A/N: Before I start this, I must point out that this is my first Battletech/Mechwarrior story so excuse me if some of my information will be a little…off. But thanks to my partner in crime and best friend in fanfiction, PChadi0, I'm able to have enough information to get this thing on the road.

Disclaimer: I do not own Battletech nor do I own any of the mechs, factions, or planets there of. I do own most of the characters in this story as well as the regiment this story focuses on.

The Shooting Stars
By: Michael Sullivan


May 25, 3058
Whitetail Ridge, Planet Tecumseh
1450 hours

Planet Tecumseh, the wilderness-covered planet within the Kathil PDZ and home to the Garrett family. The family itself has had a long history for serving the Federated Commonwealth's Federated Suns faction. Some of them left home six years ago to fight off the Clan invasion in Tukayyid, including his father. His ancestors even fought in the 3030 War. Basically, his family had been fighting for House Davion right after the Star League collapsed several hundred years ago.

For Kyle Garrett, the youngest of his family's generation, joining the military was going to be a family tradition that'd been held for a long time. It was what made his family loyal to the Federated Suns and the House Davion. He was more than excited to join up and was hoping that he himself would live up to his family's reputation. On this day, he would be leaving on a ship to the planet New Avalon, capital of Federated Sun, to begin his training at NAIS academy. Like many of his ancestors, he wanted to become a professional mechwarrior and fight in a battlemech.

Kyle not only wanted to live up to his family's reputation, but he also wanted to leave Tecumseh behind. It was not the fact that he didn't want to leave his family; it was more along the lines that he was tired of being the bullied one when he was younger. He'd had many hardships with bullies in the past and hoped that he'd leave and never have to deal with them again. Of course, he knew that training in the military would harbor more bullies but he'd face them like a man this time. Even so, he loved his home planet; it just had too many bad memories for him.

At the moment, he was still at his home packing his belongings since he was going to be gone for a long time. For his mother, it was going to be a tearful goodbye and he knew it ever since he made his decision when he was a boy; and like all mothers, she also prayed for his safety should he go to the frontlines of a war. His father had died during the Battle of Tukayyid at the hands of Clan Jade Falcon. Part of him wanted revenge on the Clans, but he knew revenge would get him nowhere. Little did he realize that would be a principle he'd soon forget.

After packing the last of his belongings in a duffle bag, he hoisted it up and carried it on his shoulder and after the tearful goodbye he expected from his mother, he left for the spaceport. His friends had all gone their separate ways throughout the Federated Commonwealth and never saw them again so there was no point in saying goodbye to them. He had no love life either, having bullies did that to him considering he had a short temper that seemed to scare off the girls of his school. But thanks to some help, he was able to control his temper. After several hours of driving his hover car to the spaceport, he joined a group of other trainees who were headed towards the NAIS military academy.

While he was in the space ferry, he looked out a porthole to the planet Tecumseh, which was now getting smaller as they flew off towards the nearest jump ship in orbit. He then spoke in a soft tone towards it. "Farewell Tecumseh."

July 29, 3058
NAIS Training Academy, New Avalon
0800 Hours

Eight o'clock in the morning, just the start of a morning routine for Kyle. He had arrived at NAIS a day ago and was already introduced to a set of new rules as well as a new lifestyle. While the NAIS served as a university, it doubled as a military academy and that really lifted Kyle's spirits. For him, it was like going to both college and boot camp since he had to live in a dorm room as well as take classes besides military training. During his first day he was introduced to his two roommates, Joshua Forbes and Franklin Jacobs. Like him, they were also interested in joining the military but with different goals.

Franklin went to the university to serve for military intelligence. Joshua, on the other hand, went to become an aero fighter pilot. Despite their different goals, they seemed to get along the first day they all met. Even though they didn't have the same schedules they all agreed to at least try to hang out with each other after classes every chance they got before Joshua and Kyle went to the serious training. But for Kyle, there was hardly any time for doing anything outside of the classroom since he had to get to training with becoming a battlemech pilot. It was his first day in training and already he was anxious to get the training done.

"Ok you maggots, listen up!" His instructor shouted as he stood in front of a whole group of trainees with Kyle being one of them. "For the next several months you will be going through some of the toughest training and learning courses in order to become the best mechwarriors of the Federated Commonwealth so I expect the best from each and EVERY one of you! I want no slackin' off in his bunch! If I do catch someone slackin' here, they'll find themselves outta here before you can say 'well bargained, and done'! So I want all of ya to be at your best, do you get me!"

All at once the trainees shouted, "WE GET YOU SIR!"

"Good, get yourselves ready ladies, your training begins today!"

