It's been awhile, hasn't it? I'm back, and I'd love to continue the story, only one problem: my writing style has changed. This chapter was written before I went on hiatus, but after this, everything will be new. So what do you think? Should I update the other chapters with my new writing, expand on them? Or just continue on? Your opinion matters!

Disclaimer: Not mine, never were, but I finally have my own copy of the game! Yay!

Warnings: M/M love in this chapter, getting the highest rating of the story. Don't like it, move on.


Dollet. Balamb. Timber? No, not Timber. The beach would be nice. Just stay in town and camp on the beach. Too cold. Balamb's too close to home… it is home.

The argument went on for nearly half an hour, the two adults trying to figure out where they would go. Chesna sat at the table eating the cookies Zell had set out for her.

"We can't stay in Balamb. It wouldn't be a vacation, Zell."

"Maybe we shouldn't go at all then, since we can't seem to agree on a place."

"No, don't start that shit. I said we'd go, so we're going. Besides, I got Stick-in-the-ass to tell me to go. I'm not going to go back to work on Monday to have him on my back about not going. Especially since he gave us today off."

"Yeah, how'd you manage that one?"

"You managed it when you went to him upset. So while he's suddenly generous, let's take the offer. Hyne knows it'll never happen again." Seifer helped clean their breakfast dishes and put them away.

"Can I go?" Chesna asked, cookie crumbs on her mouth. Zell shook his head.

"Sorry, you're going to stay with Dee Dee for a few days. It'll be fun! Maybe she'll take you to the beach and you can hunt for shells."

"Yay!" Chesna replied, raising her arms in triumph. She climbed off the chair and scuttled out of the kitchen.

"Where you going?"

"Toys," her muffled voice came from the stairs.

"Is the beach really safe?"

"Oh, worried?" Zell grinned, avoiding a swat from the towel in Seifer's hands. "The public beach, not farther down. Ma wouldn't go there, not without someone stronger."

"So no Timber. And we can't stay in Balamb. Dollet?" Zell frowned, shrugging.

"Well we don't exactly have the time to go too far, and we can catch a boat to Dollet. Yeah, we can go there." Seifer sidled up behind him, resting his hands on the slimmer man's waist.

"Do you remember our field exam in Dollet? The trip will bring back memories."

"Yeah, of you being a prick and running off on us. Man! That thing was ridiculous! Chasing the three of us through the square. And you were already gone."

"Aw, come on chicky, that's in the past." Zell smirked and put the last dish away, turning in Seifer's arms.

"Of course not. Let's go get our stuff pack and bring Chesna over to Ma's house."

The two packed their bags, just enough for the weekend, and grabbed Chesna's with theirs. She stood with her bag on her back, Bear and Angelo popping out of the top. Hand in hand the three left the house and walked Chesna up the road. When Ma Dincht opened the door, the little girl nearly bowled her over in excitement.

"Chesna! Oh it's good to see you. We're going to have so much fun, won't we?"

"The beach! The beach!" Chesna chanted, twirling. Zell and his mother laughed, while Seifer stood back, amused.

"We've decided on Dollet. We'll call when we get there and let you know which hotel we're staying at. Be home later Sunday." The older woman kissed her son and insisted on kissing Seifer's cheek at well, before sending the two off. They waved goodbye to Chesna and headed down to the docks.

"We'll have to go see the new communication tower," Zell said, bouncing along. "I heard they rebuilt it really nice. Oh, and they fixed up the center of town. I think there's a hotel right there we can stay at."

Unlike the first time they went to Dollet, the boat they took was for civilians, and was rather nice. The ride took longer this time, considering the reason for the travel, but they could walk on the deck and enjoy the sea breeze.

Standing at the bow they watched land approach again and disembarked with the other passengers. A few people in Dollet looked their way briefly, but kept on with their business.

