to the spot he was standing in.

"Harry it's not what it looks like, I swear- why are you laughing?" asked Hermione who at first was embarrassed Harry had caught them half naked and looking like she was doing something she wasn't. She had confusion written all over her face.

Ron who now that Hermione had broken the silence was busy finding his pants that he flung aside now looked up. Along with Hermione Ron didn't understand why Harry was laughing. Ron looked towards Hermione who looked back at him her face was becoming a slightly redder color. Ron finally found his pants and hastily put them back on.

"If you guys wanted to do the nasty in a deserted room you could have warned me not to come looking for you two. I have just been scarred for life, again," Harry laughed at his little joke and the look on his two friends faces. "I am going to leave you two alone to fix Ron's little problem" Harry added gesturing to the bulge in Ron's pants.

Hearing Harry say that Ron's blush became ten times darker and Hermione let out a little chuckle at Harry's innuendo. Ron gave her a 'it's not that funny look'. After seeing Ron's reaction Harry turned around and left Ron and Hermione and walked back to the Gryffindor common room laughing the whole way there.

The next day Harry, Ron, and Hermione all walked down to the Great Hall for breakfast and to receive their schedules for the year. Ron and Harry were hoping for some free time during their schedule so they wouldn't be overloaded with all the homework they were sure to be getting this year. Hermione was simply elated that they were starting classes again; she couldn't wait to start her homework that hadn't even been assigned yet. After they had finished eating they finally got their schedules. Ron and Harry noticed, thank god, that they had a free period every day after transfiguration.

Harry and Ron's schedule:


10-11 Free



Defense Against the Dark Arts


History of Magic

Hermione had almost the same schedule:


Ancient Runes



Defense Against the Dark Arts


History of Magic


Hermione, anxious to start her day, got up to head to the library but not before asking if Ron and Harry wanted to join her. Upon saying that Ron and Harry looked at each other and laughed, they told her they would just meet up with her later on in Transfiguration. Hermione didn't want to press it and she also really wanted to go so she when they said no she practically ran to the library.

"Wow she is already here for not even twenty four hours and she is already heading to the library. We haven't even gotten any homework. Sometimes I think she is completely mental," Ron said watching Hermione run to the library.

Harry not really wanting to reply on that subject just yet just laugh and changed the subject. "Do you know when you're going to hold tryouts for quidditch?"

"Umm no idea. When would you want them? How about sometime next week? Yea I think that would be good," said Ron.

"Alright whatever you say, it's your decision."

After Ron and Harry finished their breakfast and said goodbye to the people still eating breakfast they went back to the common room to wait to go to transfiguration. Most of the day went pretty fast for the two of them that is until History of Magic which everyone, but Hermione of course, knows is the most boring class and no one really paid any attention to the teacher who monotonous voice could go on forever. Ron and Harry were just lucky that if they didn't pay attention they could always use Hermione's notes. Right then they were actually doing some homework from the other classes they had had that day. After History of Magic was over Harry and Ron went back to Gryffindor tower but Hermione still had one more class.

Harry was thanking god they didn't have too much homework so when he finished, even before Hermione came back from her last class he challenged Ron to a game of wizard's chess. Having no homework to do was the end of a somewhat good first day of classes at Hogwarts for Harry. He was glad that it wasn't as stressful as he thought it would have been.


First I want to say thanks for all the reviews, keep them coming! Lol. I hope you like chapter two and if it seems a little different from chapter one in the style of the writing that's because there are actually three people writing this story and not just one. I can't take all the credit two of my friends is writing this with me and they wrote most of this chapter. Well I hope you like it! Please send me a review I love to hear what you think! Luv ya