And so it did, after two months Kyle had already gained a spot near the top of his class and continued to strive in the tough training courses that the NAIS could throw at him; from obstacle courses, to learning the basics in military strategy in the classroom, to target practice with firearms. He also had to endure harder lessons that most trainees would give up too. No matter what was thrown at him, Kyle persevered and now it has come to learning how to piloting a battlemech itself. The local garrisons on New Avalon also served as instructors in that department in their battlemechs. It was Kyle's first day in a battlemech and he was assigned to one of his favorites, the Cougar.

In the locker room, he was getting his flight gear all set up so he could operate the mech properly. He was always taught that a pilot's flight suit was part of the essentials since it had most of his survival gear in it should he bail out of his mech in either unknown or enemy territory. Luckily for him, this was just target practice against both unmanned vehicles, and turrets. The turrets would only be used as simulated weapons while the weapons he would be using were the real deal. Just as he was getting out of the locker room, he bumped into someone and nearly made both of them fall over if he hadn't caught the person.

When he looked, his eyes widened at the most beautiful sight he has ever seen. Right there in front of him, was a woman who looked no older than he was with bright red hair, an oval face, slightly pale skin, and the most beautiful green eyes he has ever seen. She looked back at him with the same look on her face, but the two of them quickly recovered from their shock after realizing that he was still holding her arm after catching her.

"I'm terribly sorry, ma'am," Kyle apologized. "I didn't realize someone else was walking in front of the door."

"No it's Ok, I didn't realize that someone was in the locker room." She replied with a slight blush.

"Well, either way I'm sorry for bumping into you." He said trying to smile. He then checked his watch and almost cursed himself. "Oh crap! I'm gonna be late!" He then ran off before she heard her voice call out to him.

"W-wait! What's your name?" She asked looking at him.

"It's Kyle, Kyle Garrett." He replied with a little puzzlement in his eyes.

This brought a slight smile to her face before she replied, "My name is Victoria Niles."

Kyle watched as she left before he continued his sprint to the mech hangar. Once there he met up with his instructor, Leftenant Walton, who had been waiting for him by his personal Vulture mech. After reaching his instructor, he stood at attention and saluted almost like a professional. His instructor chuckled and saluted back.

"OK, Mr. Garret, your training session today will test your abilities in a light mech." The Leftenant said as he escorted Kyle to the hangar. In the hangar were a good assortment of battlemechs that were lightweight, medium, and heavyweight; there were even some assault type mechs in the hangar. "You'll go through a gauntlet of all different types of turrets and they will be programmed to shoot at your mech."

"They're only simulated weapons right?" Kyle asked a little hesitantly.

"Unfortunately, no," Leftenant Walton replied, much to Kyle's disappointment. "But not to worry, if your mech gets at least 70 percent damage, your mech will shut down and the turrets will cease firing."

Kyle sighed in relief; at least the turrets were only programmed to do some significant damage to his mech. "But I wouldn't get too comfortable," The Leftenant interrupted his thoughts. "If your mech shuts down, you fail the session, but not the course."

This made Kyle swallow a gasp of air that he held in when the Leftenant told him that. It made it all the more imperative that he doesn't let the turrets finish him off before it's too late. Just as he ridded himself of the thought of failing, his instructor stopped right in front of a mech in the hangar; looking up, Kyle saw the mech he would be piloting for his training. Standing on two legs that matched that of a bird's legs, was a green colored Raven mech. Kyle knew all about the Raven, and was wishing he had a better mech for this now.

"Well, here we are; your mech for your training." The Leftenant said as he looked at Kyle.

"Begging your pardon, sir, but I thought I was assigned a Cougar for the training." Kyle asked looking at his instructor. "I mean, a Raven isn't very well armed, with only small lasers and all."

Walton let out a small chuckle before answering him. "Well, the Raven may not be the most well-armed mech in the Inner Sphere, but it's one of the fastest light mechs out there. Don't worry, if you ever pass and get assignment you'll probably be assigned a better battlemech for your use. I never complained when I was assigned a mech just like it so you shouldn't either."

"Yes sir." Kyle replied after letting out a quiet, exasperated sigh.

"Now don't just stand there, cadet, get your ass moving to your mech on the double!" Walton suddenly snapped causing Kyle to stiffen his body at attention.

"Sir, yes sir!" He shouted before walking to the elevator that would take him up to the cockpit of his first ever battlemech, and to his first day as a mechwarrior.

A/N: There we go, that was just the prologue; the real training will begin in chapter 1. Any comments, suggestions, etc would be appreciated in your reviews.