Zell had been right. There was a hotel right in the center of Dollet. They registered with the clerk and got their room key, trudging up the stairs to the top floor. As Seifer opened the door and took Zell's bag while he called his mother.

"Hey Ma."

"Oh, there already? How was the trip?"

"Nice. How's Chesna?"

"Oh, she's just fine. Chesna, want to talk to Zell?" Zell heard her yell something in the background, and then the thunder of little feet.


"Hi Chezzy, be good for Dee Dee, okay?"

"I will! Kiss Daddy."

"For you? Of course I will."

"Bye!" The phone was almost dropped as Chesna ran off again.


"Yeah, I'm still here mom. Anyway, my cell phone will be on while we're here, but I might not have it with me. If it's an emergency call The Admiral's Amity. It's in the center of Dollet."

"Okay. Take care."

"Will do, Ma. Bye." Zell hung up the phone and was putting it in his pocket when a pair of strong arms scooped him up.

"Everything all right?"

"Of course." Zell slipped his arms around Seifer's shoulders as the taller man carried him into the room. "What a romantic gesture. Who'd have thought the great Seifer Almasy was capable of that."

"Don't make me regret it," Seifer said, with a slight smirk, kicking the door shut behind them.

The room was large, with one king sized bed in the center of one wall. Opposite where they stood was a glass door leading onto a balcony. Seifer put Zell down and he ran to the door, swinging it open. "Oh wow! It looks over the square, Seif, look!" Zell practically bounced. Seifer joined him, leaning on the intricate iron railing. Right below them was a large fountain, the water lapping against the sides.

Unable to stand still any longer, Zell bounced back into the room, running into the bathroom. "Whoa! Even the bathroom is huge. It's like, twice the size we have at home!" Seifer poked his head in, grinning at his little lover. He'd casually thrown himself in the large Jacuzzi style tub, pretending to be soaking in the water.

It was giving Seifer lots of delicious ideas.

Done enjoying his "bath," Zell ran back into the main room. As he was sprinting back to the balcony, Seifer grabbed him in his arms and tossed him on the bed. Zell eyed him curiously for a minute; a slow grin breaking out over his face as Seifer slowly peeled his long white jacket off. He tossed it onto the chair near the bed, pulling Zell into a sitting position and removing his jacket as well.

"It's been awhile… since we've had some time alone," Seifer said softly, his voice deep, filled with lust and something a little dark. The Seifer Zell knew and loved. "And I don't plan on letting you go until I've had my fill."

Zell felt his face flush as his shoes were pulled from his feet. He heard them hit the floor, and watched as Seifer shifted, his own boots landing on the floor.

Shirts soon followed, and Seifer pinned Zell beneath him, trapping his arms over his head as he kissed down the length of his torso. "Tastes… like chicken's on the menu tonight…" he murmured, tongue flicking out and licking up the center of his chest.

Their lips met in a slow, passionate kiss that got faster as the seconds passed. Bodies pressed flush against each other, Zell started to move beneath his lover, soft whimpers coming from the back of his throat as his jeans grew tighter.

The rest of Zell's clothing was pulled off with torturously slow movements, and the tattooed blond thought he would go mad with desire. He stared at Seifer through lust-filled eyes only to find him staring back with just as much intent.

"Now." Zell begged, lowering his voice. Seifer's eyes widened briefly, hot, pink tongue darting between his lips to lick them.

To emphasize his point, Zell twisted beneath Seifer, pushing his hips up against Seifer's still clothed lower half. The rough fabric of his jeans against his naked skin scratched. Seifer bit back his own moan, the resulting sound coming out as a deep grunt.

The rest of his clothes soon joined the every growing pile on the floor, and to tease his partner, pressed the full length of their bodies together. The heat was so intense, Zell was momentarily glad they'd left the door to the balcony open. Then he prayed no one would see. But as Seifer shifted, moving between his legs, he hoped that if someone was watching, they at least enjoyed the show.

