Lust is not love and that is exactly why it's not called love.
But an obsession.

Commenced With Lust and a Desire With Love

Chapter One; Same Days, New Accidents

Disclaimer; I do not own any of these characters or make any profit off this. Kingdom Hearts belongs to Square Enix...Or at least, I think that's who it is.


Roxas rushed down through the alleyways of Twilight Town, groaning silently and wiping beads of sweat off his forehead. The days had been hot and humid, making the air smell sweaty. He really had wished they could have all met at a pool or somewhere where there was icy water for them to sit in. The tips of his golden brown locks glued itself to his tan-toned flesh on his face. As he headed closer, he could already see the metal wires that crosshatched above the doorway. He really hoped the Usual Spot would be cooler on the inside.

Roxas pushed opened the already cracked metal door and was finally happy to be in the shade of his second home. Olette was sitting on a box, swinging her legs back and forth. Occasionally, her feet would kick against the box and make a small thud. Pence sat on one of the old crimson raggedy couches they had in their. He was leaned forward slightly, taking in everything that their 'leader', Hayner, was saying. As for Hayner, he was complaining about the usual subjects again. As soon as they felt his presence walk into the clubhouse, they gave a small wave and a greeting of "Hey there!".

"About time you got here.", Olette said with no hint of aggression especially with the wide smile painted on her shell pink lips.

"Sorry about that.", Roxas apologized while he slipped his fingers through the front of his head and lead to his hair, he was marginally grossed out to all the sweat he could feel.

"Well, you're just in time," Pence welcomed quickly, but already hurrying to the point, "Apparently, things are getting stolen again."

Roxas took a seat next to him, leaving his legs ajar and his fingers laced with one another. Hayner was the only one still standing on his feet. His face was a in a soft shade of red, probably from the heat, Roxas had guessed. But, the heat wasn't the only thing making Hayner's blood boil, "What's even worse is that everyone here is think we're the ones doing it! What do they think we are, thieves?"

As the leader of their small team went on, Roxas's eyes fell to the ground and stared at the gray cement below him. He was still listening but had different things on his mind as well. It seemed alright though, seeing as Hayner wasn't snapping at him for not paying attention.

"Hey, Roxas!"

Well, at least it lasted for a few moments.

He lazily held up his head to look up to his friend, "Yeah?"

"We've decided to go look around town and see who's been stealing these things." Hayner announced boldly, his hands gripped at his upper waist in a very triumph way.

Roxas nodded in an okay, with Pence following up with a question very shortly, "And about who's been framing us for stealing these things?"

The blonde snarled for a moment as a certain person breezed through his mind, "Oh, I already have an idea of who it is," stepping back before turning to a slight angle where his back faced them, Hayner's face untangled into a care free, victorious smile, "Now, come on! We have work to do."

It didn't exactly turn out how they planned it.

As soon as they had arrived to the Tram Common to speak to the victims of the thievery, the group of teens was given very dark, agitated looks. There were a large number of stores in the large and they had questioned every one of them, only to have it shoved back into their faces. Which resulted in a few minutes of pleading and trying to prove the false accusations, only to be given a doubtful shake of their heads and saying how disappointed they were in them.

At least an hour had passed with the same routine happening over and over again. The small party had been obviously been brooding to the idea of a good amount of the town having no more trust for them. However, it was clear that Hayner was the most chagrined out of all of them. He stood against a wall in one of the narrow alleyways, his arms folded over his chest and head hung low. A deep exasperated sign blew past his lips, "I can't believe no one believes us. We've always been the best. Doing their chores and always helping them. It's just so...unbelievable!"

Pence sat on a doorstep that was only a few feet away from Hayner. While fumbling with his entwined fingers for a moment, he looked up to his friend, "Maybe we should just wait a while? Sometimes, time can heal bad things?"

Olette stood next to Roxas, who had been pressing the brick wall with his backside. Her hands hugged at her hips as she leaned forward, "Or maybe, we could just get someone to confess that we haven't been stealing anything and that it's just a big lie."

Hayner's head shot up for a moment, almost hitting hard at the wall if he hadn't stopped in time. He uncrossed his arms as his hands bawled into fists, "That's it! Let's just go beat--"

"Ask.", Olette 'corrected' with a quirking eyebrow.

"Right. Ask that jerk to stop...And if he doesn't, we beat the crap out of him! Isn't that right, Roxas? We can take him!"

Roxas was almost dumbfounded for a second, his eyes in blinking in deadpan fashion, "Uh...sure?"

Hayner scooted closer to him before giving him a manly punch in the arm with the golden brown victim letting out a whine in pain, "That's the way! Now, to the Sandlot!" The blonde pushed off the wall, running in the right direction of the open area with his buddies following after, trying to catch up with the eager teenager.

As soon as their four pairs of feet hit against the cement ground of the Sandlot, the rival group of three turned their heads, each with their own look of annoyance. Seifer's eyes narrowed down to Hayner, honestly not having any business with the other three. Rai's hands were at his hips in anger, his mouth twisting as if he just ate something sour. With Fuu's usual frown, her 'rankled' exterior was nothing new to the rest. The blonde leader's scowl was very indistinct after a while, though his eyes were gleaming with aggravation, "Don't tell me you're that angry for us owning you guys a couple of days ago that you would sink so low as to this."

"Yeah! What Seifer said, y'know." Rai agreed with his friend as he opposed with the others.

