Chapter 2

Princess-Yama here! Still not owning Tai or Yama- God damn copy right laws!

Well, here is chapter 2 for you lovely peoples.

"Yama, you missed a spot!" Taichi giggled as his boyfriend starred in disbelief at his reflection in the mirror. "I think I'll start calling you Patch." He mussed, sticking his tongue out at the boy before him.

"Where?" He frantically searched, pulling almost violently at his hair. Unable to find anything he sighed in relief. "You're a cock." Then he settled down onto the chair next to the bath.

"Right there!" Tai pointed excitedly at the only blond patch left in Yamato's hair.

"I hate you Tai! I can't believe you made me do this." Tear's pricked the corners of Matt's eyes as the realisation of what Tai had done to his precious hair dawned on him.

"You look hot." Taichi pouted.

"I look like a fool." He growled.

"A hot fool though, so nothing to worry about baby." He winked, pulling his once blond love into a tight hug.

"I hate you." Matt sobbed pulling at his hair. "It's black. You've destroyed my beautiful hair. I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"

"Stop whining and get dressed."

"I believe that to be the first time you've ever told me to get dressed." Matt pondered, forgetting about his anguish momentarily.

"True." Tai nodded, wondering what had possessed him to ask his very hot boyfriend to actually put clothes on. "I'll bye you lunch to say sorry about your hair." Tai smiled, wrapping Yamato further into his arms.

"I'm never leaving this house again!" He cried, breaking free of Tai's grip and locking them both in the bathroom. "Never ever ever!"

"Don't be such a baby." He teased, stroking the sobbing boy's hair with admiration.

"I need a hat."

"You don't wear hat's…?" a confused Tai replied.

"I've got to cover this mess up." He pointed at his now jet black hair, with a tiny little blond bit sticking out at the side in a matter of fact motion.

"It's ok, you don't need to cover it up Yama, I mean, don't mind if you hide out in my room forever." Tai grinned, imagining the prospect of keeping Yamato as his prisoner. "Or...we could always shave it off and wait for it to grow back blond."

"NO!" he grabbed protectively at his hair.

"It's not that bad Yama, I think it's kinda pretty." Tai grinned. Even though he found Matt's new hair a little odd, he did look hot, very hot in fact.

"Do you have a hat 'Chi?"

"Are you serious?" He motioned as the overly large mass of brown hair on top of his head. "I have enough trouble trying to fit my T-shirt over this, let alone a hat." Matt quirked an eyebrow, taking this rather obvious fact in.

"What about Hikari? She has a hat right?"

"Yea' it's pink."

"It'll do." He cried, un-locking the bathroom door and running to Hikari's bedroom. He snapped up the hat from her bed and shoved it onto his head, stuffing his black hair into the hat. Looking into her full length mirror he took in his reflection with a satisfied smile.

"You can't seriously think that looks better?" Tai groaned as he came up behind Matt, wrapping his arms around his waist. "See, now you look stupid."

"You don't like my hat?"

"I like the hat Yama. I like the hat on Hikari, it's a girl's hat, meant for girls. Are you a girl?"

"I either wear the hat or I never leave your house again." He protested.

"That's fine, you can stay here." Tai sighed at his boyfriend's antics.

"Nope, we're going out. Come on Tai." Matt pulled him by the wrist to the door.

"I'm not leaving the house with you looking like that!" Tai attached himself to the door frame with his spare hand. "Take the hat off Yama!"

"NO! Come on 'Chi, you promised me lunch." With his spare hand Matt tried to prize Tai from the door frame.

"You haven't got any clothes on Yama!" Tai pointed out, amusement dancing through his words.

To be continued ………

That's the end of that then. Sorry its short, but I'm ill so I can't be with doing all that much Please review me- reviews are always good, unless they're mean ones, then they're not too good. They make me cry. Do you really want to make me cry? Don't answer that.

Anyhoo, I'm off.

Love an hugs
