Disclaimer: I don't own the Doctor, the TARDIS, Rose or any of the characters, planets, technology etc that appear in Doctor Who. I wish I did but who doesn't?

Chapter Summary: Epilogue. Tying up loose ends.

Chapter Fourteen: Back To The Stars

'How are you?' Rose asked quietly.

The Doctor was stood over the console of the TARDIS, his head bowed and his expression incredibly sad. He looked up at the sound of her voice and gave her a weak smile. 'Not good,' he said after a moment and with a heavy sigh. 'But I'll get better.' His smile widened into a heart-breakingly brave one. 'Been through a lot, me. I'm sort of used to pain now.'

'I'm sorry she turned out to be bad,' Rose said. It was a silly, trivial thing to say, but he appreciated the sentiment.

'Just my luck, eh? Only other Time Lord I've ever found and she turns out to be a renegade. Oh well, story of my life.' He straighed and said, 'How's Commander Excalda getting on?'

'Liana's being delivered to the authorities, the lab's been shut down, the victims who survived are being treated in hospital and he's trying to avoid answering too many awkward questions. Why?'

'I want to be leaving soon,' the Doctor said.

She gave him a hard look. 'We talked about this.'

'Yes, we did,' he agreed.

'Then stop being so impatient to get going,' she said.

There was a knock on the door of the TARDIS.

Rose grinned and went to answer it.

It was Xan. 'I feel very stupid for knocking on the door of a big blue box,' he observed, stepping inside.

'How are things?' the Doctor asked him cheerfully.

'Not bad,' Xan replied. He leant against the wall of the TARDIS. 'The authorities are conducting a full investigation into exactly what Liana's being doing. I've been keeping out of it all, but I have been making sure that the rebels get everything they need to give the investigators.'

'Excellent!' Rose said, delighted.

'All things sorted out,' the Doctor said with slightly less enthusiasm.

'I'm sorry about how it all turned out for you,' Xan said to him, apologetically.

'These things happen,' the Doctor said, shrugging.

There was a short silence.

'So, we're off,' the Doctor said.

Xan shook hands with him and then Rose. 'Thanks,' he said. 'It's been good meeting you both.'

Rose gave the Doctor a meaningful look. When he didn't notice, she kicked him and made a twirling gesture with one hand.

He frowned, then said, 'Oh yes! Rose and I were talking and…'

Xan raised an eyebrow. 'And what?' he asked, bemused.

'You could…come with us…' the Doctor said uncertainly. He and Rose both looked at Xan expectantly.

The young man looked startled. 'Come with you?'

'We both agree it'd be good to have along with us,' the Doctor said.

'Think about it, what do you have here?' Rose said bluntly. 'We're heading out to the stars, Xan. You can come with us, see them all, or you can stay here.'

'Your choice,' the Doctor said cheerfully. 'But you're more than welcome.' He gave the other man a smile, tucking his hands into his pockets. 'Well? You want to come and see the stars with us, travel from one end of space to the other, or stay here?'

Xan laughed. 'How can anyone say no to that?'

Note: There is a sequel in progress! I will be posting up the first chapter soon! (I hope…) I have a basic of idea of how the entire thing is going to go, but if anyone has any ideas then message them to me! I'd be interested to know if anyone does have any ideas!