Poison Revelations

Author: Uriel Falcon

Rating: M

Contains: CS, don't read if you don't like it. I don't need people describing how they hated it because of the couple. Thank you to all the reviewers, your support is great! And a special thanks to MBInc, for being my Beta reader. I own Suzi Vayne.

SEX (Haha, caught you all off-guard there!)

Catherine pulled up into her driveway, clicking off her lights. She walked around to the other side of her car, and helped Sara out of the vehicle. Sara was holding her back gingerly as she walked towards the door. Lindsey came bounding out, Nancy following behind her. Catherine ran in front of Sara, blocking Lindsey from jumping her.

"Lindsey, I know you want to see Sara, but hugging her might be a bad thing. Her back is really bad right now, so be gentle, okay?" Catherine warned, moving out of the way. Lindsey nodded, and padded over to Sara, intertwining their fingers.

"Are you going to be okay, Sara?" She asked, walking with Sara towards the door. Catherine was rattling off to Nancy about some thing or another. Sara nodded although she was grimacing at the pain of walking.

"Yeah, I will be. I hurt myself when I was younger, and then I kept getting into accidents or falling out of trees, so my back really hasn't ever recovered..." Sara explained nervously, trying to alleviate any fears that Lindsey might have. Lindsey smiled.

"Okay. I'm going to Aunt Nancy's tonight, so hurry up and poke Mom!" She grinned out, skipping ahead. Sara stopped, her jaw hitting the floor. When the hell did she learn THAT kind of terminology? Sara thought, shaking her head and walking slowly over to where Catherine was.

"Oh, Nancy, this is Sara. Sara, this is my sister, Nancy. Sis, be nice. I'm warning you." Catherine almost growled the last part. Sara shook hands with Nancy, giving her the most genuine smile she could in her condition.

"It's nice to meet you, Nancy." Sara spoke. Nancy smiled.

"You too, Sara. Now, you take care of my older sister, or I might get crazy. Bye Catherine, have a nice evening. Come on Lindsey, let's get going!" Nancy chimed. Sara's left eye twitched, and she gulped. She was in no condition to be fending off an overprotective younger sister. Catherine hugged and kissed her daughter.

"Love you sweetie. By the way, where did your grandma go?" Catherine asked. Lindsey shrugged.

"After Aunt Nancy came, Grandma said she had a date with Sammy." Catherine kissed her on the head again.

"Thanks, kiddo. Have fun at your Aunt's house!" After Nancy and Lindsey departed, Catherine led Sara into the house, locking up the doors afterwards. Sara leaned down to unlace her boots. With a sharp intake of breath she stood up again, holding her lower back in pain. Catherine grimaced, kneeling down.

"Here, let me help you." Catherine unlaced Sara's boots, pulling them off with ease.

"God, these are heavy! How did you run that fast in these honking things?" Catherine asked, pushing both boots aside onto the mat. Sara shrugged.

"I guess I just got used to it after awhile. Thank you for your help. I don't think I would have made it up all of those stairs. Four flights are not fun in any condition." Sara thanked. Catherine smiled and leaned up, giving Sara a tiny kiss on the cheek.

"It's no problem at all. Now, come on. One more set of stairs and then total relaxation." Catherine gave Sara a sultry smile, leading her upstairs. Sara took her time, eventually making it to the top of the stairs, a permanent frown on her face. Catherine led her into her bedroom.

The walls were a warm beige, along with the waving curtains in front of the large window. The bed sheets were a deep blue, and looked like they were satin. The canopy over the bed was beige, the frame some sort of dark wood. The dresser was made of the same wood, along with the cabinet in the corner and the closet door.

Catherine patted the bed, waiting for Sara to react. Sara snapped out of her reverie, and slowly made her way to lie on her stomach on the bed. Catherine propped a pillow underneath her head, after yanking off Sara's tank top without any sort of warning. She tossed it to the side, and straddled Sara's upper thighs, grinning at her own boldness.

"You know, I always pictured a sports bra... But I think I like lace better. Anyway, where exactly does it hurt?" She asked. Sara felt her ears go fire red. Feeling Catherine sitting on her legs, and the satin under her now bare skin was driving her slightly mad. But her throbbing back brought her back to reality.

"Do you see those two scars, running horizontal on either side of my spine? It's pretty far down. Anyway, the pain is all in that area of my spine. Sometimes I can't even bend." Sara explained. Catherine looked across Sara's back, her eyes fluttering over many different scars. She trailed her hands across Sara's back, causing goosebumps to form in her wake. Sara let out a shaky breath, feeling her strength and resistance wavering.

Catherine followed the two scars with her fingers, and pressed at the spine. She heard Sara growl deep in her throat, obviously trying to repress pain. Catherine felt the tenseness underneath her fingers, and began kneading at the spot, hard. Sara's fingers gripped hard at the pillow.