Without warning, Seifer grabbed Zell and flipped him over, pulling his back towards his chest and forcing him down into his lap. Zell winced, ignoring the pain as he sat back slowly, his thighs coming to rest against Seifer's. His lovers breath was hot in his ear, panting.

They moved, slowly at first, then quicker as beads of sweat poured down their faces, dripping down their chests and backs. A cool breeze drifted into their room, caressing the sweat soaked skin. Zell breathed, each breath coming out in soft "ha" sounds, head tilted back and face to the ceiling.

Seifer's large hands roamed his chest, slipping slowly down towards his waist and hips, caressing each thigh while his lips attacked Zell's neck, nipping and sucking the tender flesh leaving light bruises.

They came at the same time, Zell crying out as he collapsed back against Seifer, who lazily continued his kisses, licking the occasional trail of sweat from Zell's salty skin. They remained silent for some time, sitting like that with Seifer's arms around Zell's waist, and Zell sitting in his lap. Their pulses slowed and the high waned as a pleasant exhaustion settled in.

Zell lay on the bed, the navy satin sheet draped over his thin waist. Seifer had grabbed his pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket and lit one, lying back on the bed. Zell grumbled something about the room but Seifer shrugged it off, turning onto his side.

Leaning forward, Zell parted his lips slightly. Seifer placed his lips to the cigarette again and breathed in. Bringing the burning ember dangerously close to Zell's face, he pulled him closer and breathed out, the smoke drifting between them. Zell sucked it in, relishing the taste of ash and Seifer at once. Abruptly he closed the distance, sucking eagerly on his lover's full bottom lip.

Seifer broke the kiss and rolled over, putting the cigarette out, before sliding between the sheets and rolling onto Zell. Despite the relatively short amount of time since the last time, their passion was renewed, lust filled eyes gazing into equally hungry eyes.


The water in the tub was warm and relaxing. Zell lounged against Seifer, sinking low into the water, head resting against the taller man's chest.

"This is great…" Zell said lazily, closing his eyes.

"Don't fall asleep," Seifer warned, kissing the top of his head.

"Let's get a giant bath like this at home," the small blond suggested, raising a hand above the water to flick a bubble.

"Let's not. It wouldn't fit in the bathroom we have."

"Then let's come back here often," Zell said. Seifer wrapped his arms around him and held him, but didn't answer.


After the bath the two ate dinner at a little café on the other side of the street. It was quiet, and offered them a nice view of the fountain and the rest of the center of town. Zell was hyper, often nearly jumping out of his seat at how good the food was, or if he happened to see something interesting out of the corner of his eye.

Following dinner, they walked to the communications tower to look it over. Zell jumped excitedly when he saw it. "Remember what it was like when we came here for our field test? Neglected and falling apart. Now look at it."

"Yeah, looks like they really kept it going," Seifer said, wrapping his arm around Zell's shoulder to keep him from doing a random flip or pretending there was some invisible opponent, as he often did before Chesna came.

"I'm glad. I worked hard to save this place." Seifer shot him a look. "What?! I did! You went running the other way."

"I know…" Seifer's arm tightened around his shoulder briefly, and he kissed the top of his head. Couldn't argue with the facts, as much as he wanted to.

It was late when they started back for town, holding hands. The walk was slow, deliberate. Above them the stars were shiny brightly, and a warm breeze floated around them, caressing their skin. Their fingers were entwined; Seifer's thumb occasionally rubbing the back of Zell's hand.

When they got back to the hotel, the two were tired from their long walk. They quickly shed their clothes and climbed into the bed, Zell curling up against Seifer's side, who put an arm around him.

That night they discussed everything from work, to home matter, to their newfound family. For the first time in months, they made love. It wasn't hurried and rough like they both had grown used to. When Zell came, he cried, not because Seifer had been rough, but because he loved the man so much he couldn't contain it anymore. Seifer licked the tears off his eyelashes and kissed him gently.