Hayner stomped his foot forward, ignoring the minor pain it left in the bottom of his toes. His eyebrows furrowed as they always did with the usual rivalary fury, "Us? How can you accuse us when it's you, the one who's been stealing everything?"

Seifer was unmoved by the smaller blonde's calm yet clearly angry statement as his arms crossed against his chest, "Denial is always the root of insanity, idiot. Besides, I have no idea what you're talking about. Our proof over yours...which we win because you don't have any."


Everyone glanced at the silent girl at Seifer's side, who lingered about for an answer. Seifer's lips lifted with the usual smug smirk of he chuckled softly, "I like it. We have another rematch; who ever wins is the one with the real proof and the loser, who is going to be you, will be the one who's been stealing everything."

Hayner snapped back at the proposal without a second thought, "You're on! Hey, Roxas, you gonna help me?"

Remaining silent for most of the conversation, Roxas was taken back by the impulsive request. Of course, he couldn't just leave his friend hanging. "Yeah.", he smiled benignly as it only took a few steps to be where Hayner was.


The two, blue struggle bats were thrown to their feet. Hayner instantly threw his hand down to grab the handle of the weapon, looking as ready as ever. Roxas was almost hesitant as he bent down to get the bat, feeling rather dubious as to whether one of the three would sneak up on him. Pence and Olette backed up out of the arena to sit down on one of the benches, waiting for the epic battle to begin. The timid blonde could see them in the corner of his eyes, wishing that they could fight with them sometimes. Two against three was never fair or good. Although, it could have been even most of the time with their largest friend, Rai, being the slowest.

"Begin." Fuu said nonchalantly as the battle commenced.

Hayner lunged forward, racing towards Seifer with swift movement with the bat in front of his face for any unexpected attack. His opposite opponent was doing the same as he started and only aimed for the other leader. There was a loud bonk sound that was made every time they stroke at each other. They had been so good at this sport that they had hardly been touching each other, just their weapons slamming together every few seconds. As they pounded the large bats in battle, their wrists would slightly ache at all the pressure of having to hold the bat and the force of the attacker.

Roxas decided that he would leave Seifer to Hayner, almost too afraid to get burned by the fiery desire of violence. He focused his eyes of Rai and Fuu, who were racing towards him. Naturally, Fuu's small body made it easier for her to move while Rai ran slowly behind, but probably would have more of ache if one were to get in contact with his bat. However, Roxas just kept his eye on Fuu, trying to avoid all hits from her as long as he could.

It had been a good fifteen minutes since the battle began and no one had surrended or lost yet. Roxas's side ached from all the running and he hardly had time to breathe than he did to try and strike the others. He had been hit a couple of times but eventually rose back to his feet the second he was knocked down or pushed back. As he saw Fuu hold her weapon as if it was a blade and assault towards the blonde, he lifted his own and tries to smack it as hard as he could. She managed to be tossed back by the counter and he was given enough time to sneak a peek at Hayner's progress.

Hayner's flushed face was covered in sweat and his chest moved up and down rapidly. A pang of heaviness went through Roxas's heart, wishing he could be as determined as his friend. He didn't even seem to be in pain like Roxas was, who gripped at his side as if to make the ache go away. Glancing back to Fuu and Rai, he saw them coming to a close to him with their blue bats starting to swing in his direction. Roxas quickly pivoted his feet and dashed over to Hayner's side taking any chances even if it would be a close in.

However, Rai seemed to be out of it by now. His muscles had been weighing down on his this whole time and the sun was making him dizzy. Fuu was still at it though, even if her small body was starting to shake. Seifer looked equally as tired, he had countless red blemishes on his exposed skin and was extremely sweaty. But, of course, no one would even think of him giving up any time soon.

Even more minutes passed by and the fight was going nowhere. Roxas had to think of a way to get them to lose, knowing they wouldn't surrender. It was then an idea sparked into his head. It may have been a bit far-fetched, but he thought if he could bring down the leader, the servants would have to give up. He looked at Hayner and wanted to share the idea with him. But with his throat so dry it would probably only come out a raspy mumble. He would just have to do this all on his own.

Roxas turned around sharply and cut the air as he sped right past his friend and aimed for Seifer, striking at him. Unfortunately, the older blonde already noticed him too soon and attacked before he could even get near his personal spice. He pushed his smaller body backwards, straight to the ground. Roxas hit the hard pavement and was glad to be wearing pants instead of shorts that day and even with the extra baggage on, it still hurt.

He pushed himself off of the ground and glanced at the smug face of Seifer's, no sign of intimidation. Roxas's insides were burning from anger and the intense heat and trusted at him. He was just so pissed off with the heat, the towns accusations, Seifer's face, and fighting. The older blonde was now focused on Hayner, who seemed to be taking in deep breaths for a small break and didn't have much energy left. Roxas dived at Seifer with his weapon, only to have it be blocked. However, he could almost have seen that coming. He slipped his bat down from Seifer's and took a firm shot of his abdomen.

Seifer moaned in pain, stammering backwards and having a coughing fit. He felt dizzy and was in total shock that this loser could have actually hit him. He still wasn't out of Roxas's reach though. The smaller teen was directed at him again and swiped his bat towards him. He now had the smug look of accomplishment on his face. But before he could even hit him, his eyesight went black and he suddenly felt sick. The back of his neck ached and now he could feel himself falling.