"Baby, god, you're so tense... Are you like this all the time?" Catherine asked, continuing to rub. Sara huffed a laugh.

"Unfortunately, yes." She answered, her voice raspy and deep. Catherine decided to tease Sara, smiling to herself. She leaned forward as she kneaded, pressing her breasts to Sara's back. Sara felt herself groan, feeling Catherine's nipples prodding into her back, the blond woman's center radiating heat. Catherine breathed into Sara's ear, licking the shell slowly with her hot tongue. She pressed her thumbs deep into Sara's lower back, causing the brunette to arch upwards away from the bed, pushing herself flush to Catherine.

"God, right there... uhn..." She moaned, feeling her pain drift away through the kneading of Catherine's hands. Catherine began suckling on her earlobe, pressing her center to Sara's lush rear end. Sara reached an arm back, stroking up Catherine's thigh. Catherine smiled, and leaned back again, still rubbing at Sara's back.

"Thanks Cath, that's good." Sara stated, slowly turning over. Catherine straddled her lap, running her hands up Sara's back. There was no grimace, only a large smile. Catherine grinned, and captured Sara's lips in a heated kiss, her hands flying over Sara's shoulders. Sara's hands busied themselves with her buttons, popping each one open easily.

Sara pulled the shirt off of Catherine's shoulders rapidly, her hands already exploring her skin. She squeezed Catherine's left breast with her hand while pulling the shirt further down her back. Catherine tossed her head back and moaned, throwing her shirt to the side, leaving her in a lacy red bra. Sara's mouth flew to her neck, sucking on the hollow of Catherine's throat. Her hands flew to the back of the blonde's bra, undoing the clasp and moving it out of the way.

Sara began kissing downwards, capturing a nipple in her mouth, suckling on it slowly while kneading the other. Catherine moaned even louder, her fingers pushing themselves through Sara's dark tresses, holding her to her breasts. Sara pushed forward, and soon Catherine was on her back, her legs locked around Sara's waist. Sara kissed her way down to Catherine's navel, dipping her tongue inside as she kissed and licked at her skin. Catherine looked into Sara's eyes, feeling heat making its way through their bodies.

Sara unbuttoned Catherine's pants, pulling them off, and tossing them into the corner. She kissed up back to Catherine's mouth, and looked into her eyes as she held herself above the blonde with her strong arms.

"Catherine, I... I don't want to do this if it's too fast for you. I love you, I'd do anything for you. Will you let me?" Sara spoke, her deep voice expressing exactly what she wanted to. Catherine smiled, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

"I love you, too. I want... No, I need you, Sara." Catherine spoke as she leaned up and kissed Sara with all the emotion she could muster. Sara's eyes spoke a thousands words as she looked down to her lover. Sara leaned forward, kissing Catherine's jaw underneath her ear, making soft clicking noises as she sucked on the soft area. Catherine squeaked as she felt teeth nip at her skin. She sighed in relief as she felt her panties being pushed down, and finally removed with a little help.

Sara massaged her inner thighs, slowly making her way towards Catherine's throbbing heat. With a little spreading movement, Sara slowly entered her with two fingers, causing Catherine to let out a loud shriek.

"Oh God, Sara, yes!" She moaned out, feeling Sara moving within her wet center. Sara smirked into her skin, her other hand running across the blonde's taut body. Catherine arched into Sara's palm, her hips bouncing off the bed. Sara slowly pushed another finger in, continued to thrust against her, rubbing her thumb over Catherine's nub. Catherine began to chant, her hands gripping at Sara's shoulders, feeling waves of pleasure crashing over her body. Sara began kissing downwards, finally landing at her wet, heated core.

Catherine let out a scream as she felt Sara's hot tongue press along her slit and nub. Sara continued licking away, enjoying the screams and shrieks Catherine was emitting. Catherine reached down and grabbed Sara's hand in a tight grip, raising her hips to meet every thrust. Sara gave a final lick, followed by a soft nip. Catherine found herself tumbling over the edge, her body clamping down on Sara's fingers, her eyes staring straight up, as if looking far out across something beautiful.

"Oh...Sara..." She whispered, her hand still wrapped in Sara's. Sara slowly made her way back up to Catherine's face, dropping soft kisses along her jaw. Catherine sighed, kissing Sara softly.

"I love you Sara. And I really want you to be a part of my life. A part of Lindsey's life." Catherine stated, curling up to Sara. Sara smiled, resting her chin on Catherine's golden curls.

"I do too. To both... Er... Ah, you know what I mean..." Sara laughed out, placing a kiss atop Catherine's head. Catherine grinned.

"Sara Sidle at a loss for words? That's different..." She giggled out, flipping over to lean over Sara. Sara shrugged.

"Only around you." She stated, rubbing her hands up Catherine's sides. Catherine laughed, leaning in for a kiss.

"Now, about repaying you... I have a few ideas..."

(it's not.)